Dead Season
Dead Season
NR | 16 September 2012 (USA)
Dead Season Trailers

It has been over one year since the start of the outbreak. Our society has collapsed and the world has descended into chaos. Elvis and Tweeter are two of the last people left alive, and band together to flee the United States for a remote island somewhere in the Caribbean. On the island, they find a new community struggling to hold out against an army of corpses. They can join this band of survivors-- but only if they can do what must be done for the good of the group.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
sofaqueen I loved this film. There was a depth of character, back story for each, a well thought-out plot, good mythology, and a genuine sense of urgency throughout. It keeps you guessing, and is anything but a "formulaic" zombie film. Probably for financial reasons, they did not go crazy on make up, or walker special effects. It was not distracting, like some low budget films can be (white pancake makeup with tan necks showing through), but it was not elaborate either. It seems they spent more money on gruesome but necessary close ups, and kill scenes, making it disturbingly realistic, and gritty. The walkers are largely symbolic, and the constant threat is conveyed by the scenery. The bunkers, the stark military look, that sense of paranoia that extends to the living as well as the walking dead. A great use of tension, with the scenery functioning as a character in its own right. Foreboding, and the sense of constant danger is conveyed nicely. This film is exhausting to watch, in the best possible way. They used their resources wisely. Good actors, good script, great little film for the horror fan. I gave it eight genuine stars, and hope to see its profile rising as more people see and enjoy this shocking, intriguing, anything but boring, and welcome addition to the genre.
RandomFlux An extremely poor attempt at cashing in on the 'Walking Dead' phenomenon. There are no redeeming characters or qualities to be found here. "Tweeter" always looks like she just swallowed a bug and the people who are surviving on an toxic island with no steady supply of food are all overweight. Watching is like stumbling through a midnight forest in the dark as you jump from scene to scene. Awkward dialogue. And why didn't they just label the food "Soylent green" and make it a bit MORE obvious. Ha!It's a good movie if you enjoy pointing out all the incongruities but other than that don't waste your time.
eoliarez Great copy but VERY POOR zombie movie. I've tried a few "underground" low budget zombie flicks these past months but NONE were worth watching. Unless the movie's made by a true talented and recognized director I think it's worthless trying to find a good zombie story out there. Loss of time not of money cause it's free !! Try your luck with this one but i warned you ! Best zombie flick ever: "Dawn of the Dead" original and remake. Generally all Romero's zombie flicks. Both "28 days/weeks later" movies, TV series "The Walking dead", more recently the "Rec" movies, "Zombieland", "Shawn of the Dead", "I am Legend" and "Stake Land". Even the "Resident Evil" movies are kind of OK.As for all these low budget zombie movies...NONE are worth a minute of watching.
natebouchard In case you're wondering why a rating that describes a movie as "not bad" would rate this 10 stars, the current rating is 4.3 and that's far from the case. Romero fanboys simply are impossible to please (and endlessly pretentious) while the gore-seekers were only thrown a couple of bones during the length of the film. Realistically, this is a zombie movie that takes place on a tropical island, often in the day time and thus is not filled with pop-out scares. It also focuses heavily on the characters who are smart enough to hole up in the safety of their compound as much as possible.More than anything, I expect people disliked the fact that this movie makes too much sense. It's a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't conundrum. Either characters do stupid things and tense action ensues, or they hole up, plan wisely and people call it a boring movie. That said, I particularly liked one instance where the characters are drawn into acting reckless, but it leaves you feeling "Yeah, I'd do the same". Which left me a bit impressed.Make no mistake, it's not perfect. The makeup is good and the camera isn't half bad either but the acting isn't amazing although it doesn't have to be. Things feel purposely flat and grim. This is certainly not a B-movie. It's too serious and lacks any camp moments. Some people may feel the setting works against this but I thought it worked quite well as a "spoiled paradise".Overall, I watched it to the end, never groaned at a characters actions and enjoyed the moral dilemmas and zombie-face-smashing equally. More than I can say for a lot of this genre.