Hot Bot
Hot Bot
NR | 01 March 2016 (USA)
Hot Bot Trailers

Hot Bot is the hilarious journey of two sexually repressed and unpopular teenage geeks who accidentally discover a life-like super-model sex bot.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
ladybug2535 I am a very forgiving reviewer--I can usually find something to like about a film. In this case the only reason it gets 3 points at all is due to the premise, but as far as the plot, the characters, the dialogue--and as another reviewer puts it, the execution, it is a genuine stinker.None of the characters are likable, not even the robot or the kids. I have no issue at all about sexbots, nor do I have a problem with evolving AI--especially as they are likely a near reality, but the WAY in which this story was told was just terrible! As is often the case, the kids are too precocious, but even given that, they simply aren't believable--in their actions, their dialogue or their acting. I mean usually, the writers at least make the main kids likable or endearing in some way. In this movie, the one "nice" lead, is just too, too much to be believable, and the whole religious spiel in the middle of the film as a plot device? Ugh. To be fair, I can't decide if it's the acting that is off, or the directing--as if that ultimately matters in a film this bad (I can forgive either one if other elements make up for it) but the dialoge and development sure don't help. All of the other characters are pure (and poorly done) stereotypical caricature. The entire thing reads as a throwaway script in some slush pile.Now it's obvious that this film is aimed at young pubescent boys, but I doubt even that demographic would enjoy this film. There isn't enough substance--or visual candy in here to be even mildly titillating. This movie offers absolutely nothing to the audience. My recommendation is to just pass this one by--pubescent boy or not-- cause if you ARE a pubescent boy you will be sorely disappointed.
reaseltbim The idea for this movie is not something new and has been done before but i watched this hoping they put a modern spin on this story, but i was mistaken. The story feels very "by the numbers" and there's no much that's different from previous movies of this kind. The leads are very unlikable and you really never feel a connection to them or really want them to succeed. The humor is not funny and comes off as rude and awkward. The movie could have explored the artificial intelligence and free will plot better but that is not really touched upon much. The movie rather chooses to focus on the teenage unlikable leads and their loser lives. There was a lot they could have done but they chose to do a movie like "superbad " with a robot instead. The robot herself and how she was learning was very interesting but she never develops a personality. The ending was kind of cliché and unrealistic. Comes out of nowhere because the friendship between the guy and the girl was never fully developed.
kosmasp I think the only thing that can be considered to have been done right is the Hot Bot. I think you cannot argue that she is hot. But casting someone who doesn't do nudity in the main role of a movie like this, is a bit wrong. Especially because there is nudity here by other actresses. Not to mention that while there is almost nothing happening here (kind of literally, which is "funny" in a bad way considering the very naughty beginning), the jokes are badly written too.I guess this is supposed to be a sort of remake of an 80s movie with Kelly LeBrock in the main role. Mix in a bit of Superbad or something recent and you have a winning formula, right? Well unfortunately wrong, which is a shame indeed. Not funny or hot at all, which is kind of hard to achieve (no pun intended) if you think about it ...
boomdart This movie is absolutely terrible in every single way.Let's get one thing out of the way - if you go into this movie thinking it's going to have sexy babes, nudity galore, you are going to be sorely disappointed. There is none aside from a very short topless scene at the very beginning.The writing is awful, the story is barely passable, it has little to no background music, the characters are all unlikable, and it uses very poor taste in "jokes."There is no one redeeming feature of this movie. Pass on it, watch something else, anything else. If you have two choices and one is this movie and the other is birdemic, watch birdemic.