White Girl
White Girl
NR | 02 September 2016 (USA)
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Summer, New York City. A college girl falls hard for a guy she just met. After a night of partying goes wrong, she goes to wild extremes to get him back.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
shawnblackman A young woman falls for a small time drug dealer who ends up in jail facing a long sentence. She has no money but needs 17 000 dollars to get a decent lawyer and pay a dealer back. How far will she go to get it? You have to go long along with the idea that she loves this man (that she just met) so much she'll do however many people it takes to get him out. Most of the film she is snorting coke and having sex but it is necessary for the context of the plot.This film is gritty and down right depressing but entertaining at the same time. Try and catch this one but be warned (or notified) that there are a few explicit scenes.
J-bot6 As the review title suggests, I was impressed by the acting in this film. In fact, the performances are phenomenal -- especially from Morgan Saylor. Absolutely fearless.It's nice to see a movie that depicts people as real people in real places instead of as hyper-real, campy, or contrived. I personally know people who made the move from small towns/small cities to the big city and this story rings true on a number of levels.Watching the characters descend into what seems to be an unrecoverable downward spiral is fascinating both by the tragedy of it and the accelerated pace that this film presents. As such, the tight editing in this movie should also be mentioned. The narrative flows smoothly throughout.Leah's encounters with the various 'pitfalls' of the big city proceed to take a notch off of her over-confident view that she is an invincible thrill-seeker -- free of consequence.So it is then that the final scene of her sitting down to the first day of the second year of college is all that more jarring. It makes you really wonder what kind of history your classmates have. Behind each face is a story, and hers is so extreme that it threatens to rip her right out of functional society. One change that I think might have resulted in even more impact would have been to make it the first day of her first year at college. She could still have been the same age (perhaps taking some time off after graduating high school). That way she'd truly be moving into new territory with a nearly-destroyed frame-of-reference. As it is though, it's still an effective ending that leaves the audience to ponder what is either her new beginning or the start of a new crash.What is most haunting is that Blue will probably always hate her and will never know the sacrifices that she made to try to help him (however misguided her methods were).
LJplays Probably one of the best female performances i've seen for a very long time, especially when you consider the movie was written and directed by a female "Elizabeth Wood", so you are not viewing the movie from the male gaze. Most sexist cooperate movie reviewers wont even understand what the male gaze is - so i commend all the people involved in this production. If Morgan misses out on a nomination - she has been robbed. I highly recommend this movie to all! <3The movie is hard hitting and real - in a similar vein to American HONEY. If you like coming of age movies that are hard hitting - Enjoy.Thanks for reading.
twotrybe So why would a person watch a film with little to no redeeming values? You will ask this question every ten minutes as this film flows deeper and deeper down the sewer line. There are people in this film that you grow to hate and not care for. The female lead exploits her own depravity where you question the basic logic of her behavior. She makes some of the most profound mistakes early on and she keeps making these mistakes throughout the picture. And the theme has been beaten to death and if there was suppose to be any shock value, it was lost in the delivery of the script and the direction. Why should we care about another drug user? Why should we invest in the relationship between her and her boyfriend drug dealer? We've seen this trope too many times to give a damn. The utter stupidity of this girl and the lack of any common sense just screams at you. Every minute that passed by makes you want to just end the film because it gets worse and worse. If this was suppose to be based on true events then I pity the person who's life this was based on because every moment was just so dumb. This was an ugly film where every character was despicable. The boss, the roommate, the boyfriend, the other dope dealers, the cops, the lawyer, there were no characters were you could shine a light on. No one can be this blatantly naive and expect to survive in New York City.