The Good Witch's Gift
The Good Witch's Gift
G | 13 November 2010 (USA)

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Almost as soon as Jake and Cassie decide to get married on Christmas Eve, complications arise.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Micransix Crappy film
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
nightroses There was something really magical, warm and supernatural about this film. The ex convict was released from prison after serving 10 years, while plans for Christmas and a wedding are all happening. It seemed things couldn't get sticky and messier. But as if by pure sorcery, everything came together and it was so heart warming and moving. I really loved this movie and it's probably the best out of the first three.
adoptshelterpetstoday As long as folks do NOT get involved in witchcraft as a result of this movie......and can see ONLY the goodness of "Cassie's" gestures...that are inspirational for all of us to be good and do good WITHOUT witchcraft...then I think this movie is more than entertaining...It is remarkably unique with a great purpose!Catherine Bell was casted PERFECTLY! She has the look of beautiful mystery and exuded a delightful charm as the very likable "Cassie,"...who only has intentions of doing good for others. And so she does. No matter what predicament, "Cassie" remains amazingly calm and optimistic. Totally disregards negative issues as being a dreadful challenge and to be upset about them...but instead, puts her energy into making them work out for the best. She sees the good in everyone with whom she comes in contact...and brings out their best. She is forgiving when applicable. She is very giving and caring.So glad a series was made...with each movie being just as enjoyable!
je2643 IMO a fine light family movie. Of course everything is pretty much entirely predictable, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all, given the character of the movie. Cassie weaves her usual magic, and it is plainly telegraphed, yet quite enjoyable as it all unfolds. We had smiles on our faces throughout the entire movie - so nothing wrong with that! The theme of the movie is 2nd chances, and it is woven into virtually every single character in the movie. Actually, when I think about it, the ensemble is a pretty good size, and yet they managed a better focus on a diversity of characters and situations, without losing either the theme or plot in the process, then many a big screen, big budget movie.Cassie is of course, her usual magical self. At this point at least some of the characters are "suspicious" in a good way, that she is "unusual" but its deftly weaved as subtle backdrop of the movie rather then a principal portion of the movie. Jake of course is still pretty clueless.It was like watching an episode of The Border again with both Catherine Disher and Graham Abby having principal parts in the movie. I was surprised that Graham did not have a co-starring bill given his prominence in the movie and plot lines. I hope he gets a meaty role on a big US network production some day and gets the recognition he deserves.Also was fabulous to see Laura Bertram - I have not seen her since Andromeda (I take that back - I did see her in Gunless) - again she had a good sized role and I hope we see more of her in the future. Lovely woman.Catherine Bell looks her usual amazing self. She captivates with those eyes, and I think she could probably do 10 movies in this series and the Hallmark audience would eat them up. Its a great gig on the side to her Army Wives series.So if you are a romantic at heart, this is a movie for you, and there will be no regrets.
boblipton Catherine Bell returns for the third time as mild-mannered witch Cassie Nightingale for the Hallmark Channel. Previous entries in the series were THE GOOD WITCH and THE GOOD WITCH'S GARDEN.In this one, Cassie and her fiancé are preparing to get married on Christmas Eve, and various plot complications occur, all of which are set up via exposition. The dialogue, alas, is not particularly good, but as in the earlier movies, Miss Bell keeps a perky smile and attitude at all times, as things simply fall her way.It's all a bit too easy for any sense of drama, but the actors are all competent and, as usual for these Hallmark productions, there is some very good camera-work by John Berrie, who seems to like classical camera movement to maintain composition.This one won't win any awards, but for people who have enjoyed the earlier movies, this should be a nice reunion.