Romancing the Stone
Romancing the Stone
PG | 30 March 1984 (USA)
Romancing the Stone Trailers

Though she can spin wild tales of passionate romance, novelist Joan Wilder has no life of her own. Then one day adventure comes her way in the form of a mysterious package. It turns out that the parcel is the ransom she'll need to free her abducted sister, so Joan flies to South America to hand it over. But she gets on the wrong bus and winds up hopelessly stranded in the jungle.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
bensonmum2 Sheltered romance writer Joan Wilder (Kathleen Turner) learns her sister has been kidnapped in Columbia. The kidnappers want a map that Wilder has in her possession that supposedly leads to a treasure known as El Corazón. But the kidnappers aren't the only party interested in the map. Colonel Zolo, head of the military police, is also after the map. Through an unfortunate series of events, Wilder ends up lost in the jungle and pins her hopes for survival on an exotic bird smuggler names Jack T Colton (Michael Douglas). Is Colton the dreamy hero of Wilder's books or is he also in it for himself and after the treasure? If I were to use only one word to describe Romancing the Stone, it would be "fun". This movie has been a favorite of mine since I was lucky enough to catch it in the theater way back in 1984. It was fun then and it's just as fun now. I've probably seen it a dozen or more times since 1984. Adventure, comedy, romance, danger, action – Romancing the Stone's got it all. There's a lot here to like. Robert Zemeckis' direction is spot-on. His pacing is near-flawless. The cinematography is often stunning. The jungles of Columbia are beautifully shot. Green never looked so good. While the actual hunt for the treasure doesn't play as big a role as I would prefer, it's clever and enjoyable. The movie also features some terrific acting from Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas, Danny DeVito, and the scene stealing Alfonso Arau. I've always been especially impressed with Turner's portrayal of Joan Wilder in Romancing the Stone. She plays against type and it works. Overall, this movie's a winner.
Fluke_Skywalker Plot; A romance novelist goes to Columbia where she teams up with a mercenary to rescue her Sister and find a priceless treasure.Romancing The Stone is a prime example of talent working together to lift the material. That's not to say that it's a bad script (a tad politically incorrect at times, but not bad). In fact, it's reasonably witty and evokes classic movies like The African Queen. But thanks to sure direction by Robert Zemeckis and great chemistry between charming leads Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner (and a humorous turn by Danny DeVito as one of the baddies), it rises above what in lesser hands would've been disposable, B-movie fare. It's certainly no Raiders Of The Lost Ark, but then what is?
Davis P Romancing the stone (1984) starring Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas and Danny DeVito is an immensely entertaining film that is full of romance, action, and some comedy is even thrown in the mix for the audience to enjoy. The script is very delightful and fun. And the action scenes are thrilling, well coordinated, and well edited, hence the academy award nomination for best film editing, which was well deserved. Kathleen Turner was very delightful to watch on screen, she has great on screen chemistry with Michael Douglas, and she carries her own weight very impressively. And Michael Douglas really fits his character well, and he is very engaging in the action scenes. The movie really is just a whole lot of fun to sit down and enjoy, and the setting is great too, very fitting for the movie. Now this film is not a family movie, there is a pretty substantial amount of profanity, it's targeted towards a teen and adult demographic. 8/10 for romancing the stone.
thesar-2 In a movie (and time) that looks like it would rip off Indiana Jones, I was impressed it really didn't. It's a harmless, fun and funny adventure that stood on its own. (For the opposite of these statements, look no further than the movie's own sequel, The Jewel of the Nile.)I vaguely, and I mean maybe I really didn't, remember seeing this many years (or decades) ago. So, this viewing appeared fresh to me, and I don't regret it. It was charming, incredibly set in the 80s flick and I had fun with the main characters.While not groundbreaking, even for the 1980s, it's a good throwback for those of us who love movies made with heart and not the CGI of today. If you have seen it and liked it, it's a nice revisit to the good old days. If not, no harm can be done from seeing a movie not restricted by some offended audiences of today.