Blue Streak
Blue Streak
PG-13 | 17 September 1999 (USA)
Blue Streak Trailers

Miles Logan is a jewel thief who just hit the big time by stealing a huge diamond. However, after two years in jail, he comes to find out that he hid the diamond in a police building that was being built at the time of the robbery. In an attempt to regain his diamond, he poses as an LAPD detective.

Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Python Hyena Blue Streak (1999): Dir: Les Mayfield / Cast: Martin Lawrence, Luke Wilson, Dave Chappelle, Peter Green, Nicole Parker: Hilarious concept referring to man's luck in the least likely place. That could be a reference to a decent idea thrown into a formula driven action comedy that is by-the-numbers. Martin Lawrence stars as a thief who is arrested but he hides a diamond in an air vent. One of his partners is killed, another escapes, and the third betrays him. Released from prison two years later he discovers that the building he originally robbed is now a police station. Directed by Les Mayfield with routine storytelling and a standard action climax straight out of your everyday crime television episodes. This is no gem comedy but for Mayfield, it is a far cry from the pathetic Flubber. Lawrence employs every ounce of comic wit he can and rises above the routine material despite an ending that is questionable at best. Luke Wilson is cardboard as his partner. In a more limited role Dave Chappelle is funny as Lawrence's friend who is subjected to various techniques of interrogation. Peter Green plays the standard villain whose presence is to look mean and issue threats before being arrested. Well made film that has an idea but no real followup in terms of plot or story structure. As a result we are left with a flat comedy where luck is not riding with the screenwriter. Score: 3 ½ / 10
Gideon24 Martin Lawrence had one of his best roles in an overlooked and underrated 1999 comedy called Blue Streak.Lawrence plays Miles Logan, a master thief who, prior to being arrested during a diamond heist, hid a very large diamond in the heating duct on the 4th floor of a building that was still under construction. A few years later, Logan is released and goes straight to the building and is blown away to discover that it is now a police station. Following a few lame attempts to get to the 4th floor, Logan realizes he has no option but to impersonate a police officer in order to get into the building. Things get stickier when the manufactured credentials that were created for him lead to his being put in charge of a major drug trafficking sting operation. He also finds himself genuinely caring about his rookie partner (Luke Wilson), who has come to idealize him, making it even more difficult for Logan to keep his eye on the prize.This comedy consistently entertains primarily thanks to Lawrence's ability to keep Miles Logan likable, no matter what he does. Yes, it is a little unsettling to believe that it is this easy to impersonate a police officer and move through the ranks so quickly. It's hard to accept the fact that Logan doesn't slip up long before he does, but the viewer forgives and accepts because we like Miles and more important, his partner and his superior officers like him, so we want the charade to work and yes, we really want to see him get that diamond back.Luke Wilson is charming as Logan's partner and in a refreshing change of pace, William Forsythe is on the right side of the law as Logan's commanding officer. Dave Chappelle also provides a few chuckles as an old acquaintance of Logan's who threatens to blow his cover. There is a well-staged shoot-out and a finale that will have you on the edge of your seat.
SnoopyStyle Miles Logan (Martin Lawrence) is a jewel thief who hits the big score, a diamond worth $17 million. However his fellow thief Deacon (Peter Greene) doesn't want to share. Deacon escapes from the cops, but Miles is caught. Before being caught, he stashes the diamond in the vent of an unfinished building next door. Little did he know, that building would become an LAPD police station. Two years later, he gets out of prison, and tries to retrieve the loot from right under the police's nose.Martin Lawrence is allowed to go off without restraint, and it's all the worst for it. He's not a likable guy when he does that. The story is basically stupid that requires the viewers not to think. The big question is whether it's funny. The answer is no. His antic gets tiresome. And pairing him up with a clueless Luke Wilson doesn't improve anything. They have no chemistry due to their characters. The funniest part of the movie is Dave Chappelle. I rather have this as a Dave Chappelle movie.
Raul Faust Well, "Blue Streak" is the kind of comedy that worked well in 90's, but nowadays doesn't work that good anymore. It's the famous funny action movie with a famous Hollywood comedian-- which isn't really the case, since Martin Lawrence isn't that famous and never was.The plot of this film is something creative that deliver some smiling moments, but never truly invokes the laughter. I didn't expect to laugh a lot, so I am not disappointed at all. If you give this a chance, be prepared to see a naive and silly action comedy without many achievements, but entertaining enough to give you a good time. And I just don't give it a 7 because it makes fun of American Police Departments-- thought I'm not a cop even in my country, I'm well informed of all the problems that a disrespected police can cause to a whole country.