Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous
PG-13 | 11 March 2005 (USA)
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous Trailers

After her triumph at the Miss United States pageant, FBI agent Gracie Hart becomes an overnight sensation -- and the new "face of the FBI". But it's time to spring into action again when the pageant's winner, Cheryl, and emcee, Stan, are abducted.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Konterr Brilliant and touching
stormhawk2018 In 2000, Bill Clinton still was the President of the United States; the Twin Towers were erect; John Paul II was the Pope; and a movie called "Miss Congeniality" appeared. This movie was good and better than their sequel, because it was funny and delivered us some laughs. Don't forget Gracie Hart's catchphrase: "And the World's peace!"Five years later, in 2005, George W. Bush started his second period as the President of the United States, the Twin Towers were destroyed, Pope John Paul II died after a long illness, invasion to Iraq was in their peak, North Korea announced it's possession of nuclear weapons...and the film "Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous", which is bad than the original one as the other things that happened on that year.This film tries desperately to cling to the formula of the first film, but without the slob-makeover aspect it loses a lot. Instead somehow Hart is changed by her new look and becomes as superficial as the women she despises in the first film. That seems like an odd personality shift: from a tough FBI agent to a FBI Barbie. As a result of Hart's new personality they have to write in a tough-as-nails partner to keep the action going. Oh, but don't forget that a gay stylist added something to the first film so instead of thinking of a new idea they just include a new gay stylist. Despite this desperate grab to add comedy they don't manage to draw a single laugh in the whole movie.The story is so blah and uninteresting. The clues that Hart finds are extremely obvious and make you wonder what, if anything, the rest of the FBI was doing to solve the case. Perhaps they, like the audience, just didn't care that much about the ransom victims. There are so many plot holes that make zero sense, so many plot points that are added for no apparent reason, and at the end they give the audience the ultimate slap in the face. After spending the whole movie establishing that Hart can't be an ordinary agent because of her notoriety, they make her an agent anyways, as if this new story didn't add to her fame. Basically they copped out because they couldn't figure out a good resolution for the character so they just wrote the ending they thought the audience would like best. That's what Miss Congeniality 2 is all about, trying to cater to an audience instead of trying to tell a good story.P.S.: To the reviewer John Ochiai, yeah sure, it seemed funny to you see a white girl and a black girl fighting themselves, because you are from Asian origin (Japanese). If you're from Japanese descent, you can choose instead the girls from the Super Sentai shows, these are million times better than Bullock and King together.
jessegehrig Sometimes in my life I go out I see a movie, one of the times I did that, it was for this movie. There is beauty in this world and rarer still there is truth, also, separate from truth and beauty, there is Miss Congenital 2. Hey, first film was good, I did enjoy Miss Congeniality, it was fun and warm, sequel is not. Sucks because plot is weak and obvious, rehashed ideas- and really that's this movie's only flaw. But think of this, production value and the quality of acting was all there, everyone did great, everything is in place for a great movie, EXCEPT THE PLOT. The sh*t plot of this movie is why this sequel sucks. Nail the writing, then get the money flowing, doing it the other way never works.
Marrenp I love Sandra Bullock and I am a fan of Diedrich Bader, but this was one of the worst movies I have ever sat through in my entire life. A fine cast wretchedly served by whoever was responsible for extruding this cowpat of a film. The drop-off from Caddyshack to Caddyshack II is known as the industry standard for Sequel Wretchedness, but in my book, the falloff from the wonderful "Miss Congeniality" to this...thing... is even steeper. There is really nothing else to say about this film, but reviews here require ten lines, and that was only four, so I will recapitulate my opinion: this film is so utterly devoid of worth that the best performance was probably Miss Congeniality star Benjamin Bratt's inaudible phoned-in breakup with Sandra Bullock's character. Certainly Bratt's judgment in sitting this one out is superior to that of any other person associated with this unmentionable excrescence, this waste of perfectly good celluloid, this quintessence of crap. I could be bound in a nutshell watching Plan 9 from Outer Space and count myself king of infinite, well, Outer Space, in comparison to sitting in my comfy bouncy American triple-butt-wide Monster Megaplex seat with the photons emitted from this scientific experiment in boresomeness optimization eye-raping me and my innocent confreres. Do I convey my point? Do you get the gist? This is a bad movie. There. That must be ten lines.
leplatypus Well, at least, there's a real effort to write a sequel. This Miss 2 isn't a copy of Miss 1 but rather a "negative" follow-up: this time, Sandra is more a model that tries to investigate than an agent that tries to model. There are some funny moments, it's filled with good values (i like, as in X-Files, how the agents address their chief with "sir") and the interaction between the girls is interesting (and i think that Regina King steals the show...). But the story of kidnapping isn't really gripping, the investigation looks like a simple brainstorm, the choice for Vegas isn't lucky (it's maybe the only one movie that doesn't show girls or games) and the cast isn't worth of Michael Caine or Benjamin Bratt (who is constantly spoken about). I'm really fed up with the effeminate gay (frankly, Americans really understand nothing to homosexuality) and at last, Sandra, even she has talent for comedy, really lacks of kindness...