I Am Wrath
I Am Wrath
R | 13 May 2016 (USA)
I Am Wrath Trailers

A man is out for justice after a group of corrupt police officers are unable to catch his wife's killer.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
mike_olley This is a revenge movie and not a bad one to boot. Tad slow - it's takes our hero, played by John Travolta a full 26 minutes to get it into his head - "it's down to him." Travolta plays a realistic vigilanti yet his wig is so obviously bad it reduces his commanding performance. You would think they could have upped the spend on our hero's hairpiece....!!Expect the normal fast (ish) revenge movie, with little thought provoking narrative or romantic aspect. I did ask myself... shouldn't Travolta be doing better produced and higher budget movies by now ?
kgriffith44 This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It was so bad, I couldn't keep from watching it. Horrible, ridiculous script with so many holes, a herd of elephants could fall through. Terrible editing. It is amazing anybody would have put up the money for this tripe. A lot of good actors couldn't save this mess. Don't start watching it...you won't be able to take your eyes off the train wreck.
RoboRabbit89 Let me get to it, this film was not half bad. John Travolta is a very good actor and I feel for a direct to DVD film as this is was done exceptionally well by director Chuck Russell.The story is your typical revenge thriller formula but I think this was elevated by Chuck Russell and John.When I first seen this my expectations were low but was pleasantly surprised on how it was handled. It's very entertaining from start to finish.The action scenes are pretty good for it's budget, the writing is average at best but again, it's elevated by the director and John. The movie knows wait it is, and it knows it, the film doesn't try to be more, which is always good because I hate movies that do when they really don't.Overall a good direct to DVD action film that is fun to watch, there is just enough action scenes, one liners and thrills to keep you entertained. It passes the time.I give it a 6/10. I highly recommend it.
a_chinn First off, I thought John Travolta had accepted his male pattern baldness, but based upon the terrible wig atop his head in this film, I guess that is not the case. Besides the bad wig, we have yet another middle aged vigilante "Death Wish" knock-off. Travolta plays a mild mannered upright citizen who's wife, Rebecca De Mornay, is murdered during a mugging gone wrong, but when the justice system sets the murderers free, it's up to Vinnie Barbarino to go all Charles Bronson on these lowlifes. To help him go all Mr. Majestic on his wife's murderers, he enlists the help of lowlife friend Christopher Meloni, which is kind of fun since Meloni played a straight arrow cop on "Law & Order" for so many years. Also in the film's favor is director Chuck Russell, who did the underrated remake of "The Blob," Jim Carrey's best comedy, "The Mask," and also directed everyone's favorite Nightmare on Elm Street sequel, Dream Warriors. The film was also shot by Andrzej Sekula, who did "Pulp Fiction" and "Reservoir Dogs" among may other respectable genre films. However, the script for "I Am Wrath" is such an awful mishmash of clichés that it renders the film nearly unwatchable. Outside of not being able to take my eyes off of Travolta's terrible rug, Meloni is the only thing worth watching in the film. If you need a recent vigilante film fix, stick with Kevin Bacon in "Death Sentence," Keanu Reeves in "John Wick," or Michael Caine in "Harry Brown."