Rush Hour
Rush Hour
PG-13 | 18 September 1998 (USA)
Rush Hour Trailers

When Hong Kong Inspector Lee is summoned to Los Angeles to investigate a kidnapping, the FBI doesn't want any outside help and assigns cocky LAPD Detective James Carter to distract Lee from the case. Not content to watch the action from the sidelines, Lee and Carter form an unlikely partnership and investigate the case themselves.

Micitype Pretty Good
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Torrin-McFinn77 I'd watched a little of this back in the late 1990s and wanted to watch more. Its plot was decent and it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but if you wanted to see Jackie Chan team up with an American police detective, this is your movie. Lots of funny moments and lots of action. It went on to have two sequels and while I'd only seen the second Rush Hour, I hadn't watched the third. But stick with this one and you'll have fun.
Charles Herold (cherold) This is a really fun, completely idiotic buddy action flick. Jackie Chan does a bunch of his terrific, Buster Keaton-ish fights, cleverly using props and unexpected moves. Chris Tucker plays his unwilling partner, who is an absolute idiot. I find Tucker a bit problematic, in that I found him annoying - he reads every line like a stand-up comic trying to wake up a 3 a.m. crowd - but I also found him really funny. A lot of what happens in the movie is really, really stupid, particularly in the way the movie gets Chan into fights that includes his inexplicably picking a fight with the FBI and a bunch of barflies making the unlikely choice to attack the weird guy at the bar who clearly had no idea what he was doing. A better script would have been nice, but the great action and frequent laughs make this an excellent bit of popcorn filmmaking.
lisafordeay This happened to be on cable last night and as I haven't seen it in a very long time I decided to check it out. The film is about a Hong Kong detective played by Jackie Chan,who teams up with a fast-talking FBI agent named Carter played by Chris Tucker(who I swear is the love child of Eddie Murphy btw)to catch the mastermind who kidnapped a 10 year old Chinese girl who ended up being taken by two Chinese guys. So its up to Tucker and Lee to save the little girl from the two baddies. But someone else could be behind it too?Overall I found this film hilarious. The cast was great especially Jackie Chan who is one of my favorite actors as he is an expert at martial arts and Chris Tucker literally stole everything in this movie with his high-pitched voice and his witty persona.The action sequences were great and bottom line I enjoyed it.If you haven't seen it be sure and check it out.
Thomas Drufke Yes, it did take me this long to see the movie. I was hesitant for so long because these movies are not my niche. I don't normally like goofy buddy cop movies, but this along with the 21 Jump Street series, has been an exception. With comedies, you need to feel fresh with your bits, and create a unique bond of chemistry between your leads. We have seen it fail too many times before so I was glad to see that Rush Hour nailed it for its time.Coming out in 1998, I'm not sure we had seen any black male and Asian male take the leads in a film together. Usually its a risk financially for studios (it shouldn't be, but it is). But Jackie Chan, being the international star that he was, and Chris Tucker being at the peak of his comedic stardom, it was definitely a good fit. And they ended up having a lot of chemistry. It was really funny watching the two learn about each others ways of living and the endless amount of inappropriate racial jokes. Some can definitely be considered offensive, but knowing its just a movie, I couldn't help myself but laugh a few times. I honestly didn't see myself liking the film after the first few scenes with Tucker. His voice is exaggeratingly high pitched and it was hard to get over at first. I think you just cant take the movie too seriously. If you just have fun with it and turn your brain off for 90 minutes, it can be an enjoyable time.Knowing that there are two more, and possibly a third on the way, of the franchise, I will watch the others shortly. There's nothing special about the film, but I had fun with it. Not to mention the fact that seeing Brett Ratner's name in the opening credits as the director was a big turn off (thanks for X-Men 3), but hey it was better than I expected.+Chemistry between Chan and Tucker +The dynamic creates funny moments/jokes +Mindless fun -Nothing too original -Tucker's voice7.0/10