R | 24 June 2003 (USA)
Haggard Trailers

After Ryan breaks up Glauren for cheating on him, she is rumored to have been hooking up with heavy metal Hellboy. Ryan enlists the help of his friends Valo and Falcone to find out the truth.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Nikki Lee I loved this movie and I watch it everyday. I think that although the acting isn't all that great, it's really just a bunch of guys having fun with a script. I had been looking all over for this movie, for almost a year, and when I found it for thirty dollars, I just had to get it. It is now, by far my favorite movie of all time. It deals with relationship failure, and at the same time making a joke of it. I loved all the parts with Don Vito, especially the one where Valo asks him for a grape when they're sitting on the porch, and He tells him to eat the one rolling down the porch. IT really portrays him as he really is. The part in the "Making Of" really touched me, when they adressed Brandon Novak's addiction to heroin, and how much his friends and family were trying to help him. A new movie that's in the making, called "Dreamseller," is in production, which is about the story of Novak's dreams, shattered by his addiction.
kimmy_67 i've seen this movie quite a bit used to watch it with my good mate Eron but he passed on i know he has the movie but it creeps me out to go in his room to actually look for it so if u know where i can purchase this movie that would be nice if you could inform me thanks anyways i'm commenting on the jackass 2 i can't wait i know it has that bloody idiot Bam in it and me and Eron love that guy he rocks even if his show is scripted, he is the coolest!!! well i heard dico isn't starring in this one is that true? well sucks if he isn't its the little things he does that gets the big laughs, but the movie will do fine without him i mean he was hardly in the first one and that movie was BIG so well anyways if u can tell where i can buy harrgard that would be great thanks
davenport_aaron F all you people who thinks this movie sucked, i loved the movie and all the other stuff margera has made. 10 outta 10. screw ya, lata. the thing says i need 10 lines so I'm just gonna say stupid stuff. I like pie, skateboarding, and seeing my friends trip in sh1t. My friend tried to jump over a bar and he got his foot caught on it and totally faceplanted the grass. When he finally got up, a chunk of the grass was missing and the next time he puked due to eating random $hit,it has grass in it. I $hat on his face while he was sleeping one and he beat me with a stick the next night when i was asleep. Well thats ten lines i hope, I'm random and margera is awesome cya.
ludeaem If you are looking for a movie that doesn't take itself seriously... than Haggard is for you. I must say before i write anything more, that if you have not seen any of the CKY (Camp Kill Yourself) videos than the movie most likely won't be AS funny. My advice is to watch a few clips of those videos that Bam and his friends made. Haggard does not take itself seriously AT all, and that was never the purpose. Throughout the movie you will have random moments that have nothing to do with the plot, which may get annoying but its nothing that is out of control. Even through all that the plot does stay focused and the story of Ryan Dunn's character does unfold quite nicely. This plot i have been told is based off a true story (for the most part)of Ryan Dunn's ex-girlfriend. Brandon Dicamillo is by far the best character in the movie. He has a lot of talent and knows how to make people laugh. He stole the movie if you ask me. Overall I love this movie for its simplicity and straight up weirdness. Its a Bam movie people, its not going to be normal. Haggard is filled with hilarious quotes that my friends and I constantly used since the first time we saw it. I've seen the movie 6-7 times and still find new things every time. The soundtrack is just as good. Everything from Gnar Kill to New Order and some techno. Just don't go into the movie with high expectations, let it all unfold and then judge it for what it is.