Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie
Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie
NR | 10 February 2016 (USA)
Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie Trailers

Donald Trump has it all. Money, power, respect, and an Eastern European bride. But all his success didn't come for nothing. First, he inherited millions of dollars from his rich father, then he grabbed New York City by the balls. Now you can learn the art of negotiation, real estate, and high-quality brass.

Animenter There are women in the film, but none has anything you could call a personality.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
adonis98-743-186503 Funny or Die presents a satirical rendition of Donald J. Trump's 1987 best selling business book, The Art of the Deal. The best part of this entire short was definitely Johnny Depp as Donald J. Trump i mean the guy totally killed it and the make up was pretty spot on cause he looked like the guy although sometimes the voice was a bit too much like Jack Sparrow and less like Trump. The cameos were totally fun and especially the one from Ron Howard at the beginning and the end of the film. If you don't take it completely serious this film will definitely give you a good time plus it's silly and it knows it. (7.0/10)
solisallyn This movie made me lose SO MUCH respect for Johnny Depp! I thought he was much more classy than this. It's not his place to make fun of someone. This movie just confirmed to me that I most likely will never watch another Johnny Depp movie. What really irritated me at the end was the "FU*K YOU!!!!!" he gave to the audience (us). I understand this is suppose to be a "mock" and "funny" movie, but there was nothing funny about it. Some things said were borderline out of hand. But again, judging by the way he disrespected all of his fans by saying "F*CK YOU!!!!" that just tells me that he doesn't care, which is OK, but I guarantee you we will never spend another dime on his movies. Disclaimer: I am NOT a Trump supporter, I only watched to movie because I (use to be) a big Johnny Depp fan.
FilmBuff1994 Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie is a mediocre TV movie that has its ups and downs in terms of writing, despite a talented cast. Funny or Die certainly gathered an impressive creative team to parody the most controversial presidential candidate in American history. There are great cameos throughout, such as Patton Oswalt and Ron Howard as himself. The star of the show is Johnny Depp, taking a very interesting turn as Trump himself, he may not sound very much like him, but his mannerisms and dialogue is stellar, he brings the character to life in his own very unique way. It does get tiring after a while, twenty minutes it and the humour started to die down for me, it was very one note, fifty minutes was too much. The run time may have been a bit more bearable if they were not so inclined to make the movie look extremely low budget, purposely making the colour off putting, I got the joke but it took me out of the "plot" too much. While there are certainly funny moments, The Art of the Deal falls flat for me, if you enjoy making fun of Donald Trump you might as well check out Funny or Die as they take the joke way too far, other than that avoid it. A satirical adaptation of business tycoon Donald Trump's bestselling novel, as he teaches a young boy how to make it big in the industry. Best Performance: Johnny Depp
peefyn Context: I am not American, and do not live in the US.In many ways, this could be compared to the 2015 HBO TV-movie 7 Days in Hell. It's essentially a long skit based around one central idea, featuring a number of celebrity cameos. It's something where those involved obviously must have had great fun making it, and that joy is transferred to the viewer.There is also a case to be made for a comparison between this and 2015s Kung Fury. Both rely heavily on replicating (and exaggerating) the looks and feel of popular media from a former decade (specifically the 80s).While I can not be sure about their motives, it's easy to imagine that the people involved with this meant this as a sort of satirical reflection over Trump's character, or as an comedic attack on him. Because of Trump's way of handling his legacy and public image (basically not caring), this is not a very successful game plan. And because the caricature of Trump in this movie is (sadly) believable, it never becomes all that funny.