PG | 26 November 1997 (USA)
Flubber Trailers

Professor Phillip Brainard, an absent minded professor, works with his assistant Weebo, trying to create a substance that's a new source of energy and that will save Medfield College where his sweetheart Sara is the president. He has missed his wedding twice, and on the afternoon of his third wedding, Professor Brainard creates flubber, which allows objects to fly through the air.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
justin-moreira Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever. Best. Movie. Ever.
Filipe Neto In my opinion, this is one of the most discreet and little-known films of Robin Williams' career, despite having had a lot of publicity and media coverage when it debuted. It tells the story of a distracted scientist who creates a gelatin-like green substance that has a life of its own and can solve the world's energy problems. In the midst of all this, his robotic helper falls in love with him and ruins his marriage. The story of the movie starts from an original idea, but it has many flaws and gigantic plot holes. Robin Williams looks good in the main character, although he does not look very motivated. The actor's tone is much warmer and lazier than usual. Flubber, as a character, was absurdly underutilized in the film, even considering the brilliant musical scene made with this character. The nature of the substance "Flubber" is never clarified, nor is it really alive. Weebo, the assistant of the scientist played by Williams, ends up becoming the most complete character of the film, with a strong dramatic and psychological depth and well-made humor moments. The villains are good as comic elements but they also were not very developed as characters. All this harms the film a lot and causes adults to reject it altogether whereas the children, for whom the film is clearly directed, merely laugh at their jokes. We can conclude that this film is a succession of very positive and promising elements that failed because they were not exploited in the best way. Maybe that's why the movie was never a success. It simply did not stay in the memory of that generation and eventually slipped into oblivion over the years.
blazesnakes9 As a boy, I was always impressed and amused by the movies that I saw. Some of them bring back memories of me watching whatever kids movie that made me excited. But as time goes on, those memories are still embedded in my memory bank. And sometimes, an fellow movie-goer can sometimes get teary-eyed by going down memory lane. Some of those movies do hold up well. Some of them, well.... get lost in my mind.Take Flubber, for example. Flubber is the kind of movie that I enjoyed as a young boy. But, I've grown up over the years and to tell you the truth, it doesn't hold up for me. The story was originally from the 1961 comedy film, "The Absent-Minded Professor". In that film, Fred MacMurray played the lead character. MacMurray's character was a complete nut case who invents a new and improved substance that can bounces off the floor due the amount of energy stored inside. The substance was named Flubber, due to the fact that it is flying rubber. The absent-minded professor tried to convince his colleagues that flubber can saved their university from going into shambles.Here, Robin Williams plays the absent-minded professor. Professor Phillip Brainard, (who could be a distant relative or son of the original Absent-Minded Professor), is in the process of creating a new substance that can raise money to save the college from closure. Brainard's colleague is a flying robot called Weebo. Brainard soon discovers flubber and from the start of it, Flubber doesn't want to settle down. The story deepens as Brainard tries to convince the college president and his fiancée, (Marcia Gay Harden), but it doesn't turn out the way he wants it to go. He even expands the idea of flubber by converting the substance into a liquid and then into a white cream. In one particular scene in the movie, Brainard tries out the flubber by spraying it onto a basketball that can bounces as twice as much as a regular basketball. The idea even becomes more popular when it spreads onto a basketball team. Their sneakers are also sprayed with flubber, making them bounce more higher and faster than ever.There are, however, bad guys in Flubber, and their job in the movie is to try to steal the substance from Brainard. But, to tell you the truth, you seen these bad guys before in a movie. And it's no surprise that these characters are ripped right out of Home Alone. It's ironic because the script for the movie was written by John Hughes.I don't know what happened to John Hughes back then. He started off his career with good movies like Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club and Planes, Trains and Automobiles. But, after the big success of Home Alone, I believe Hughes dropped his pen and started depending on recycled material from his other movies to substitute in his scripts. Recycled material soon resulted in forgettable movies like Dutch, Career Opportunities and Curly Sue. Bad career move. And I supposed Flubber can be included in this specific category of forgettable John Hughes' movies.Robin Williams looks as if he was practically on speed throughout the entire movie. At certain times throughout this movie, I thought he overacted as being the main character of the story. The slapstick did not work this time around since it didn't make me laugh the first time I saw it as a young boy. The flubber wasn't even worth my time since there wasn't anything special about the green goo. In fact, when Flubber soon shows up, the movie goes downhill from there with the green gelatin bouncing around the movie, breaking windows and panes of glass. I realize that after the movie was over, I forgot how many times Flubber went through a window or a pane of glass. It was very tiresome and boring the second time around.Is there anything else I forgot? I don't think so. Except to say that I won't be looking forward to seeing this movie since this is one of those kids' movies that I like to forget. But, don't worry. There's plenty of other good or great kids' movies that I saw in my childhood. Flubber wasn't one of them. ★ 1/2 1 1/2 star.
YungRapunxel212 I wish Flubber was real, because if it was, I would be playing with it right now. We watched this in Science class once because it has to do with atoms and stuff, and we were learning about that. I think we were learning about atoms. OK back to the movie. It was just a bit boring. No, it was a lot boring. Only like 5 scenes were interesting. Robin Williams acting as the professor was a bad choice, because he is like 20 years older than the woman he likes and gets married too. Well he looked like it anyways. I would love to have a house like the professor, though. It was so cool and he really did not have to do anything, just have Weebo or his master inventions do it for him. This is a very kid friendly movie. Nothing frightening or sexual, just kissing. No drugs, maybe a character smoking. Very mild profanity and some violence.8-