Messenger of Death
Messenger of Death
R | 16 September 1988 (USA)
Messenger of Death Trailers

Wifes and children of the Mormon Orville Beecham become victims of a massacre in his own house. The police believes the crime had a religious motive. Orville doesn't give any comment on the case, is taken into protective custody. Journalist Smith persuades him to help him in the investigation - and finds out about economic motives for the murder.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Diagonaldi Very well executed
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Scott LeBrun Charles Bronson stars as Garret Smith, a crime reporter for the Denver Tribune. He learns of a horrifying incident, that of the massacre of a Mormon family. This sets off further sparks among two brothers who already have bad blood between them: fundamentalist preacher Willis Beecham (Jeff Corey) and farmer Zenas Beecham (John Ireland). After some digging around, Garret realizes that the two siblings are possibly being manipulated by some other party.As far as the Charles Bronson / director J. Lee Thompson / Cannon Group product goes, this isn't outright terrible, but it isn't as engrossing as their other sleazy offerings (especially "10 to Midnight" and "Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects"). Ultimately, the filmmaking / storytelling is pretty simplistic, which is a shame, as this look at a certain culture could have yielded more interesting results. Bronson plays a more upbeat character than usual, but Garret (or Garr, as friends call him) is still a typical Bronson bad ass who can hand others' asses to them without expending much energy himself. The opening set piece of the killing of innocent women and children is pretty chilling, and there's one action highlight of two big rigs sandwiching a truck in between them. But the ending is rather weak, wrapping up too quickly and producing little satisfaction.Bronsons' supporting cast is pretty damn good: Trish Van Devere, Laurence Luckinbill, Daniel Benzali, Charles Dierkop, Corey, Ireland, Gene Davis (Bronsons' nemesis in "10 to Midnight"), Jon Cedar, Tom Everett, Kimberly Beck, William Phipps. Van Devere is lovely and appealing, and Benzali is quite amusing as the police chief who's being promoted for a run for the mayors' office.At the very least, this offers some gorgeous scenery and a rousing music score by Robert O. Ragland.Six out of 10.
Chrieraux The film has Charles Bronson in its favor, and is fairly well-made. It'a a little unbelievable, but fans of the genre or Bronson should enjoy it. Basically, Charles Bronson is an investigative reporter who investigates the slaying of a man's family, originally under the impression that the slaying was due to religious differences. One thing of minor's not really a feud between different Mormon sects. The LDS Church has banned polygamy, in accordance with federal law, and excommunicates members who practice it. I suppose some might say that all the break-off groups(like the RLDS, FLDS and polygamist clans) can be considered part of a Mormon Religious Umbrella....but that would be kind of like saying members of the Russian Orthodox Church are really Catholic.
bkoganbing Messenger of Death opens with a pair of assassins murdering nine members of a Mormon family, all of them wives and children of Charles Dierkop. This piques the interest of Charles Bronson who is an investigative reporter for the Denver Tribune. He goes out there to the hinterlands of western Colorado to investigate and turns up some interesting information. A Mormon blood feud might not be the reason for the massacre, the motive shall we say might be more commercial.Bronson's a reporter who carries a licensed weapon. Remember this is Colorado folks, a very red state where they take the right to bear arms seriously. He needs it going out where he's going.This is some real rural area where some Mormons who never accepted the change regarding polygamy. The law of the land is rather tenuously enforced here, these folks make their own laws. John Ireland and Jeff Corey pay a pair of feuding Mormon brothers, these two have some real hate for each other, they make some of those Appalachin mountain people feuds like the Oxford debating society.Bronson has two leading ladies with naught a hint of romance with either, in Denver Marilyn Hassett in the boonies, fellow newspaperperson Trish Van Devere. He and Van Devere nearly get themselves killed by some tractor trailers in a nicely staged car chase.Look for good performances from Daniel Benzali as the ambitious Denver Police Chief and Laurence Luckinbill as the big mover and shaker in Denver politics.It's a good film with a peek into a world few of the rest of us ever get to see.
Joseph P. Ulibas Messenger of Death (1988) was a huge disappointment for a Cannon film starring Charles Bronson. After making some very violent, sleazy and exploitive fare for Cannon, this movie was a big let down for fans of his eighties films. This was a boring and tedious movie. The direction was lackadaisical and the actor was pedestrian and unmotivated. Bronson looked extremely bored and was nearing the end of his acting career. This film expiated his retirement. Too bad because this film could have been a much better than what it turned out to be.Charles Bronson had a good run during the early to mid eighties. It's a shame he couldn't have ended his career with a big bang instead of a boring movie and a few years later in a retread sequel to a dead film series. Fitting that his film career ended as Cannon films was dying as well.Not recommended at all. Considering the talent in front and behind the camera.
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