NR | 06 June 2014 (USA)
WolfCop Trailers

It's not unusual for alcoholic cop Lou to black out and wake up in unfamiliar surroundings, but lately things have taken a turn for the strange...and hairy. WolfCop is the story of one cop's quest to become a better man. One transformation at a time.

RyothChatty ridiculous rating
SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Kari Duhaney Wolf Cop seems like it should be a good or at least a fun movie. The poster has a werewolf on it who is a cop, I mean how in the world can a movie about that not be worth watching on any single night of any week ever?Well this is how.Wolf Cop is disappointing on every single level. The effects are very bad, low level and amateurish. The transformation and horror shots are usually very close in to hide what's supposed to be going on, and all the shots are very brief with quick edits so they don't have to be very good.The acting is also B-level at best with some really hammy characters and line delivery. But you can't really blame them because the script is obviously garbage, filled with painful plot holes really bad jokes (like dad jokes but the bad kind of dad jokes you can't even laugh at because they're so bad, they're just groan worthy).Do yourself a favor and skip Wolf Cop.
re-animatresse break out your bongs for this low-budget horror comedy by writer/director Lowell Dean, featuring a killer soundtrack by stoner doom metal band Shooting Guns the storyline, though not terribly compelling, is original, the acting is competent, the humour more surrealist, in a good way, than laughter-inducing. what really sets this film apart from others of its classification are the character designs, costumes, set decoration and editing, which combine to create a comic-book-style look and feel, with cartoonish special effects and splatter. the werewolf design and make-up art in particular bear resemblance to Joe Johnston's Wolfman and are some of the best i've seen watch the trailer to get a fairly good idea of what to expect; you'll know whether or not the style suits your taste. this would be a good movie to watch with some weed and/or a couple of beers and a friend
cindyapples This movie gets a total flop grade from me. When a movie has a premise of a loser cop getting transformed into a werewolf and opening a can of whoopass against crime it should definitely be a lot more fun (and way more funny and action packed) than this movie is. The jokes were either just non existent or just plain bad, I groaned several times through watching it.There's a pathetic attempt at a "funny" werewolf sex scene that also fails. The plot is pretty predictable which could be excused if it was funny or visually interesting but it's not. The only plus I saw was good makeup.The acting could be a lot better but who knows if these people had anything good to work with.Hugely disappointed in what looked like it would be a fun movie experience.
westsideschl Ughhhh!! There must be some pretty desperate viewers (Well, Saskatchewan as the source local for most everyone involved goes a long ways to explain my despair over script, acting, props, prosthetics.) Fantasy can have it's own reality in the viewer's mind but tossing out junk that makes no sense like this film does strains credulity to no end. 1. Several hundred year old Satanist style peoples that can instantly (and I mean instantly) change from one sex to another or from really young to really old. Some trick - I'll have what ever they're having! Why do these stories always take place in some out- of-the- way hole-in-the-wall? If I had those powers I wouldn't be stuck in remote Saskatchewan. 2. Wolfman, who almost instantly sheds/peels off his human skin (just leaves it hanging lose on the ground) to show a wolf growing inside then just as quickly (when the Moon is just right), suddenly has the human skin and all functional muscles, organs in perfect original order. 3. Some how,as a wolf, he still likes booze and can talk. Sure! 4. Acting, dialogue just as sparse as the storyline. Most actors have TV series, shorts and movies no one has ever heard of as the sum total of their acting resumes. Not to disparage honest work to pay the bills but lets not overstate the hyperbole. 5. Obviously cheap to make so there must be a sequel coming up to brighten the cabin fever; Cheetos; beer.