The Odd Life of Timothy Green
The Odd Life of Timothy Green
PG | 15 August 2012 (USA)
The Odd Life of Timothy Green Trailers

A childless couple bury a box in their backyard, containing all of their wishes for an infant. Soon, a child is born, though Timothy Green is not all that he appears.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Mihai Toma Cindy and Jim form a lovely couple but a deep problem keeps them aside from true happiness: they cannot have a child. Decided to put an end to this terrible pain, they bury a box in the garden which contained all their wishes for a baby to have. Very soon, to their amazement, they find a real but also strange boy lurking around the house. This is the moment they've been dreaming for a long time but they are really not prepared for what's about to come.It's an interesting story of an odd boy, but with some special talents, who's about to influence and change a lot of lives in his existence. It's thrilling, dramatic but also a bit funny sometimes. Unfortunately a bit too dramatic for my taste (especially the finale) and not as profound as I would have hoped (some moments were superficially taken care of and a lot of events seemed more like a parody rather than a serious act which would have been more appropriate). Overall, it's a good and enjoyable movie, especially if you're a more sensitive kind of person.
Shopaholic35 Although this movie will never win any awards there is something truly magical about The Odd Life Of Timothy Green. It starts out showing you that anything you can imagine can happen. Be open to every opportunity that life throws your way. Then of course there is the obligatory life lesson thrown in where everything starts to turn sour. There were a few moments though when all I could think was, geez the adults really are bastards. Everything always has to be a competition. Finally you guessed it, the ending picks up and everybody learns from their lessons.OK so it may be pretty predicable but little Timothy Green has a wonderful spirit and has a beautiful way at looking at the world. It's a nice movie and a lovely concept. You probably only need to watch it once but it's worth it.
Sally Warner I loved this movie. Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Garner make a wonderful set of parents. I love both of them on any day and as enthusiastic and lovable parents they are fantastic. A lovely and moving fairy tale a sort of Cinderella in reverse. Sympathetic moving and lovable. I like Benjamin Button and this is sort of like it. The child is sympathetic and has a great future as an actor - he played the role really well. I just love slice of life movies and this is a good one. Joel Edgerton is a wonderful Australian actor serious but full of enthusiasm and good will. (See The Secret Life of Us if you want to know why). Jennifer Garner is 13 going on 30 all over again - gentle and honest. I just love it.
valerie-dynda I think people have definitely been negatively overreacting about this film. Yes, the movie does have a bit of depressing feel (and ending) but that doesn't make it a bad movie. Some people complain that there was not enough magic involved, but just because that's a part of the storyline doesn't mean the whole story needs to center around that! I thought that while this movie was somewhat unusual, the acting was still great and I believe unusual is good. The emotional factor of this movie was probably its strongest point, as I was definitely getting teared up at a few points. It made me think about the value of our time in life, and I believe any movie that really makes you think is worth your time. While you probably won't leave thinking this is your favorite movie ever, I believe anyone could enjoy it, as long as they come in with an open mind.