Dino Time
Dino Time
PG | 07 December 2012 (USA)
Dino Time Trailers

When a daredevil kid named Ernie, his sister Julia, and his best friend Max are horsing around in Max's inventor father's workshop, they accidentally trip a time-machine into operation and find themselves transported back in time 65 million years, where they meet a T-Rex named Tyra and her rambunctious dinosaur son Dodger. The unlikely group find themselves on an amazing adventure exploring the lush prehistoric jungle, despite Tyra's evil dinosaur rivals conspiring against them - while, back in the present day, Max's dad and Ernie and Julia's overprotective mom plot their rescue.

Btexxamar I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
TheLittleSongbird As a lifelong fan of animation, an admirer of Tara Strong and as someone who is interested in dinosaurs and has been enthralled by many films featuring them, 'Dino Time' had potential. Sadly, the execution was a long way from fantastic, much of it lousy.'Dino Time' is not a complete waste of time. Some of the animation is serviceable enough, the colours are pretty and exotic looking and the backgrounds are nicely rendered and quite rich in detail. Some of the voice cast acquit themselves well, Grey De Lisle, Tara Strong and Pamela Adlon always do their best regardless of what's thrown at them while Jane Lynch is engaging.Not that either element is completely successful. The character designs are unattractive and stiff and there is a general lack of visual imagination. As for the rest of the voice cast, others do not fare well. Melanie Griffith sounds disinterested, Steven and William Baldwin just don't sound sinister enough for villains and Rob Schneider is unbearably obnoxious.Every other element is poorly done. The soundtrack is forgettable at best and doesn't rouse, catch or engage. The writing is often very forced, especially in the humour which is never funny (quite the opposite), and the story is dragged out, predictable and contrived. Not even the action engages and the time machine stuff is muddled.Characters are an infuriating mix of bland and annoying, and the obligatory villains' motives are never made clear, let alone expanded upon.In conclusion, pretty bad and a long way from dino-tastic. 2/10 Bethany Cox
yoonji_ooo I usually watch animations, and Dino Time is one of my best movies, following Inside Out! Animation always brings me to the childhood, and I enjoy it. I watched this movie with my younger brother. He also loved the movie. The message of the movie is simple but impressive. The characters are adorable, and their adventure is fantastic. I had no idea before, that dinosaurs can be such cute characters! Also the music helped me to be absorbed in the story more. Gorgeous movie, I really love it! I usually watch animations, and Dino Time is one of my best movies, following Inside Out! Animation always brings me to the childhood, and I enjoy it. I watched this movie with my younger brother. He also loved the movie. The message of the movie is simple but impressive. The characters are adorable, and their adventure is fantastic. I had no idea before, that dinosaurs can be such cute characters! Also the music helped me to be absorbed in the story more. Gorgeous movie, I really love it!
Ryan Shaffer When i hear "Dino Time", all Im really hearing is "the best movie ever made." Even just watching only a second of a clip from the movie, you know you're in for a treat, but more like an ice cream sundae. its a movie for the whole family and the whole universe. It's the ideal movie for a first date or a wedding anniversary. Sometimes the voice acting is so good i listen to the same voice clip for 24 minutes straight, especially the dinosaur noises. Why am I writing a review on this movie? Well you see, whenever I mention Dino Time, none of my friends know what I'm talking about. Dino Time needs as much love as you love the free food on airplanes. It makes me cry that the movie didn't earn the trillion that it deserved. By now I must've bought it 45 times, but I can't give the film the praise it deserves by myself. I need you guys. Please, this isn't even a joke. Every character in the movie is fully developed and the animations/graphics are so great, better than you, Disney. Go home Disney, it's Dino Time's time to shine. Dino Time is serious business, you better not criticize Dino Time. The story's pretty great too. Are you just sitting around not watching Dino time? You better stop not watching Dino Time or I'll turn you into a dinosaur.
Mr-fancypants-45-201361 I was sitting in the lounge room with the TV on. I saw Dino Time playing and was curious. With in the first 5 minutes I was laughing at how bad it is. Dino Time has a generic plot, scary character designs and terrible animation. The story line was so dumb and stupid that a baby would understand.the characters are unlikable and the villain has no motive other than 'be bad.' The comic relief had me want to rip my hair out, it was that annoying. Considering they got such good voice actors it's such a Shame how bad this movie got. Don't waste your time with such a terrible movie that insults children's intelligence and will leave you walking out.