Trouble in Paradise
Trouble in Paradise
NR | 30 October 1932 (USA)
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Thief Gaston Monescu and pickpocket Lily are partners in crime and love. Working for perfume company executive Mariette Colet, the two crooks decide to combine their criminal talents to rob their employer. Under the alias of Monsieur Laval, Gaston uses his position as Mariette's personal secretary to become closer to her. However, he takes things too far when he actually falls in love with Mariette, and has to choose between her and Lily.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Smoreni Zmaj It is considered one of the top 100 films of all time. Honestly, I do not see why. A smart, witty romantic comedy, a cute movie for one watching, but really nothing special.6,5/10
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . that they never got away with imposing upon Broadway theater or the book publishing industry, because these Fat Cat Rich One Per Center Bozos knew that U.S. 99 Per Centers almost never see Broadway plays or read books, but nearly all of them flock to movies, and they were scared to death of flicks showing the "Little People" how Romans were hypocritical superstition mongers, while bankers sucked the life-blood from ordinary folks, not unlike swamp leeches. TROUBLE IN PARADISE focuses upon this latter legion of "legal" looters of their "Lessers." Toward the end of TROUBLE IN PARADISE, master thief Gaston Monescu ruefully complains to Fat Cat Mariette Colet that as a low-born "self-made crook" he's lucky to filch 100K at a crack, while Madame Colet's Blue-Blood Board Chairman Adolph J. Giron has been able to easily embezzle millions from her as an unquestioned birthright. TROUBLE IN PARADISE, of course, is "Pre-Code." Post-Code, pervasive thought censorship persists throughout Hollywood right down to Today, as the Fat Cat Roman Bankers easily squelch anything similar to TROUBLE IN PARADISE vaguely resembling free speech, as spelled out in the 2006 documentary THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED.
TheLittleSongbird As wonderful films The Merry Widow, Heaven Can Wait and The Shop Around the Corner are, Trouble in Paradise in my view even better than them and quite possibly Ernst Lubitsch's- a director who rarely made a dud- best film. It is a truly beautiful-looking film with very stylish photography and some of the most exquisite costumes and sets of any 1930s film. Lubitsch again proves what a talented director he was, his direction here being full of class and subtlety in a way that only he could do, Trouble in Paradise has Lubitsch's trademark and distinctive style all over it. Trouble in Paradise is also brilliantly scripted, one of the best of any film of the 1930s to me. The comedy parts really sparkle in humour, the best parts being hysterical, and the romantic parts are really sweet and heart-warming without being too sentimental, both components beautifully balanced in a typically(for a Lubitsch film) sophisticated way. Few scripts from 1930s films were this sophisticated even. The story draws you right in from the start and doesn't stop, the warm humour, subtle touches, sophistication, classy charm and emotion were just captivating that few other romantic comedies managed this well. And the acting is close to faultless, Herbert Marshall makes for a charming leading man in a performance that is among his best, Kay Francis is glamour personified and Miriam Hopkins has fun in her role. Character actors Charles Ruggles and Edward Everett Horton are very funny, though Horton was ever so slightly under-utilised, and C. Aubrey Smith is effectively fierce. In conclusion, romantic comedy at its best in a film as close to perfection you can get. 10/10 Bethany Cox
Sergeant_Tibbs I recently watched and fell in love with Ernst Lubitsch's To Be Or Not To Be. It was my first film of his and I knew instantly that he would become a favourite of mine once I saw more. Trouble In Paradise definitely has the razor sharp wit and sardonic approach that the aforementioned classic has, but it's also perhaps held back by the limitations and simpicity of 1930s cinema. While it does have creative editing and whip pans at times, it's much dryer, living in quite an unexciting place despite a rather exciting premise. The character work isn't as deep but it's certainly entertaining. That's all Trouble In Paradise is, just an episode. And for that, it's worth it. You may not feel deeply for the characters, but their situations and dilemmas are tense and funny. I can already see the trademark of a Lubtisch film. Characters get so close to being found out that they practically admit to it before they outsmart the villain. Despite the ruggedness of its time and its tendency to skip around its characters, Trouble In Paradise painted a welcome grin on my face. Lubitsch's European touch gives Hollywood an edgy shine.8/10