PG | 02 July 1980 (USA)
Airplane! Trailers

An ex-fighter pilot forced to take over the controls of an airliner when the flight crew succumbs to food poisoning.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
willadavies Airplane from the team of Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker is a hilarious treat. It takes place on a, er, airplane and has every comic trope available on board. Robert hays and Julie Hagerty play ex-lovers who bump into each other on the plane amidst chaos. Everything from gaffes to slapstick humor works like a charm and the presence of Leslie Neilson and Llyod Bridges only adds to the sheen. This film is considered a classic of the genre today and if you love comedy than there is no better option than to sit with a copy of Airplane tonight.
Better_TV While nowadays the style of humor pioneered by the Zucker brothers and Jim Abrahams is passé - and, some would argue, practically ruined by its overbaked usage in some of their subsequent projects including the Scary Movie franchise - back then their humor was fresh, and most of the jokes in this film do indeed hold up today.There's double entendres, lots of one-liners, plenty of sight gags, a bit of politically incorrect racism and sexism, some absurd violence, the legendary scene where Barbara Billingsley says, "Oh stewardess, I speak jive," a deadpan Leslie Nielsen, and more. My favorite actor in the movie was and still is Stephen Stucker as Johnny; every time he pops up to give some anarchic and ridiculous line, it puts a smile on my face.What always struck me about this movie was that, despite all the absurd humor, the central love story does actually take itself rather seriously; Robert Hays and Julie Hagerty are perfectly cast. There's also real suspense when Hays attempts to pilot the passenger plane to safety in a storm; even with all the jokes the movie knows when to give the audience some genuine emotional beats. That was one of the biggest problems the sequel had - it jumped the shark early and often, provoking many viewers to ask "what's the point?"This one, though, is still a fun watch in 2018.
caddainmoe "Airplane!" is a timeless comedy film by Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Jerry Zucker. It's absurd, hilarious, and remains just as funny with every watch. The movie shows the story of Ted Striker, a former war pilot, and his mission to win back the love of Elaine, a flight attendant. While on the flight, disaster strikes and the pilots on the flight become extremely ill and it's up to Ted to overcome his fear of flying and save the day.The plot is just one part of the movie, though. The rest of the hour and twenty eight minute film is filled to the brim with various forms of humor. Personally, "Airplane!" stands out to me as one of the silliest and most enjoyable comedy movies I've ever watched. While the humor might not be to everyone's taste, those who can appreciate it will be heavily rewarded with many laughs. The dialogue and visual jokes fly by one after another, keeping up this fast paced comedy the whole time. Whether it's slapstick, witty one- liners, puns, unexpected twists, or anything else, it's hard to find too many jokes in this movie that fall short of greatness.The movie is essentially a spoof of the 1957 film "Zero Hour!". While this is true, "Airplane!" provides to be more than just a spoof of one movie. It has various parodies, references, and recurring jokes that give it a unique charm.Overall, "Airplane!" is a goofy, reliable, and proves itself to be one of the funniest movies of its type. No other movie I've seen quite compares to the humor and mood that this film presents. "The Naked Gun" comes close, but it just doesn't quite reach the same level of rewatchability that this movie achieves. This is a memorable,extremely quotable, and near-perfectly executed spoof movie that I would recommend everyone watch at least once in their lifetime.
Bella I really LOVED this movie. Airplane is a parody of disaster movies. While flying, both pilots and many on board get food poisoning from the fish. There is only one person left on board who is not sick and knows how to fly a plane. The problem is that he has never flown a plane this size over the years he has developed a phobia of flying a plane. He must face his fears in order to save himself, his lover, and all of the other passengers. This movie has some corny parts that I didn't find funny, but it still consistently made me laugh. I will definitely watch it again.