A Merry Friggin' Christmas
A Merry Friggin' Christmas
PG-13 | 07 November 2014 (USA)
A Merry Friggin' Christmas Trailers

Boyd Mitchler and his family must spend Christmas with his estranged family of misfits. Upon realizing that he left all his son's gifts at home, he hits the road with his dad in an attempt to make the 8-hour round trip before sunrise.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Mitchell Wells I don't understand all this overly effusive praise for Robin Williams. One user indicated that Robin Williams was one if the greatest actors and comedians of all time. Neither is true. Far from it.As a comedian he trafficked in racist stereotypes and cartoon-ish voices that accompanied his childish antics. May be somewhat amusing if your 12-years-old. But that's alright. Bored 12-year-olds buy a lot of movie tickets in the summer. That became Williams' bread and butter in the '90's. He got the roles that Sandler, Carey, Myers, and a long list of others passed on. Not that a guy like Sandler or even Carey were more talented actors, they were more relevant and well known do to recent SNL exposure. Williams was on TV in the '70's.Robins did take a genius turn in the Fisher King. Revelatory. After his first into of fare in the '90's, he turned to morose and creepy supporting roles. He did this essentially until his death. He played morose well. He never really took another chance like he did in Fisher King. I don't know if he wasn't offered the roles or if he simply was comfortable in familiar territory.This film was fine. Expectations were met. It was an adequate low budget-made for TV and not theaters-basic cable and you watch it cause you're bored film. It was what it was. Within that contextual framework I would say it was 7/10. This film is what it is and does a fair job at it.The Godfather 2 or Citizen Kane it ain't. I think people need to temper their expectations and understand that you don't judge films such as this through comparisons to great art. This is a cheap movie that entertains you somewhat for 90 minutes. Judge it against its contemporaries which are other made for TV Christmas movies. This film compares favorably to most.
tomjackson-65632 A very enjoyable holiday film with great casting. It did remind me of a TV movie, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. A man, played by Joel McHale, who suffered through an alcoholic father and less than great holidays, is determined to make his son's holidays as terrific as possible. He also wants his son to believe in Santa for as long as possible. After they make the long drive to his parent's home for Christmas, the parents realize they've left the son's gifts all back at their house. So McHale decides to drive back home overnight and get the gifts, so that his son can still believe in Santa Claus. When his car dies, he's forced to make the drive with his father. I'm sure you can guess how it all ends up, but it was still fun and charming, with a few laugh out loud moments. The end is very cute and just what you'd want in a holiday film.
juneebuggy Sadly this was just not good, disappointing because its one of the last movies Robin Williams gave to us. The plot is dull, rehashed and uninspired and I didn't enjoy Robin Williams character at all. He is grumpy, angry and shouting but not in a Clarke Griswold I just lost it over the Christmas lights and had a meltdown and we can all relate sort of way. Williams just seems bitter. In fact this whole family of "misfits" just yells at each other in a very unappealing way, with Candice Bergen bumbling along in the role of the mother.Joel McHale does a decent enough job as Boyd Mitchler, a man overcompensating for his own failed childhood. When he forgets his Christmas gifts at home while visiting his parents he embarks on an 8-hour road trip with his estranged father in order to get them under the tree in time for the big day.I did like some of the sub characters; drunken "got any brandy" Santa (Oliver Platt) and Clarke Duke as the PTSD "suffering" sidekick. Ultimately this was harmless, mildly entertaining and completely forgettable. 12/25/14
FlashCallahan Boyd Mitchler and his family must spend Christmas with his estranged family, and especially his father, who ruined the miracle of Christmas for him when he was a child.Upon realising that he left all his son's gifts at home, he hits the road with his father in an attempt to make the 8-hour round trip before sunrise, so he doesn't ruin the miracle for his son, thus turning him into his Father....Christmas films used to be magical, and about sweet saccharine topics, kids defeating wet bandits, Bill Murray kissing Bobcat Goldthwaite, and Chevy Chase speeding down a hill. But it appears that in the advent of Bad Santa, movie studios feel that they need to put a dark edge on all things Christmas, and here is no exception.It's not saying that its a bad movie, it's pretty enjoyable for the most part, and the message of keeping the Christmas dream alive for the kids is there, it's just that parts of the nuclear family aspect are handled sluggishly, and parts that should make you laugh, make you cringe.Such as the Middle Eastern family staying at the Mitchler residence, and the husband who has been charged for being 'rude' just don't cut this type of film, especially when they try and milk the jokes for all they are worth.So we get the husband playing Scrabble using innuendo, and the family being spoken to in their native tongue abhorrently. Oh how we laugh!!Saying that though, the scenes with Willams and his two sons are truly brilliant, and make the whole film worth watching.After all, this is one of the last films he made.Not a great film, but it does have its moments.