Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh
Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh
G | 05 December 2008 (USA)
Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh Trailers

Step brothers Drake and Josh must give a foster family the best Christmas ever or face years in jail for a Christmas party gone wrong.

Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
surfin_papa_smurf I'll be honest, I was pretty surprised and excited when I saw they were making a "Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh". We never really experienced a series finale, so they sort of ended the show in an odd way.To get the point, I'm not impressed. It just, it wasn't Drake & Josh! The directing and script just didn't have the same feel as the series. I wouldn't blame the mostly bad acting as much as I would blame the script. The story was just terrible to say the least.There was no Drake & Josh comedy that we were used to, unless you are 7 years old. I have friends that are 18+ and they got a kick out of the series, but it seemed they were aiming this to very little kids, yet at the same time throwing in bits and pieces that would make no sense to children.I don't want to give away any spoilers by fully explaining some of the characters, but I will say a majority of the actors were horrible actors. I know a lot of people will say, "But they were just kids", well so was Miranda and she was a fantastic actress.I don't know, maybe I'm a hater and I expect nothing but thumbs down, but I'm a long time Drake & Josh fan. I watched it from the start and never stopped, but "Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh" completely disappointed me.
gimmemore10 The latest Drake and Josh movie was not only unoriginal, it just wasn't good period. The movie tried something different, but just failed and the jokes were unfunny. It seemed like we weren't seeing a Drake and Josh movie just a stinker. Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh is about Drake and Josh spending time on Christmas Day, but he promises a girl named Mary Alice to have the best Christmas ever and since Drake and Josh are framed for a crime they have to give Mary Alice the best Christmas ever or they go to jail. I thought this film was just boring. The film didn't take us in anything new or special and when the film would feel tired it would try to insert a repetitive joke or try and create another conflict. If there was any movie that is hard to make it would be a Christmas movie. You don't believe me? For example Four Christmases, Fred Claus, Deck the halls, Unaccompanied Minors, Santa Clause 3: The escape Claus, and should I continue?Overall I thought Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh was a poor, boring effort that could have been better than what it was.
joshua-halstead i actually was surprised that i liked it that much. this was a very good movie, of course i am a big fan of drake bell, josh peck, Miranda Coscrove, and jerry trainer. the film was funny and just plain goofy. the film was by far one of the best Christmas movies that have come out in the last 5 years. it was fun to see the cast back together again. the film had its own spin on Christmas and the traditional Christmas songs, jingle bells and 12 days of Christmas. it was enjoyable family film. if you are a fan of drake and josh, you will love this film, same goes for if you are a fan of Christmas films. the film was totally kid appropriate. i think the film is definitely worth adding to your Christmas collection.
ilikechipsandsalsa I loved this movie so much that I actually made an account on here just to add a comment! :D Normally, it's really hard to keep my attention in almost any movie, but I watched every second of this one and never turned away from my TV unless the commercials came on! Mostly because it was good from BEGINNING to END. I loved it. I watched it yesterday and today and plan on watching it again for the third time. It was really funny. I laughed throughout almost every scene. Some parts I wanted to cry, and some parts made me smile so big. :) It was SO much better compared to their Hollywood movie! It's on my list of favorite Christmas movies, now.