R | 02 December 1998 (USA)
Sweepers Trailers

Dolph Lundgren is Christian Erickson, a leading demolition expert trained to disarm mine fields in a humanitarian minesweeping operation in Angola. His son is killed and he discovers that mines are being planted during the war to kill people in the area.

Lawbolisted Powerful
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
adonis98-743-186503 A humanitarian minesweeping operation in Angola uncovers a covert operation that is planting new and deadly mines. Sweepers is the film that as a kid i would have loved but now? it looks terribly old and cheesy especially seeing Dolph Lundgren sliding down the stairs and killing a dude who acts like he got shot with a shotgun instead of 2 small guns. This is another movie that doesn't care on giving to viewers a small budget but at least with some quality movie and instead we get a forgettable, horrible and super over the top 90's action film. (0/10)
Leofwine_draca More straight-to-video nonsense from action man Lundgren, here ripping off everything from COMMANDO to INDIANA JONES. Still, despite being clichéd and ripping off loads of great movies, SWEEPERS is a low-budget, violent action flick that actually manages to be pretty entertaining and, for once, delivers in the action stakes! The first half is pretty slow, with Lundgren losing his son in a sickening sentimental scene and then becoming an alcoholic. Meanwhile, we're introduced to Clare Stansfield who plays the thankfully tough and unglamorous female lead and love interest. After much to-ing and fro-ing in the outback of Angola (a fresh setting which makes a change from the tired bustling streets of America which figure predominantly in these action flicks), Stansfield persuades Lundgren to team up with her to battle some evil terrorist chaps.The second half is basically one long string of action scenes, with Lundgren battling people in a house, street, in a mine and finally on a speeding train (yep, John Woo's BROKEN ARROW seems to have been a strong inspiration, although this is equally good). The body count is high and the amount of shooting is enough to satisfy any red-blooded male. There are also a requisite number of hand-to-hand combat situations and explosions to enjoy. Lundgren here is pretty good and seems to be enjoying himself; his character goes from being a drunk to an Indiana Jones look alike explorer complete with leather jacket, hat and shotgun! Finally he strips to the waist and becomes Rambo, killing off dozens of bad guys in bursts of violence.The chief villain is the ever-smarmy Bruce Payne; at first his character seems to be on the side of good, but anybody who's ever seen any of his other movies will inevitably guess that he turns out to be the main bad guy at the end. Stansfield is good, the supporting bad guys deserve to die, and the African extras acquit themselves well with their mainly sympathetic turns. Although a cheap, uninvolving action film, this is still highly entertaining if cheesy stuff, surprisingly good for Lundgren.
koohii This movie's grasp of Angolan politics is about as informed as it's knowledge of landmines. In other words, it makes the Lethal Weapon movies look like sophisticated dramas. Even your average Berkeley protester, full of ideal but without a clue as to what is really going on, would be able to display a better grasp of the political situation than this movie. Fight coreography and direction is laughablly bad. Fanfilms on theForce.net tend to be better. Suddenly, 1/2 way through, Dolph becomes an Indianna Jones clone. During a rescue scene, when time is of the essence, he takes time to change clothes. The whole mine sequence reads like Steven Speilburg's rejects. The village scenes scream bogus as well. All these villagers have food and clothing, and running water and plumbing. And they're dumb enough to be playing football in the minefield just when "Our Hero" needs motivation. Overall, the film may have been made to advance a political agenda, but it failed. This is the lamest Dolph movie I've scene since... ever. The only one that comes close to being worse was the film where they actually stole footage from another Dolph movie! Using the Cranky scale (1-4 bombs, Dynamite, Nuke), This one is a dynamite!
Shawn Watson This is not a typical Dolph movie nor is it a typical obscure film. I mean it's obscure, but not in a cool new find way. Perhaps it's due to bad writing and directing but it just seems so different in terms of dialogue and plot development. For most of the movie Dolph sits around and drinks but after about an hour he finally gets down to some action.He also sounds different. His voice is gravelly. Like he's smoked 100 cigars a day for a decade. But I guess this is him just getting into character, too bad it's not interesting but it's nice to see the effort. There should plenty for Dolph to get his teeth into here and lots of opportunity for a hot-potato of a movie. Land mines are a delicate issue but at some point in the movie it all collapses into standard action-man territory.The beginning is badly directed, some shootouts seems really false and the trailer is, by far, the WORST I have ever seen. The DVD has plain old stereo sound with a pan and scanned fullscreen picture. Avoid it.