The Breadwinner
The Breadwinner
PG-13 | 17 November 2017 (USA)
The Breadwinner Trailers

A headstrong young girl in Afghanistan, ruled by the Taliban, disguises herself as a boy in order to provide for her family.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
bellasings-47917 The Breadwinner is heartbreaking in the best way. It's a grim tale told in a beautiful format. Every line is well thought out & every character feels real & living. It is hard to watch because it is very real. It is heartwrenching, but it is worth the watch. Don't expect a light, uplifting family movie because that is not what this is. The Breadwinner is dreary & sad, but it tells a story that needs to be told & believe me, it is told well.
masonfisk Taking its cue from more serious minded animes like Graveyard of the Fireflies, The Breadwinner is a sobering take on religious intolerance as seen through a young girl trying to free her incarcerated father as well as provide for her family in a province dominated by Taliban rule. Giving a face to a calamity that's quite possibly happening right now & using the canvas of an animated feature to process this complicated meal, one gleans the perils Islamic followers are going through when fascism rules the day. A nice double feature would be the indie live action Osama, released about a decade ago, which like Breadwinner encapsulates a world most Westerners have no idea about.
Matt Greene As you may expect from the people behind Secret of Kells and Song of the Sea, this is an undeniably gorgeous animated film that stands out in the CGI-soaked modern landscape. It's also a quite important story worth telling...unfortunately, it's just never that fully engaging. While the emotions and drama are strong, the beats are fairly basic. Breadwinner is a passable character study that just never comes close to the heights of its other fantasy-realism brethren.
elizrug I enjoyed this a lot. It is a cartoon version of Osama. I'm not sure it was meant to be, though. If you watch both you can see the similarities and differences. The violence and hatred towards women is shown in The Breadwinner but in a way that isn't as graphic or realistic as in Osama. Because there is violence I don't recommend it for kids younger than 10. I'm actually confused as who the desired audience is. If it's not for kids, then why not show the absolutely horror tht is the Taleban? If it is for kids then why not make it a bit less frightening?