The Good Witch's Garden
The Good Witch's Garden
PG | 07 February 2009 (USA)
The Good Witch's Garden Trailers

Middleton prepares for its bicentennial, and Grey House is to be the party venue. Good witch Cassie is remodeling it as B&B. her first and only guest, Nick Chasen, claims to be a distant relative. He produces papers to prove he's the heir of the builder, colonial era captain Hamblin, while the Grey lady was his mistress and stole it. Police chief and lover Jake Russell goes all the way to motivate her to fight and disprove the claim before she's effectively disowned. Brandon is dared to pass a rascals-initiation by local brat Steve and Duke. George's gardening skills lead to romance.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Shopaholic35 I didn't love this sequel as much as the first Good Witch movie but it was still very good. Cassie has to deal with a new challenge that threatens her ownership of Grey House. It still has plenty of intrigue and charm which is nice but I didn't like the antagonist. He was a bit too conceded and selfish for my liking.The relationship between Jake and Cassie continues to blossom and it develops into quite the little love match. Cue awe moment. Overall this film series is sweet and lovely to watch. It has a lot of heart and very strong life values and morales. After watching it you can't help but want to be a better and more intuitive person.
edwagreen Not bad film where a woman living in a place of history is about to lose it to someone who goes around the state producing false deeds to drive out people from their property. This gentleman then goes on to sell the property to developers.Catherine Bell is absolutely delightful as our Good Witch. Billie Burke, of The Wizard of Oz, take heart: There are still some good witches left after all these years.Catherine loves the widowed police chief and also thwarts 2 youngsters from doing something bad on Centennial night. They had tried to force the chief's son to go along with this dangerous prank.
oscary222 I really enjoyed The Good Witch's Garden! Catherine Bell was wonderful as usual and truly enjoyable in the role of Cassie Nightengale. I loved how they showed the progression of Cassie and Jake's relationship and how he proposed at the end. Catherine and Chris have great chemistry together and would love to see another sequel entitled The Good Witch's Wedding.I loved how they showed that a persons true nature comes out after time and that definitely was evident with the nasty character of Nick Chasen. Nick was a bad man and he'd been doing this same type of crime all over and was finally caught and now he can go to prison for years to come...LOL. He got what he deserved and a person whose true nature is bad, can't be magically fixed. That's not what Cassie does. Like Cassie said, "she gave him the rope and he was the one who tied himself up in knots. This storyline with Nick turned out exactly as it should have, with Nick paying the price. You couldn't have had it turn out any other way, him being magically fixed would have been ridiculous.So to all involved with this project "a big kudos". I would definitely love to see another sequel with Catherine, Chris, Peter, the two young kids and some new and fun characters with a wedding storyline and something fun and interesting going on as well for Cassie. Great Job Everyone!
HallmarkMovieBuff Perhaps I'm already jaded with respect to this material, but this follow-up to last year's "The Good Witch" didn't seem quite as good as its predecessor.With essentially the same cast as before, except for the loss of some minor characters tied to the original plot, and the addition of two notable characters, one transient and one hopefully permanent (if further sequels are planned), this second in the series finds "good witch" Cassie Nightingale (Catherine Bell) now living in the house of her ancestor, "The Gray Lady," dating the sheriff (Chris Potter), and growing her garden, both to supply her herb shop and to host the town's 200th anniversary garden party.Both films play on the "stranger in town" theme. In the first, it was Cassie; in this sequel it's a man (Rob Stewart) claiming to be a distant relative of Cassie's, and making friends with everybody in town while surreptitiously intending to do her wrong.Meanwhile, Cassie continues to see the best in people, and helps them with their problems using "everyday magic," usually by giving them some object or spice which somehow helps them to find a solution or to come to some personal awareness.On the negative side, the whole proceeding here seems a bit more casual than in the first film. The plot is again trite but comfortable, but the script seems less taut, and the two leads...I don't want to say that they walk through their parts, but their play seems loose compared to the first installment.As noted earlier, Cassie and sheriff Jake are now dating, and this being a family film, there are a dozen or so chaste kisses between them, like ones you'd give your grandma. Several of these kisses come at the beginning, giving the film a seemingly slow start.Some particularly bright spots in the script are close to a half dozen word plays which can be appreciated by lovers of language. If you watch this film, I encourage you to listen for them.Best of all, Grandpa finds love (or at least companionship)! A subplot involving the hopefully permanent addition to the cast that I mentioned earlier, and one of the bits of everyday magic that Cassie performs, this time in the form of matchmaking, is to hook George (Peter MacNeill) up with the local nursery lady (Elizabeth Lennie).Although more than one plot point arose from the very intriguing title, perhaps the most disappointing part for me was that more was not made of it, more of the garden's magical properties, if you will. As I think back, however, it was probably just the right amount of magic for vegetation. Despite any shortcomings real or perceived, this movie nevertheless manages to display some fireworks for those who stick with it!