R | 21 May 1996 (USA)
Electra Trailers

Billionaire named Roach desperately searches for the secret serum which could turn an ordinary human into a superbeing...

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
calum1980 I can't believe this film is being slated so badly. It's not trying to be a Hollywood blockbuster and it still manages to far exceed most of them. The scene where Shannon Tweed has sex with her son in order to get his super-powered sperm inside her is pure genius. If you're feeling suicidal, this film will give you a reason to keep living. Watch it. This film has Shannon Tweed, A hot leading man, and a pair lipstick Lesbian PVC clad dominatrix types. Something for everyone. The whole film revolves around a lot of sinister people trying to get their hands on the leading man's super sperm. Everyone wants that sperm. You just don't get films like that. It was about seven years ago that I saw this film so I can't remember all of it now. I just remember how incredibly funny and bizarre it was. See it yourself and you'll understand.
risingsap This is my favourite Shannon Tweed film, even though she actually reveals much less of her magnificent body than I would have liked. Nevertheless the sight of her in latex basque, with wild make up and hair, straddling her adopted son - who is manacled to a revolving table of course - and and then forcing him to give his seed to her is one to remember. Magnificent. As is Shannon's pathetic attempt at resistance when she is strapped down and pleasured by the two lesbian henchwomen. A completely over the top film which is great fun. Better than the usual limp efforts that that the great Shannon seems to have spend half her career wasted on. At least with his effort we can have a laugh as well as simply pleasuring ourselves. Just give us what we want Shannon - over the top nudity!
Jack Smith - The King Of Horror Electra is an awful erotic comedy concerning a widowed woman, played by the absolutely gorgeous Shannon Tweed, who is desperate to get it on with her stepson who just happens to possess superhuman powers. This is totally awful film which consists of busty women in fetish gear performing in terribly tacky fight scenes. One fleeting glimpse of Shannon Tweeds bare breasts is all you see, although you do see her in leather bondage gear, which is the highlight of this terrible, terrible, terrible film. However if I could spend a night with any woman on the planet i'd still choose Shannon Tweed every time. Shannon Tweed is beyond dispute the sexiest "older woman" in movie history. If only she'd get her panties off more in genuinely sexy films instead of putting her name to rubbish like this.
el pig You have never seen a film like this. From the opening titles you know this is going to be something special - they ooze class. The casting is perfect, the dialogue crisp and the action sequences are breathtaking. Much maligned by the intelligensia but a true example of cinema at its most deeply affecting. The athletic performance by the leading man makes this film a must see.I think all of us will be able to relate to the exploration of taboo themes - in any other director's hands this could have been sleazy and exploitative. It is pitched so well it is a credit to cinema's power to provoke and stimulate thought.