Camp X-Ray
Camp X-Ray
R | 17 October 2014 (USA)
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A young woman joins the military to be part of something bigger than herself and her small-town roots. Instead, she ends up as a new guard at Guantanamo Bay, where her mission is far from black and white. Surrounded by hostile jihadists and aggressive squadmates, she strikes up an unusual friendship with one of the detainees.

Bereamic Awesome Movie
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
TxMike We watched this on Netflix streaming movies, mainly because of the actors. Plus it is timely because Camp X-Ray is actually part of the Guantanamo Detention facility in Cuba and in recent years much has been discussed of its use and possible shutting down.The first thing we learn is they are "detainees", not "prisoners", as it makes a difference in what is allowed regarding international law.As it opens we see a Muslim man, Peyman Moaadi as Ali, being captured in his German home and brought to Camp X-Ray under suspicion. When the current time of the movie opens he has been there for several years, his future is indefinite.We see a new set of US Army soldiers showing up for duty, to guard the place and assure the detainees are kept in line, fed, given books, whatever is within the protocol, the 'SOP'. The soldier the story focuses on is Kristen Stewart in a quite different role for her, as Private Cole. She is mainly a by-the-book person and doesn't shy away from close duty with the detainees.It seems many negative comments about this movie arise from those who think the movie should have been something else, a very empty way to look at a story. What it distills down to is establishing a humane understanding between Ali and Cole. The ability to realize that no matter what your creed or nation we all have the common right to living with dignity. And Cole learns that in her interactions with Ali.As the movie ends Cole has shipped out and new soldiers arrive, but Ali finds the last Harry Potter book he so desperately wanted, inside was a note from Cole, it was one of the last things she did, made sure the book arrived. A small gesture but it was valuable.
hrotter-02345 It is a very different kind of movie but it was definitely worth my time. So amazing. It made me cry. You can watch this on Netflix. It is amazing. There is not a lot of action but I think it will be a satisfying watch for all viewers. <3 love compassion humanity humility, I am making 10 lines worth even though I believe my review enough. It does not need 10 lines because it is a very compelling movie. I am making 10 lines worth even though I believe my review enough. It does not need 10 lines because it is a very compelling movie.I am making 10 lines worth even though I believe my review enough. It does not need 10 lines because it is a very compelling movie. <3 love viewer
leonblackwood Review: I really enjoyed this movie because of the emotional content, and the fact that it shows the different sides to war but I can't see it going down well with Americans or anyone who is victims of terrorism. I think that audiences would have had more sympathy for Ali (Payman Maadi), if they knew if he was guilty or not, and I was surprised that he was able to have them in depth conversations with Cole (Kristen Stewart), with so many inmates close by. Anyway, the performances were great, especially from Payman Maadi, and the unique storyline did touch an emotional cord. Because of the political status about Guantanamo Bay and the fact that the world has mixed reviews about it, I'm not surprised that this film was kept under the radar. The director really did push the barriers by making a film about a relationship between an inmate and a guard but I liked the way that he showed an human side to a soldier, who could have easily felt remorse towards Ali after he covered her in poop. For a film that is mainly about 2 people, I really did enjoy it, and I have to commend Kristen Stewart for taking on a project that is completely out of her comfort zone. Enjoyable! Round-Up: Kristen Stewart, 26, first hit the big screen in 2002, in Panic room, playing Jodie Fosters daughter and then she went on to star in Cold Creek Manor, Zahara, Into The Wild and What Just Happened but she is mostly known for her role as Bella in the Twilight franchise. Since then, she has become an household name but I personally think that she acts the same in all of her movies, even though she has covered many genres. Anyway, this is the first film written and directed by Peter Sandler, who made this small film, interesting throughout. Kristen Stewart wouldn't have been my first choice to play a soldier but she completely transformed herself, which, surprisingly, worked. Budget: $1million Worldwide Gross: $61,000 (Terrible)I recommend this movie to people who are into their war/drama movies starring Kristen Stewart, Peyman Moaadi, Lane Garrison, Tara Holt, John Carroll Lynch and Anoop Simon. 6/10
davideo-2 STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning Private Cole (Kristen Stewart) has escaped her desperately boring small town life, and is stationed as a guard in Camp X-Ray, the notorious detention centre where suspected terrorists are held. Encountering particular hostility as a woman, among the predominantly Arabic detainees, she is forced to tough it out, until she crosses paths with Ali (Peyman Moaadi), a fluent and articulate prisoner who won't be quiet, and pesters her with queries. Eventually, after much hardship, the pair begin to establish a report that challenges each of them as people.With what strikes you from the beginning as a particularly low budget (and pretty minimal publicity) feature length debut director Peter Sattler has delivered this challenging and probing drama, that perhaps more fittingly keeps a small scale tone, and delivers a much bigger impact as a result. Playing like a less mind bending version of The Silence of the Lambs (which doesn't go unreferenced), it takes a subject torn from today's headlines, and uses it as a template to create some fine human drama.Playing as a character study of two diametrically opposed individuals, operating on different sides of an ideological war, in the lead role it zooms in primarily on Stewart's role as the headstrong young recruit who is forced to somehow find the strength to find common ground with a man who chucks sh!t all over her, whilst Moaadi's Ali is a complex, irrepressible character, whose behaviour and motivations always keep you guessing what is driving him.Independent cinema seems to be the only outlet for more intelligent, considered material like this to flourish in this climate, but really it's more of a blessing than a curse. ****