The Neighbor
The Neighbor
NR | 19 August 2016 (USA)
The Neighbor Trailers

In the town of Cutter, most people keep to themselves. But when John comes home to find his girlfriend missing, he sneaks into his neighbor's house, finding his girlfriend and several other kidnapped people tied up in the basement. When the neighbor come home, John is forced to get out of the house alive and lead the group to safety.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Garvey McPherrin Like stunt casting that works. Big points for casting Bill Engvall, veteran comedian who proves himself with the 180 role in a suspense thriller, that teases horror.In this late review, won't cover what other reviewers have already pointed out. Just some observations that kept this film from being great.First, you will be reminded of Don't Breathe. Not a rip-off. Suspenseful carefully crafted 1st half, takes a turn for the worst in a ridiculous and rushed 2nd half, complete with sudden convoluted tonal character shifts, and motives that are not sublime, but seem thrown in a rewrite afterthought, day before filming.An example of a problem here. Troy (Engvall) is allegedly so careful about his secret operation, yet he reveals himself to John (Josh Stewart) before suddenly kidnapping his girlfriend (Alex Escoe) next day, but in scenes later shifts into a conflicted family man who is supporting his boys. He lastly reveals he is only a middle-man in a larger criminal operation that at no time, do we get a hint at what it is, or should care. Because it leads no where. No hidden meaning. Nothing. Somehow every criminal in this small town setting "knows all"...except when someone is hiding in the next room or escapes undetected, making a lot of cage clanking noise and screaming, just a few rooms away. In the competing film "Don't Breathe", you can't make a sound, but in this film you can break in and out of this house with bolt cutters and yell, and won't get noticed until one of the escapees throws a rock at the side of the house in a lame brained scheme to distract & escape.Sound awful? Yes. But it does have a crafty 1st half, and good performances. Talented Starry Eyes, Alex Escoe is wasted here in the aforementioned 2nd half disaster. Would love to see how this film turned out, if they actually finished it.
immaeatya First off, this movie definitely has some similarities to the Collector and the Collection in terms of plot and style, so if those weren't for you then chances are you won't enjoy this. I enjoyed all three.That said, the Neighbor does go down its own path as the movie progresses and offers something a little different. The movie took its time getting started, but did a good job introducing us to the characters and their situation (even got a little bit of background on Troy and his sons, which was neat) so it's not really a complaint. The actors did a good job, Josh Stewart and director Marcus Dunstan make a great pair.My biggest and frankly only gripe about the Neighbor is that once the action took off it got really fast-paced, which wouldn't have been a bad thing if not for the fact that the movie itself is so short. The ending felt sudden and a little too easy, would've loved to have had another 10-15 minutes of intense cat-and-mouse to even out the experience.
Dan Harden 2016 has brought us some very good predator vs prey in a house movies such as Fede Alvarez's horror hit Don't Breathe and the Mike Flanagan silent suspense film Hush. So now writer of Saw 4-7 and director of the Collector series Marcus Dunstan gives the sub genre a shot. Unfortunately for Dunstan, The Neighbour doesn't make the good list for suspense horror films this year.The film is a little bit generic (as the name would suggest) and doesn't possess the unique quality that the aforementioned films possess. The Neighbour at its core is a snooping-into-other-people's-business-and-finding-something-dark film but fails to bring anything new and exciting to the mix. The dark secret that The Neighbour has feels rather tame when compared to similar films like Don't Breathe, as well as seeing as Dunstan wrote 4 Saw sequels you would expect something more out there and extravagant. This all being said, Dunstan does throw in some inventive weapons later on as the film progresses but it just isn't enough to save the film from forgettable genericness.The film is a short one and so it focuses more on the progression of events rather than their probability. The plot twist surrounding the police officer is intriguing but is never really explained and also Rosie's stomach for violence is rather questionable. The film at the end becomes completely focused on action sequences and rapid pace that it loses substance in doing so.So far I have been rather ruthless towards the director/ writer, but truth be told he does exhibit some rather slick and stylish directing at times. The opening credits and closing sequence stand out with their square box framing and weird black square central to the left of the screen. The film does have suspense and Dunstan does succeed in creating it at times and also does get inventive and a little brutal near the end, but these are only moments in the film, Dunstan needs to step his game up and make the whole film feel like those good on off moments he has shown throughout this film.Overall, The Neighbour is a rather generic film with patchy pacing, that is more of a thriller than a horror. Writer/ director Marcus Dunstan has some interesting moments and ideas but they are so few and scattered that it isn't enough to save the film. Maybe next time he'll hit the nail on the head... or should I say camcorder to the head?
Fella_shibby Saw this on a pirated 50 rupees DVD. A very good thriller. Period. I saw the trailer on you tube while going thru horror movie trailers. I added it to my watchlist in my diary after knowing that Mark Dunstan (The collector 1 n 2) is the director n Josh Stewart is the lead actor. I m a big fan of these two. The movie is a lil slow in the beginning but the end result is very satisfying. One may say it's predictable but it is a straightforward basic thriller without the clichés found in most of the movies. No wasting time in chatting or dialogues, straight killing. "Ugly" from The Good, the bad n the ugly wud have been proud" for his no talk n shoot first. One more surprising thing in this movie was that the females were not shown as weak n stupid. Majority of the horror/thrillers got this stupid scene where after bashing the bad guy with jus one hit, the person starts chatting with the "tied up person" n instead of making sure that the bad guy is dead....... Glad that this movie doesn't hav that sorta stupid thing. The movie does hav lots of tension, suspense n brutal killings but no torture. Josh Stewart acted well. The guy is very likable inspite of his "dirty jobs". Very good direction by Dunstan. One of the best part was the background music. One may find it a lil similar to The Collector for its cat n mouse game, minus the traps. Good shot gun scenes. Good cinematography. Good editing. I hope they show more about the dirty job of the lead characters in the sequel.