The Birdcage
The Birdcage
R | 08 March 1996 (USA)
The Birdcage Trailers

A gay cabaret owner and his drag queen companion agree to put up a false straight front so that their son can introduce them to his fiancée's conservative moralistic parents.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Wordiezett So much average
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Dr Jacques COULARDEAU Why on earth do Americans haD to remake such an enormously successful French film as "La Cage aux Folles"? Because America is a country, maybe THE country, of immigrants and all they do or redo is imported, particularly in the cultural field. Think of Walt Disney and European culture. Even Mickey Mouse has a European taste and flavor in its diapers. The only thing they haven't been able to acclilmatize is French cheese. But think of Swiss pastry, Danish pastry, French fries, and so many other things. Whiskey comes from Ireland or maybe Scotland (though they will never be able to imitate tar-Scotch), vodka comes from Russia. And in this field of drinks, only Coca-Cola is really American. Even Canada Dry is Canadian by name, and root beer is so old in Europe and other continents that we cannot really credit it as American. And standard American beer is lilke diluted beetroot juice when compared to the super-strong European beers climbing up to 12% or more.But what about this film? A film about drag queens in the USA, in Florida, in Miami or some other seaside resort, seems to be extreme for American taste, and even in fact very tentative. To Americanize the whole thing, they added a son to the couple, a girlfriend to the son, a wedding between the two, I mean a "normal" wedding between a man and a woman, with a man who declares in the presence of his genetic mother that the drag queen of a spouse his father has is his mother. And yet that was not enough. So they added a conservative senator and his conservative wife as the parents of the girlfriend. Brilliant! Then since it is political it can be accepted as a comedy because all things political are comedy, comical, funny, lies and make-believe. So then it works and they added a Latino servant in the house who cannot wear shoes without falling every other step, and a meal that is so miserable that it is an insult to the gay community that is known for its good taste in food and drinks. Enjoy the entertainment and do not forget same-sex marriage today is legal in the USA, like in many, if not most countries in the world. Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU
Phil Herup Armand and Albert live the perfect happy life. They have it all, success from the nightclub they own, and love for Armand's son since childhood. They raised him, and he's happy, but now wants to get married to a young lady. Armand and Albert are shocked that the young boy wants to get married at age twenty, but he is determined, regardless of opinions. If that isn't enough stress to worry about, the young bride-to-be lies to her father, a senator who is not happy about a recent death and scandal of his co-worker. She lies to her parents about her future in-laws, and everyone lies for Armand's son, so that they can get married. However, things get very messy, and the more chaos that happens, the more you laugh through this comedy. Robin Williams is hilarious, and so is Nathan Lane. Gene Hackman can be as funny as he can be serious, and Dianne Wiest is an absolute riot. This is a very funny movie that I've watched over-and-over. Entertaining from beginning to end. Highly recommended!
Hitchcoc If it weren't for the fact this movie has as its world a gay nightclub and gay men, it could have starred Cary Grant and been one of those wacky comedies of the forties. This is absolutely a hoot. To start with, you have Robin Williams and Nathan Lane, two of the most amazing, on their feet comedians ever. Throw in the plot of "if we could pull this off for one night," and everything else is up for grabs. The dialogue is excellent with all its double entendres and dramatic irony. We have the Senator, thoroughly enjoying himself, without realizing he is flirting with a man, and everything else relating to that. Of course, there is constant backtracking and improvisation. You have to laugh.
fireandlightning I love Robin Williams work. Always have and always will. This was yet another proof of his brilliance and comedic skills and I watched it to honour his memory.Beside Williams, there were a lot of recognizable names and they all did a splendid job. The acting of Hank Azaria (Friends, Mad About You, America's Sweethearts, Smurfs) alone is worth 10 stars, but the plot made me a bit sad and angry, and you'll know which scenes I mean.This was the first time I noticed Nathan Lane's brilliance. The comedic skill and acting is great and so so funny! I don't want to spoil anything, I just want everybody to watch this movie because it'll make you laugh so loud so many times.Gene Hackman (Superman, Wyatt Earp), Christine Baranski (Mamma Mia), Calista Flockhart (Ally McBeal), Dianne Weist (Footloose, Edward Scissorhands) and Dan Futterman (Judging Amy) were all great choices to this movie and I'm so glad that I finally saw it.