Atom the Amazing Zombie Killer
Atom the Amazing Zombie Killer
| 15 July 2012 (USA)
Atom the Amazing Zombie Killer Trailers

Atom is an amazing zombie killer, has a horny girlfriend...and is the best bowler in the league! But don't tell that to Dario and the Slashers, the evil bowling rivals who will stop at nothing to thwart Atom and his buddies. When all of his problems come to a head, Atom must battle his worst nightmare--ZOMBIES! May the bloodbath begin! let's ROCK and BOWL in this outrageous horror comedy!

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
brymoo ATOM THE AMAZING ZOMBIE KILLER is a true return to those days when you picked up some fun/whacked out films at the video store just to see what it was.That's how a lot of us discovered Troma films. You either got into them and enjoyed their whacked out sensibilities or you thought they were too stupid too keep watching. Those of us that fall into the former camp can embrace this film as a Troma film we'd never heard of. Great intro w/faux "adjust your tracking set-up" that will probably have you ejecting the tape to see if it's damaged or fast forwarding to avoid the" bad spots". If anyone says they don't make them like that anymore (and, who besides Troma ever really did?),you can point them to this film and be assured that this will become a guilty pleasure they'll either be embarrassed to admit they've seen,or tell you not to recommend films to them anymore.Highly recommended to all Tromaddicts.
Michael Garvin Atom the Amazing Zombie Killer revolves around Atom, a horror loving, hopeless romantic bowling champion and his friends. During a bowling match against their mortal enemies, The Slashers, they inadvertently get banned from the bowling ally, therefore ruining their chances of going to the Bowling Championship in Hawaii. To make matters worse, Atom's psychotic nympho girlfriend ends the relationship, despite his enduring attempt to win her back(in one hell of a gross out scene). After taking a bump on the noggin, things go completely wrong. I won't go into any more detail involving the plot as I don't want to spoil it, you will have to watch it for yourself.This amazing film has it all, tons of incredible death scenes filled with gore, awesome one liners, crude toilet humor, and BOOBS. The filmmakers are big fans of Troma Entertainment(Troma president Lloyd Kaufman even has a cameo!) and that is evident throughout the film. Directors Richard Taylor and Zack Beins absolutely nailed it. The entire film is well acted, even better than many direct to video releases I have seen. Despite being a microbudget film, the quality of the screen image was stellar. While many low budget movies have a poor picture, this is not the case with Atom. Colors were crisp and clean and there was virtually no blur at all. Perhaps the best quality of this film is the originality of the story. This could be one of the top 5 most original zombie movies I have ever seen. Hollywood could really take some lessons on creativity from Bizjack Flemco Productions. While I tried to find some things that could use improvement, I simply don't think it needed any change. This is just about perfect the way it is.
Sara Osborne Giving a strong head-nod to classics such as "The Toxic Avenger"; "Atom the Amazing Zombie Killer" has turned the dead zombie genre back into the undead. It is a heartwarming and stomach churning story of love, lust, bowling, true friendship, and used car sponsorship.Meticulously crafted by Bizjack Flemco (Richard Taylor & Zack Beins) who have nothing to declare except their genius; "Atom the Amazing Zombie Killer" is the first film in all my years of Troma-Love to make me nearly physically ill. (Don't get me wrong it was not for lack of trying) And after nearly half a decade of walking that line between bad/bad and good/bad they have emerged victorious with the first "Tempestuously/Bad" Film. In the world of Troma films and zombie flicks "Atom the Amazing Zombie Killer" is the train-wreck Mona Lisa. You cant look away its too intoxicating.
pwethi1569 I watched a screening of this movie at the Albuquerque Comic Expo on June 12th of 2012, at this time it was only the second showing to the public. There were probably around 45 to 50 people in the theater at the time and none of us really knew what we were in for. I had talked with a couple of the guys who had put this movie together before the screening and as I was walking to the showing room a few minutes before the show with my teenage kids I ran into the special effects guy. He said "you guys better come to my show or I am going to tackle you and drag you in". We assured him that was where we were going. People came in and sat down for the movie as the producers, directors and actors gave us a brief synopsis of the movie. They said it was highly influenced by some of the most popular Troma films so that we would have an idea of what we could expect. I have to say that within the first few minutes I knew I would not get up and walk out. The jokes started right off and were consistent throughout the film and made a point to make lite of the whole zombie movie craze that is going on right now.Lloyd Kaufman made a hilarious cameo appearance and I have to say the sound track was top-notch using some of the local Denver area talent.I recommend this film to anyone who likes tongue-in cheek humor with a lot of gore. I laughed out loud through the whole film. And without giving away anything, I have to say I thought I had seen it all until I saw the birthing scene, that alone is worth the price of the DVD. Can't wait until it comes out I will definitely buy this for my collection.Great Job Guys!! Hope that you make more of these.