Woman Undone
Woman Undone
| 04 February 1996 (USA)
Woman Undone Trailers

When Terri Hansen (Mary McDonnell) emerges from a fiery car crash as a widow, the local sheriff at first believes her account of the accident. But there's a snag in her story. Namely, a bullet in her dead husband. Just what did happen on that dark desert road? Through a series of telling flashbacks, we and the jury learn the bizarre truth. Randy Quaid and Sam Elliott costar in this riveting drama.

SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Patience Watson One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
deanp53 When I was an editor I was hired to create a promo for a film distributing convention for "A Woman Undone". What was most enjoyable about the job was that I could use any background music I wanted because the finished product would not be seen by any paying customers. I chose music by Bernard Herrmann written for a 1971 British film, The Night Digger. I was very proud of my final product. I feel that I made the Showtime film intriguing and suspenseful when it may have not been. A bit of trivia is that One of the actresses, Georgann Johnson went to school with my mother, Marjorie Talle.Dean Peter Merriman.
pwpw63 I actually thought it was a parody at first... the people in it are pretty good actors. I could not stop watching because it was hard to believe it was continuing to be so bad... dialog stiff, strange, odd... story line pretty close to a laugh...but never quite made it...oh, I'm lying, maybe when we found out she shot her husband to keep him from suffering when he got stuck in a burning car... that was so far-fetched, esp. since she was cheating on him with a young hottie and planned on getting a divorce... wish the writer had dared to take this one over the edge. With more work, it might have been a great parody. Unless you're desperate or a movie masochist, skip this one.
blanche-2 A good cast is wasted on what might have been an intriguing story. Unfortunately, it is hurt by the execution. This slow-moving film looks like it was made on the cheap - in fact, parts of it appear to have been filmed at a motel. Mary McDonnell, a wonderful actress and a beautiful woman, is miscast as a femme fatale. Her hair is unnaturally dark and apparently the cameraman despised her. How she tells Benjamin Bratt (wasted in a poorly-defined role) that she's 36 with a straight face is a tribute to her acting. It's a shame because the story was an interesting one, not going exactly the way one expects. But I wonder how many people stuck with it long enough for the plot to unfold. However, miscast or not, it's always a pleasure to see McDonnell, and great to see Sam Elliott.
Robin Cunningham Very minor variations on the age old lovers triangle. There was a bit of hope, but uninspired writing provided cardboard, two-dimensional characters. Even Sam Elliott, who I usually enjoy, comes off flat. To me, the movie was in large part a waste of time UNTIL the last few minutes when a bit of an interesting twist on the ending was somewhat redemptive, moving my 2/10 to 4/10.