Song for Marion
Song for Marion
PG-13 | 21 June 2013 (USA)
Song for Marion Trailers

Arthur is a grumpy pensioner who can't understand why his wife Marion would want to embarrass herself singing silly songs with her unconventional local choir. But choir director Elizabeth sees something special in the reluctant Arthur and refuses to give up on him. As she coaxes him out of his shell, Arthur realizes that it is never too late to change.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
l_rawjalaurence Don't go looking for originality in Paul Andrew Williams's film. The plot recycles a familiar thematic chestnut: a curmudgeonly pensioner Arthur (Terence Stamp) resents his wife Marion's (Vanessa Redgrave's) participation in a pensioners' choir, especially as she is dying from cancer. When she passes away, Arthur shuts himself away from everyone, but with the encouragement of choir-master Elizabeth (Gemma Arterton), he rediscovers his ability to sing. The choir make it through to the finals of a competition, but they are about to be excluded on the grounds of being a laughing-stock compared to the other, more sophisticated entrants. Arthur makes a last-minute entrance, strides on to the stage, sings a song accompanied by the choir, and they end up finishing third.More recent variations on this story have included ONE CHANCE, the story of BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT winner Paul Potts with James Corden (2014). In Williams's film the two protagonists don't have to do much other than provide contrasting characterizations: the perpetually scowling Stamp set against the more optimistically inclined Marion. There is one memorable sequence where she refuses to talk to him unless he accedes to her wishes.What makes the film touching is the way in which Williams handles his subject-matter. He does not shy away from the idea that cancer is a killer; however much we like to pretend otherwise, Marion's death is imminent. Having one's partner cruelly taken away after years of happy marriage is traumatic, as it proves for Arthur - especially as he cannot seem to get on with his son James (Christopher Eccleston). A group of OAPs in a choir singing Motorhead might seem incongruous, but the experience gives them a renewed belief in life.The film makes some telling visual contrasts between the prison-like suburban life Arthur follows, and the beauties of the sky above. As he watches the sun rise and set, he understands how there are far more important things in life than sitting in the house. Marion looks down upon him from the heavens; and it's his duty to honor her.It's a cliché to say that films like this are life-enhancing, but A SONG FOR MARION proves the truth of this statement.
Zoooma A small picture from England that was renamed upon U.S. release as Unfinished Song. An absolutely amazing movie! Almost perfect. Terence Stamp pretty much is perfection. He was nominated for Best Actor at the British Independent Film Awards. Vanessa Redgrave was nominated for Best Supporting Actress. The movie follows a senior citizen and how he deals with his wife's cancer. In England they're called OAPs or Old Age Pensioners. I knew nothing about the movie going into except the title. Soon enough it's clear how predictable it will be but the events that unfolded tore me to pieces. There was crying from sadness but 5 times as much crying from overwhelming joy. Gemma Arterton? Never heard of her (because I haven't seen any recent Craig 007 movies) but now I am in love with her. So pleasant to watch! Christopher Eccleston was great as was the little girl who played his daughter. Everything here works. Almost. Some of the free outdoor concert scene was a little lame and could have been much better but otherwise an all-around outstanding movie. If it doesn't make you cry, you have no soul! I'm probably gonna watch it again in a few days and it will be one of the very few movies that I burn to disc to keep.9.2 / 10 stars--Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener
Sxz King This film is really touching. I seldom feel anything so deep for the usual commercial films. This one is much different, death is involved (old people), songs are there, deep feelings.When you see old people, of course, you'd love to help, but here, much more is done for them. And what would you expect from old people, awaiting death? They certainly made a great piece of work with this film. Actors did a great job. All natural. It's definitely a MUST-WATCH. Good for married couples and families.No foul language used. Nothing offensive.It's not a film about old people, it is just a film showing how the elderly can live better and how we can make them laugh, and enjoy their last moments, with their families, happily.
gavin6942 Grumpy pensioner Arthur (Terence Stamp) honors his recently deceased wife (Vanessa Redgrave)'s passion for performing by joining the unconventional local choir to which she used to belong, a process that helps him build bridges with his estranged son, James (Chris Eccleston).The director, Paul Andrew Williams, made a name for himself in darker territory -- the wildly successful horror comedy "The Cottage" and the gritty home invasion story of "Cherry Tree Lane". The latter is so nasty that it left me (a hardened horror fan) squirming in my seat because of its realistic approach to the subject matter.With that background, Williams is just about the last person I would have expected to take on a heartwarming tale of curmudgeon and his wife's elderly singing troupe. And yet, he weaves everything together expertly. I smiled quite a bit (I rarely laugh). I was captivated. And what seemed like a pretty lame story from the plot was actually rather entertaining and the characters were people I could identify with.Really, though, the core of this film that separates it from others is the group of old folks singing rock and hip-hop songs. Maybe the joke is not completely new (Betty White has been pushing the envelope for a decade) but how can you argue with crotchety old fogies thrusting to Salt N Pepa and Motorhead? Definitely worth checking out, and fairly appropriate for the whole family.