PG | 24 June 1987 (USA)
Spaceballs Trailers

When the nefarious Dark Helmet hatches a plan to snatch Princess Vespa and steal her planet's air, space-bum-for-hire Lone Starr and his clueless sidekick fly to the rescue. Along the way, they meet Yogurt, who puts Lone Starr wise to the power of "The Schwartz." Can he master it in time to save the day?

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
jpolywog-52354 I don't know how many times I have watched this movie. It is just incredible! I know every line. It has a unique place in comic movie history and demonstrates the genius of Mel Brooks. It lifts the lowest of spirits. Wonderful, funny, beautifully scripted and timeless extravaganza. Watch it and enjoy.
bowmanblue I remember going to see 'Spaceballs' when it came out in the cinema (a building with a massive TWO screens and is no longer there any more). I think I was about 11 at the time. Back then I didn't really know who Mel Brookes was, or anything about his other films. I just liked 'Star Wars' and that was all I needed to know. And, based on that most flimsy of reasons to see a film - I loved it! It's a parody of 'Star Wars' (and the occasional other sci-fi gag) which follows the original's plot reasonably accurately, i.e. rougish smuggler must rescue a princess from a black-helmetted space dictator. Now, nearly three decades later I thought I would watch it again and, I didn't love it… so much.I guess it's one of those films where you have to be young to really laugh at every single joke. I now feel that, although much of the time I was at least smiling a bit, it's not quite as funny as when I used to laugh at simpler things. It's a decent enough watch and it's nice seeing John Candy clearly enjoying himself as the 'Chewbacca-type' creature (unsubtly named) 'Barf.' Now I look at it again I can't help thinking that Mel Brooks is trying a little too hard to be everywhere, as he casts himself as basically the lead (and a couple other roles) and now I see it through adult eyes, he seems a little too full of himself, even if he does play a complete idiot.I mentioned John Candy as the stand-out role, but the others are good, too. Bill Pullman is functional as the 'hero,' but it's Rick Moranis who steals every scene as the completely incompetent 'Darth Vader' rip-off, now known as 'Dark Helmet.' There's a great 'Alien' cameo too by John Hurt and some other nods to a few famous franchises, so you'll probably need to know all movies in the genre to appreciate everything.I may be sounding a little harsh overall, but I did enjoy it again, even after all this time. I'll probably watch it again in another ten years, but next time I'll know not to expect it to be the same as when I was a kid.
jacobhunt6 This is an example of the few satires in our film industry that manage to be so awful and terrible that they become truly classic. "Spaceballs" mocks the greatest of the science-fiction blockbuster film genre, particularly focusing on the original "Star Wars" trilogy, but extending to mock "Star Trek", "Alien" and "Planet of the Apes", as well as the genre as a whole. While cringe-worthy at times, the humour is family-friendly and laughable, and the awful special effects, terrible puns and ridiculous moments can be excused due to the film's nature as a hilarious genre-based satire. The film's uncanny ability to break the fourth wall, acknowledge the flaws of the film industry and criticise the blockbuster film's habit of being based entirely on profit makes for fantastic viewing, and Mel Brooks' ridiculous sense of humour appeals directly to this. While being utterly ridiculous and leaving me cringing at times, the film really tickled my funny bone as a science fiction and "Star Wars" fan, and it goes in my good books as one of the better comedies to view on a cold, rainy day.
tankace Spaceballs made by Mel Brooks and his friends (commonly known as Monty Pythons) is the parody of the original trilogy of Star Wars and it rocks!! I mean it has everything that is need it for a parody from creating the atmosphere of the source material to making fun of the most famous quotes and scenes and even the characters are not safe from this flick.I laugh my ass off, the jokes ,the gangs and the meta moments where made almost perfectly and the story cleverly retells the story of the whole trilogy by a comedic point of view. Like with their previous project Young Frankestain ,Mel Brooks' team always pay respect to the original and is really showed, from the shape for the villains space craft to the Han Solo like hero of the story Lone Star and his hairy sidekick Barf. Side note if I found them I would definitely want to be friend them immediately!!And now to the reviews title ,why in the name of Darth Vader is this historic comedy has only 7,1 to 10 in IMDb? Guys this is one of the text book parody movies along side Joung Frankenstain ,Hot Shots , Airplanes and Blazing Shaddles. Apart for a good parody is a great comedy by itself so what is the deal? Here is a hypothesis (not theory ,because a theory is a hypothesis proved beyond any doubt): Many Young people been feed with parodies like Meet the Spartans ,Superhero movie ,Disaster movie and the list goes on ,Have come to the conclusion that parody is a cash crab by studio in order to humiliate the movie they hold dear. This has as a result the general public to be negative towards this type of films. I do not blame them, if you are not a movie buff ,then older films are not so well known because it takes time to find them.With this review I want to inform you ,the readers ,don't hate on seat first see it and then decide. I guarantee you this a parody worth watching and do not worry that parody may die because ,is alive and even thriving in the internet with seats like Screen Junkies, Cinemacins ,How it should have ended it and so on. I believe that one day one of us based on or working with these guys one day ,we will brink parodies back to the big screen.