Mystery Men
Mystery Men
PG-13 | 06 August 1999 (USA)
Mystery Men Trailers

When Champion City's hero Captain Amazing is kidnapped by the recently paroled supervillain Casanova Frankenstein, a trio of average, everyday superheroes -- Mr. Furious, the Shoveler and the Blue Raja -- assemble a new super team to save him.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
bloodybjorn I just finished watching mystery men, and must say i liked it very much. Don't expect 'kick-ass' action but its more light and funny. I know the movie is out since 1999 but i never saw it when it came out, strange really but found the movie here on IMDb and read some good reviews about it so it made me curious. i know this is not really a review but just have to write 10 lines to get this online. so don't expect any blood or a lot of special effects just a refreshing new kind of simple but still funny 'super'hero movie it just different then the other stuff we are use too! the acting was real good but don't expect some super twist or stuff like that. So go and rent the movie or see it online you may like it if your in to something new.7/10 good
Foxbarking Mystery Men is one of the few movies that I remember being exceptionally excited about. Although I was not familiar with the Flaming Carrot comics, I remember seeing the huge advertising campaign for this movie and became exceptionally curious.My sister and I went to see this when it was released and I have to admit it is still one of my favorite cinematic experiences ever. I actually expected the Mystery Men to rescue Captain Amazing and let him save the day. Looking back, I realize how terrible that would have been. Captain Amazing was a total ass and solely responsible for every death in the movie. Rather than go such an off route, we got to see a group of people who may not be talented, but have heart and soul unlike any other super heroes. . As corny as it is, this movie reminded me a lot of the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. There was an expected corniness about it, but you still find yourself routing for it.The performances are all amazing. This is William H. Macy's movie. He took the Shoveler from an unsure man lacking direction and made him into the leader of this team. He seems to lack the ability to see the obvious, being at first surprised at the idea of teamwork and then assuming incorrectly that the Sphinx would be a good leader. He becomes the leader when he realizes that they have to be heroes not for themselves, but to protect the people they love and the people they have never met. Ben Stiller, the most hated actor I have ever watched, was actually fun to watch as Mr. Furious. I don't think Geoffrey Rush has ever given a bad performance.I'll never understand why this movie bombed like it did. I love it and will remember it forever.
Neil Welch Let me say that if you're not in tune with this movie, you're going to hate it.It tells the story of a group of super-heroes (in a world where some individuals are blessed with super-powers) whose powers are, to put it generously, extraordinarily lame. Fortunately, even though they do their best to help by banding together, their help is not needed because their city has a resident super-hero. Less fortunately, due to a mishap at their hands, he dies, and they have to come into their own to fight a super-villain.This delightfully loopy movie is blessed with a first rate cast. They play the material absolutely straight, and the movie is all the better for that (insofar as you can play straight the idea of someone who can turn invisible, but only when no-one is looking).I don't like the expression to "get" something. Nonetheless, I think it fits here - if you get Mystery Men, then you'll love it and, if you don't, you won't.
on_the_can So in the metropolis known as Champion city one hero stands up to evildoers, putting a triumphant end to criminal activity while the population swoons at his every act. His name is Captain Amazing(Greg Kinear)...but he's not alone. On the sidelines are Mr. Furious, The Shoveler and The Blue Raja. 3 misfit superheroes played by Ben Stiller, William H. Macy and Hank Azaria. They try their damnedest to follow Captain Amazing's example and help in all the crime fighting. But when Captain Amazing is captured by the villain Casanova Frankenstein(Geoffrey Rush) it's up to the three of them to find and rescue him, recruiting help along the way, rounding out their team with The Bowler(Janeane Garofalo), The Spleen(Paul Reubens), Invisible Boy(Kel Mitchell), and the Sphinx(Wes Studi).This seemed like a hysterical premise for a movie and I was stoked back in 1999 to see it. As I recall I liked it but was maybe a little let down given my expectations. Apparently though I was alone in even that amount of praise. I remember at the time this movie getting a lot of flak, I had a couple of friends that out and out hated it. Maybe it was just unrealistic expectations from everybody given the film's stellar cast. Maybe the fact that it takes so many visual cue's from the Batman franchise(Burton and Schumacher alike), when people still had a bad taste in their mouth from 'Batman & Robin.' Maybe it's because superhero movies at that time were few and far between, so the references were just flying over people's heads...maybe if it had been released just a few years later things would've been different. Or maybe...just maybe it wasn't everyone's cup of tea. But it's my understanding that this film is finally starting to develop something of a cult following and I can see why.I just watched this movie again, more than ten years later and I loved every minute of it. What many might have considered to be dumb in it's original run is actually a very clever commentary on superhero conventions. Out characters are gifted with ridiculous powers and skills that in no way should amount to any kind of heroics, and yet somehow they extreme take on the superheros we're actually meant to take seriously. They poke fun at secret identities and costumes...these guys are just as concerned with allying their super persona with coherent themed branding so they can be recognizable to potential fans.The movie is a parody on a genre that hadn't quite gotten its footing in the mainstream yet, and I'm sure that was its real downfall. Quite frankly with the A-list cast it should've been more financially successful regardless of the script, I just don't think many people quite knew what to make of it. If you were one of the many who was disappointed or in some way put off by this film back '99 I would recommend giving it a second shot. I never really hated it in the first place but my rating has definitely gone up and I've discovered a whole new appreciation for it. Beyond the plot which I've focused on in this review it is also quite well acted and directed and has some really stellar visuals in it...quite a feat of art direction as a matter of fact.