PG-13 | 25 June 1987 (USA)
Dragnet Trailers

LAPD Sgt. Joe Friday -- the equally straight-laced nephew of the famous police sergeant of the same name -- is paired up with a young, freewheeling detective named Pep Streebeck. After investigating some strange robberies at the local zoo and the theft of a stockpile of pornographic magazines, they uncover cult activity in the heart of the city and are hot on the case to figure out who's behind it all.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
BobbyT24 I watched this many times years ago in college when it first came out (and thereafter). Tom Hanks was always a fabulous funnyman with impeccable timing. Dan Ackroyd was Jack Webb reincarnated with a comedy flare. It was funny in 1987, it was funny in the years following, it was funny last night while watching with my teenage son who had neither heard of the original series nor really had much experience with a young Tom Hanks circa-"Splash" era. The movie hasn't aged perfectly (how many mid-80s movies have?). However, the originality and genuine caring by the two stars to add some sensibility and joy into a classic dramatic series makes it worth watching. I enjoyed it then. I enjoyed it last night.Tom Hanks is an American treasure as an actor. He's just that special. I'm so thankful he's stretched out into drama, but his physical comedy and timing are some of the best ever. Dan Ackroyd can spout the dictionary in his monotone "Joe Friday" tone and make it sound funny. He was awesome as the Los Angeles detective with the heart of gold and ethics above reproach. Pairing him with a lovely, innocent Alexandra Paul was a stroke of genius for the screenplay. It allowed these gifted comedians even more fodder for comic gold.Some people mention this is an "unrealistic" movie. Of course it is. Just like the "Airplane" series is unrealistic. With spoofs, you will need to suspend reality a little to understand the point. "Dragnet" not only sticks close to reality, but even it's silly parts are joyous because the main characters and the character actors playing the minor parts are working so hard to make it believable. To have Dabney Coleman doing his impression of Hugh Hefner with a lisp is inspired lunacy. And naming Joe Friday's grandmother, "Granny Monday"... The jokes go on.If you're looking for "Schindler's List" or even the Harrison Ford remake, "The Fugitive", you will be disappointed with "Dragnet". But if you love "Airplane", "Spaceballs" and other odd, clever, classic "banana peel" humor, pick up this movie. If you are in the mood for a silly memoir about a classic police show from the 1960s, you won't find much better. I would recommend watching just to watch Tom Hanks as a young comedian. He's worth the time. The rest of the movie is worth your time. Recommended for a night of lunacy. :-)
willcundallreview Rating-6/10Dragnet is an 80's crime comedy that although isn't that funny to be fair, still manages to produce a kind of fun story. Is this Dan Aykroyd or Tom Hanks best work in the funny business?, no, but what I will say is they give it there all and with some good one liners here and there it still is a highly enjoyable piece of entertainment.The plot centres around, well quite a few things actually and that is why I felt it was OK, it not only produces thrills and also spills, but it also produces a nice setting to it too with LA providing a typical 80's backdrop that never gets old in movies. I thoroughly enjoyed the start and actually felt it could be a classic, the only problem is it really starts to decline in quality toward the ending and you feel with the last half or quarter that if it had been a little more precise with the script, it could have been very good.Tom Mankiewicz directs and co writes this well but I did feel as previously said the script just isn't tight enough, bit of tweaking would have made massive improvements. Dan Accord is among them writers and also the star of the film playing Sergeant Joe Friday who although is a hard character I understand to be funny with, is massively overshadowed by others involved and you want to see more of Tom Hanks character Pep Steinbeck by the time he has fully established himself. Speaking on Hanks he is good here, a little crazy but pretty much delivers the jokes this entire film has that are funny.Now whether or not it lives up to it's original TV series is only known by those who watched it, and I am not among those who have, but what I will say is that if this is anything to go by it probably hasn't. The film is just a little too messy, yes of course I did say it is OK and it truly is but is it really that great of a film, well probably no in all fairness.Away from the comedy, and I stress this quite importantly, the plot is actually very thrilling and the story that we go through is very entertaining indeed. The whole thing about P.A.G.A.N is mysterious and is never truly solved until right at the end of the movie, the plot is worth it's own serious movie for that. One thing the movie can do rather well is make itself smart, I don't mean in terms of jokes but when you see some of the very long and drawn out quips by Aykroyd, you see not only the smart side of Mankiewicz but also the acting skill of Dan Aykroyd himself.Overall I felt it was actually just about OK and definitely worth a watch for anyone who wants a fun, if not only slightly funny 80's comedy. Ridiculous from start to finish it does fail to capitalise on making itself a Naked Gun type film but does succeed in making itself rather fun and entertaining meaning although your belly wont hurt by the end from laughter, you'll still feel full of fun and a silly kind of feeling. Oh and one more point is on for me the best actor here, in a dramatic way, Christopher Plummer whose straight faced Reverend is both stern and fun and plays well into quite a few jokes too. He proves here why in years after he won an Academy Award(long overdue), and even in a rather failed comedy, still managed to act to his full skill and even potential.
FilmBuff1994 Dragnet is a good movie with a well written storyline and a great comedic cast.Its certainly not an outstanding comedy that made me laugh so frequently that I want to see it again,but it was fun while it lasted and it certainly had some good moments.It was weird seeing Dan Aykroyd in the serious role and Tom Hanks as a comic relief,because back then Hanks was not an A-list actor,but it really seemed strange to me that there was a time when Dan Aykroyd was bigger than Tom Hanks.Despiite feeling like these roles would have made sense the other way around,they both did great jobs,some of Aykroyds intellectual dialogue seemed very tricky,but he delivered it in pure confidence,Hanks character was very funny and there was great chemistry between both actors.Its nothing outstanding but still an enjoyable hour and forty minutes,I would recommend Dragnet as a good comedy to watch if you ever see it on television. A straight laced LAPD cop and his easy going new partner try to bust a criminal conspiracy.Best Performance: Tom Hanks Worst Performance: Bruce Gray
edwagreen Dan Aykroyd does an hilarious take-off of the late Jack Webb's Sgt. Joe Friday in this 1987 film. With that straight face along with everything being straight by the book, Aykroyd is fabulous here. He is equally matched with a perfect foil partner in a very youthful Tom Hanks.The premise may not be all that funny but there are hilarious chase scenes and wonderful performances by Christopher Plummer, as a priest, who is really a maniacal thief along with Dabney Coleman and Elizabeth Ashley, the latter a crooked Police Lady Commissioner.Friday finds love and finally breaks down somewhat from his rigidity. Plummer's line when asked about a wonderful military force is to say: "Who the Israeli's?"Even the anti-climatic ending will not bother you here.