NR | 16 March 1930 (USA)
Framed Trailers

Rose Manning swears revenge for the unjust slaying of her father by Inspector McArthur. Five years later, as a nightclub hostess, she is sought by Chuck Gaines, secretly a bootlegger, but she centers her attentions on young Jimmy Carter, who, she learns, is the son of McArthur.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
wes-connors Brutishly interrogated by seven bullying detectives, beautiful Evelyn Brent (as Rose Manning) claims she knows nothing about a recent cop killing. Informed her racketeering father was also shot to death during the incident, Ms. Brent vows revenge against police inspector William Holden (as "Butch" McArthur) and the other "coppers" responsible. Five years later, Brent runs a nightclub casino popular with underworld types. Brent attracts many men, ranging from manicured bootlegger Ralf Harolde (as Chuck Gaines) to innocent youngish Regis Toomey (as Jimmy). The latter man has a secret which tests Brent's resolve...This run-of-the-mill melodrama is enjoyably for the dramatics and great beauty provided by Brent. She proved to be as good in "all-talking" pictures as she was in "silent" movies, but the parts she received were getting worse. Her "Framed" role calls for obvious melodramatics, but Brent manages to get in some subtle moments. William Holden is not the 1950s super-star. Having a lot of fun with their characters are villainous Mr. Harolde and henchman Maurice Black (as "Bing" Murdock). The former keeps his fingernails clean; the latter helps Brent and director George Archainbaud make the apartment confrontation a highlight.***** Framed (3/16/30) George Archainbaud ~ Evelyn Brent, Regis Toomey, Ralf Harolde, William Holden
LeonLouisRicci Creaky, but Sometimes Clever, this Early Talkie was Headlined by Evelyn Brent, Hardly a Household Name. But Her Acting Ability, Especially Making the Transition from the Silents, is Obvious and She Shines in this Male Oriented Gangster Film.Regis Toomey, in an Early Role, is Underused and Bland, but as Brent Carries the Film it Plods Along with the Expected Datedness that Plagued the Era from 1927-to about 1933. Hollywood's Transition from Silents to Talkies was, Like All Births, Painful at Times.This One Fares Pretty Good, but Cannot Escapes the Confines of its Playdate. Worth a Watch to See the Unknown Brent and as a Bridge Roughly Traveled as Filmdom was Finding its Feet with New Technology. The Opening and Closing are Stylistic and Connected, the Middle Meanders a bit, but Manages to be Entertaining Enough to Recommend.Note...There is very little Pre-Code Inclusions worth noting and the Film would have passed the Censors with no problem.
kidboots No one did sulky/sultry quite like Evelyn Brent. She really hit her stride in the late 1920s with parts in a couple of Josef von Sternberg ground breaking films. When talkies came along she was thought enough of by Paramount to be cast in their first all talkie production, "Interference", and no one in the cast (not even William Powell) seemed more natural or at ease in front of a mike than Evelyn. Even though Paramount had her pegged for stardom she was mysteriously let go amid rumours of temperament but Brent claimed that as an independent woman she was just speaking her mind. Fortunately for film fans her brand of "bad girl" continued to be in demand and in "Framed" she gives a blistering performance which makes you wonder why she didn't find stardom - especially when Ralf Harolde, who plays "Chuck" gives a very mannered, stagy performance, obviously still finding his "talkie" feet!!Film opens (and closes) with an innovatively filmed interrogation scene in which Rose Manning is grilled by the police and realises that they may have killed her father. Five years later a vengeful Rose is now a nightclub hostess but still planning the demise of police chief "Butch" McArthur (William Holden) - through his son, persistent nightclub patron Jimmie (Regis Toomey - did he ever play a tough guy - I doubt it!!) There is more than enough evidence to suggest with Harolde's "madly mugging" performance that he was the real killer of Rose's dad. The result is an okay crime meller (to give audiences of the day their gangster fix) with some interesting camera angles that only the smaller studios seemed game enough to try.Tough talking Brent keeps the action flowing and is the main reason to watch. Her costumes are gorgeous and must have blown Radio's yearly budget - there is a silver geometric evening dress and one with feathers - how could any man resist her?
johnc2141 I recently caught this one on the internet archives,since i like gangster movies like public enemy and scarface i had a feeling i would enjoy this one even though its a b movie from rko radio pictures that would make a blockbuster movie 3 years later,that movie of course was king Kong that broke all box office records and saved rko from going bankrupt.the story is simple a gangsters daughter is being questioned from the police because her dad and a cop were both killed.she is bullied by a police official and she vows to get revenge afterwords.years later she is the co owner of a nightclub and becomes romantically involved with the police officials son.but does'nt know its his son until someone tells her.not giving away spoilers but this is a good movie made around the same time as public enemy and little ceasar.8 out of 10