Psycho Beach Party
Psycho Beach Party
NR | 06 August 2000 (USA)
Psycho Beach Party Trailers

Chicklet is a sixteen-year old tomboy who's desperate to be part of the in-crowd of Malibu beach surfers. She's the typical American girl - except for one little problem: her personality is split into more slices than a pepperoni pizza.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
macpet49-1 I've been a cult fan of this film for its entire life! I have watched it dozens (if not more) of times and love the characters more each time. Lauren Ambrose does such a fabulous job of bringing it all together and making the other actors shine. It's fun, camp, comic, satirical, derivative, spoof, loony nature goes the full tilt. It's a joy ride for those of us old enough to remember 'Gidget' 'Marnie' 'Beach Blanket Bingo' 'Attack of the 50 foot Woman' et al. plus there are a bevy of great cars from the 50s/60s to ogle! Very good interpretation of those eras and the way we somewhat were. Charles Busch is fab as always but his genius is in creating the script/play originally. I have two copies on DVD in case one dies.
nathan-mcgee6 I really liked the concept of the movie. A parody both on the slasher craze of the 80s and the teen beach movies of the 60s but sadly it didn't deliver the fun as it promised. The story is really badly written and the acting is just horrible. But it's supposed to be funny but it wasn't funny. The jokes are awful and didn't give me a chuckle and the cinematography is enough to to anyone a headache.It's a complete snooze fest. I literally found myself falling asleep more than I was laughing at the movie and that's not a good sign. I will not recommend this snooze fest to anyone not even a fan of horrible movies, check out scary movie or the 80s gem Student Bodies.
capone666 Psycho Beach PartyOne telltale sign that you have had sex on the beach is that human/jellyfish hybrid you just gave birth to.Luckily, the amorous adolescent in this comedy is avoiding interspecies breeding.Prudish Florence (Lauren Ambrose) wants to learn how to surf from The Great Kanaka (Thomas Gibson) and his crew (Amy Adams, Nicholas Brendon).While making great strides on the waves, Florence - now Chicklet - still struggles with the unpredictable blackouts that turn her into a sex-crazed psychopath.Meanwhile, a police detective (Charles Busch) has come to the seaside to investigate a recent rash of murders that seem to implicate everyone Chicklet knows.Based on the off-Broadway production, this subversive sixties surf movie spoof has ample seventy slasher film tendencies to please both fans of deliberate camp and low-budget horror.By the way, if you're going surfing after committing a murder make sure to wash the blood off beforehand.Yellow
GL84 After joining up with a gang of surfers and their lifestyle, a woman fears that the serial killer running rampant through the group may be herself when she falls victim to a split personality and tries to stop it from continuing before all of her friends are killed.This was a pretty decent mixture of 60s Beach movie and slasher, though the fact that the stalking scenes are non-existent and never developed while the beach-party aspect of the movie is allotted full time to develop and go through it's paces clearly shows the slasher angle is just that, an angle used to give it a bit of individuality and distance itself from the pack. Still, it's not unwatchable, as the psychosis is pretty clever and generally pretty funny, the gay subplots are given enough room to be heard without overwhelming everything and the final revelation of the killer is pretty enjoyable. Still, had it done more with it's slasher setting, it could've had something really enjoyable instead of being just decent.Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and Nudity.