The Money Pit
The Money Pit
PG | 26 March 1986 (USA)
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After being evicted from their Manhattan apartment, a couple buy what looks like the home of their dreams—only to find themselves saddled with a bank-account-draining nightmare. Struggling to keep their relationship together as their rambling mansion falls to pieces around them, the two watch in hilarious horror as everything—including the kitchen sink—disappears into the Money Pit.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
studioAT Shelley Long was so good in the first five years of sitcom 'Cheers' that i've always been surprised that she's never made more of a dent on the silver screen. Here I think is one of the few films she's made where she gets star billing.'The Money Pit' is a decent enough film and certainly has a lot of charm. Once it gets going,with all the slapstick and mishaps it's a good laugh.However I found the start very slow going and had to try hard not to give up on the film all together. There's so much set up before the fun starts and that doesn't make great viewing.If you want a fun film then this is one for you, I'd just skip the first twenty minutes.
gjampol One of the things that makes this movie so enjoyable is that millions of Americans can easily empathize and draw upon their own experiences with the travails of fixing up a dilapidated house. The plot is a familiar one and follows in the footsteps (which usually collapse) of such classic films as "George Washington Slept Here," "The Egg and I" and "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House."Shelley Long and Tom Hanks seem evenly matched as the tormented couple who suffer almost every wacky indignity and calamity imaginable. Tom Hanks has a flair for physical comedy, which he rarely got the chance to exploit in his later films. Unfortunately, except for Philip Bosco and Maureen Stapleton, the supporting players in "The Money Pit" are not in the same league as the actors who added so much flavor to films in the old studio days.Indeed, as a classic movie buff, I find today's crop of character actors pallid in comparison with their counterparts of more than 50 years ago.Who can forget Percy Kilbride and Hattie McDaniel as Mr. Kimber and Hester the maid in "George Washington," and Harry Shannon As Mr. Tesander, the well digger, in "Blandings"? Don't forget Donald MacBride and the coupling of Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride as Ma and Pa Kettle in "The Egg." We'll never see the likes of them again.Still, "The Money Pit" is all good fun and very entertaining.
videorama-759-859391 Another film, I love from 86, sees Hanks, again impressing us, with great comic timing, and soon to be wife, Shelly Long (always good in any role) buy the lemon from hell. There are laughs here and there, but the fun is in just watching this place come apart and crumble. Not sounding morbid or dastardly here. Here, anything and everything comes apart, you have to ask yourself, "How the hell did they stage all of the faults". It must of taken hours. Some of the defects are bloody dangerous to watch, mostly concerning wires blowing apart and power outlets. Poor Hanks getting sucked in through a hole in the second story floor, was one of the fun moments. No other actor could fit this role, and I wouldn't want to see any other actor in this role. Joe Mantegna as a randy carpenter who makes the moves on Long, I liked. Shelly's ex-Alexander Gordonuv provided a likable character of flair, despite being shallow, and narcissistic. After not seeing this film in a very long time, I still enjoyed it today as I did then. By the way, in the house is amazingly, revamped, where in the end, for first home buyers, hope is possible. Lets face it, at the start, this crumbling house made the one in Emoh Ruo, look like a dream, it's faults, coming in small pittance.
SnoopyStyle Walter Fielding (Tom Hanks) and Anna Crowley (Shelley Long) are a New York couple who has to search for a new place after her wild ex-husband the Maestro Max Beissart comes home. They find a grand mansion at a very low price. The lonely old woman at the house con them with a wild story that force them to buy blindly. Only when they move in, things fall apart.This was probably the height of Shelley Long's popularity. Tom Hanks is as lovable as ever. There are great pratfalls and great physical humor. It should be so much better than it actually is.Both her character and her acting don't lend itself to be likable. The role needs to be more sweet and cute. She's neither of those things. Their constant bickering and her constant complaining really makes it hard to root for these guys. The good part is the funny physical stuff. Those hold up great after all these years.