Santa Claws
Santa Claws
PG | 04 November 2014 (USA)
Santa Claws Trailers

Santa is allergic to cats, so he has a policy against delivering them as gifts, but little Tommy has been SO good, and all he wants is one small kitty. Santa says OK, but instead of one, the whole litter climbs into the sack. When Santa has a major allergic reaction, the kittens have to take over and deliver the presents on time.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Sameeha Pugh It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
sumanan047 This movie was hands down AWFUL for children and for cats. First, the story was awful. They jumped from one scene to another, without any explanation in the story progression. My question to the writer is where is the parents, the grandparents of Tommy? Why is Marcus alone in his house when he clearly has no job? Why is the mother a bully to her child? This is not a good movie for children. So far, from my own observation, it teaches children how to establish a cultish lifestyle (i.e Marcus and his obsession with Santa), that Christmas is about presents to subdue and pacify children, such that it will prevent the apocalypse... The only character who is smart here is Tommy. But... not that smart when he let Marcus, the neighbor keep the three kittens, when he trapped Maisy, the mother of the three kittens in a laundry bin, and shook it violently, after he trespassed onto Tommy's property! ( I say Tommy because the mother is clueless)Also, Where is Tommy's Father????At one point in the movie, Santa eats peanut butter cookies, of which he is severely allergic... which begs the question of Why does Santa have all this magic, and not cure his allergies, let alone turn a regular pen into an EPIpen??? Yet, Santa was saved by an EPI-pen that was kept under the sink in a dusty first-aid box, which Tommy was ordered to find, while his mother didn't have the clarity of mind to fetch it herself!!! Also, the mother didn't notice a very large, red old man snoring on the floor three feet away from her, while the neighbor Marcus, could hear from the backyard of his home...Is this movie bad? Yes it is. Is it so bad, that it is really good? No, it's just bad.There were other discontinuities in the film that have not been mentioned in this review, however there are enough to test the patience of even a Buddhist Monk.If after this review, you still want to watch this movie, then you should probably watch the sequel.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Admittably, I didn't really have much of any expectations to this movie, given the synopsis of the storyline. But still, this was a movie that I sat down with the family to watch "Santa Claws" during the Christmas holidays of 2016.Now, I will say that "Santa Claws" actually turned out to be a rather enjoyable family movie. And it definitely was much better than what I had initially expected.The story is a bit silly, admittedly, especially for an adult audience. However, the storyline in "Santa Claws" is perfect for the Young members of the family. Jolly old Santa Claus becomes unable to finish his yearly gift run, and a group of kittens have to step up to make sure that Christmas runs its course and that the presents are delivered.Yeah right, you are thinking that too. And no one would blame you, because the storyline really is silly. But the children love it."Santa Claws" actually turned out to be wholehearted and quite entertaining, taking into consideration what it was. And despite a somewhat silly storyline, then there actually was something for everyone in the family to enjoy here. Personally, I was entertained by the cute kittens running around, and I got sucked in to the story quite easily.This is definitely a movie that is more than well-suited for the younger members of the family, but it is also a movie that the entire family can sit down together and enjoy.I must admit that I was a bit puzzled by the low rating that the movie had acquired here on IMDb, because I found it to be a rather enjoyable movie actually, just don't put too much into it - take it for what it is.My rating of "Santa Claws" is a 6 out of 10 stars, as it is a very suitable movie for the entire family.
divyanka The most lame, boring, plot less movie ever seen, complete with absolutely lame actors and annoying cats. This movie is not a cute one where cute, charming cats take over. It is an extremely annoying, plot less, and arduous one to watch. The mother, in particular, was beyond limits in her level of annoyingness and bad acting. It was shocking to see her just sit there while the 'Santa Claus' was choking - one could not even tell if her look was one of concern or one of disgust and hate. The child's acting was much better than that of the adults. Santa Claus also acted well - BUT, the storyline was very poor. Nothing was coherent or synchronized well, the Santa Claus's personality was made into an annoying one, the mother was despicable from the start, the child could not act well for the life of him, and the annoying cats never took anything seriously, despite all the catastrophe. A big waste of over an hour watching this crap.*2/10*
Dhanesh Chopra A copycat movie with the same old Christmas theme. Starring 3 little kittens and a kid obsessed with a Christmas tree. Santa Claus is allergic to cats what an absurd plot. Lost interest 5 minutes into the movie, however writing this review to save others from boredom and ruining their Christmas spirit. There is no single sentence which makes you smile let alone go on a laugh riot. Please give it a miss ..... Horrendous effort even for a low budget movie. Christmas movies need to be fun this does not have any maybe a good movie for the feline fans who like to cuddle up with their pets when they watch it. Claw out your way around this movie ...!!!