Alex & Emma
Alex & Emma
PG-13 | 20 June 2003 (USA)
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Writer Alex Sheldon must finish his novel within a month. If he doesn't, he won't get paid. And, if that happens, angry Mafia types to whom he owes money will come looking for him. In order to expedite things, Alex hires typist Emma Dinsmore and begins dictating his novel. The book is about a doomed love affair between a character similar to Alex and a character named Polina Delacroix. But, as Alex falls for Emma, his work takes a different turn.

Majorthebys Charming and brutal
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
sleet_48 Slow start. Then very entertaining and cute.What I would have changed: After the boat left, he realized the Flamingo Dancers would come for him, so he got on a train out of town. He realized he loved Anne, and because the seasons changed, he knew Anne and the Shaw family would return to St. Charles for the season. He gets on anther train to St. Charles and runs into The Flamingo Dancers. The Flamingo Dancers wanted their money. They taught him the meaning of "Paying through the nose." Anne, seeing him in town, all bruised up and still caring about him, tries to help him. Then he would learn that Anne has money. She only took the job because she was on summer break from college and decided to stay to spite her rich parents. When she found out about her love needing the money, she seeks out her family whom she had become estranged. They had only sent her to school to find a husband. Since she found love, they help. He asks her about how she could forgive him for the french chick. She explains that after spending a year working for them, she saw how miserable Shaw made the family and how important it is to marry for love, and not money, she remembered him. When she learned that he faced The Flamingo Dancers for a glimmer of a chance to win her love back, she decided she could begin to forgive him. Then he can keep those last lines in his book.PS, how is there a train to an island?
Hans Bouma I've seen the movie yesterday, on DVD. I had read most comments after buying, but I do not regret. I found the beginning rather slow and not very much to laugh about. But when Emma is going to work for Alex, there is a plot. The way the film has been made, by showing the real story (writing a book) mixed with played scenes from the book (the characters come alive), I liked very much. Well cut, fast, telling, and never a dull moment. Not a magnificent film, but quite entertaining. I think if the parts had been played by famous actors, like Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, the appreciation would have been higher. But Kate and Luke have enough appeal to be attractive to look at and to be convincing.
soundwall Just want to voice my support for this movie. It doesn't deserve such a low score as it is.This is much better than I expected. As a matter of fact, some part of me was moved by it. Alex & Emma isn't a great movie, and it's not a masterpiece either, but it's a well produced film nevertheless. Both Luke(who excels at this kind of role) and Kate delivered it well above just being competent. A simple yet warm plot that works, plus a decent directing.Sometimes we need to be reminded of the simple touch and warmth between us, just to get us going in the walk of life.
Sa'ar Vardi Eventually, this film was one of 2003 biggest misses, box office and general public wise. Why that is so is way beyond me. This heart warming little love story follows Adam Sheldon (Wilson), a young novelist with a very uncomfortable writer's block: he owes a large amount of money to the Cuban mafia and has less than a month to come up with the novel of his life, if he wants to receive the exact amount of cash to give the Cubans, and save his life while at it. In comes Emma (Hudson), a young typist with just the right amount of wit and attitude to confront Adam's daydreaming manners and get him started with what seems as a race against time.From this point on, the film starts moving in two parallel story lines - one showing Alex's real life while Emma types the story he dictates to her; the other shows the story itself, and how what happens to the characters on screen affects it's ongoing development. I won't tell you much from here on out, but the plot sure has some very unique twists and turns, and is shaped in quite an intriguing and charming manner. The obvious romance that sparks up between our lead characters adds to the mix, as imagination and reality playfully bump into each other over and over again.All in all, the movie has quite a bit clichés from time to time, but than again, what good love story doesn't? Even I, known to be a cynical person now and then, couldn't help but wipe a tear at the very moving finale, and really feel for those characters, both in the general story and inside the plot-within-the-plot ones. For anyone who ever had a real person as a muse for anything in life: you're in for a treat. Furthermore, 'Alex and Emma' includes some solid performances by both lead actors Kate Hudson and Luke Wilson, as well as supporting actors Sophie Marceau, Rob Reiner and Chino XL. I gave it a 9 out of 10.
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