Sharknado 2: The Second One
Sharknado 2: The Second One
| 31 July 2014 (USA)
Sharknado 2: The Second One Trailers

A freak weather system turns its deadly fury on New York City, unleashing a Sharknado on the population and its most cherished, iconic sites - and only Fin and April can save the Big Apple.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
adonis98-743-186503 Fin and April are on their way to New York City, until a category seven hurricane spawns heavy rain, storm surges, and deadly Sharknadoes. Sharknado 2: The Second One literally copies the title of Airplane II but also has the main star turning into Superman and riding a Shark in middle air i mean this film series amazes me that it even got 4 freaking sequels of the same exact thing happening time and time again i mean really? It's cheesy, stupid, goofy and looks and sounds awful both on paper and on screen please don't see this movies please. (0/10)
ryanjwheatley Side splitting hilarious. This is the kind of movie that was made under the pretence of "because we can" and the results are hilarious. It' a film that doesn't take itself seriously at all and that is the fantastic beauty of it. Physics? nah! Logic? nah! Just sharks in tornadoes causing chaos while our plucky hero and his band of merry men try to kill them in the most creative, "Dead Rising duct tape weapon combo" styles that they can... again. I can see why some people might not watch it but you have to understand that this is the movie equivalent of ordering takeaway and having it delivered. You don't want to think too hard or put much effort into watching it. You just sit back and hate yourself about how much you are enjoying it.
Wizard-8 It was perhaps inevitable with the success (financial, not critical) of the first "Sharknado" movie that we would get a sequel. While other production units might have made a quickie effort, in some aspects this sequel comes across better than the first movie - slightly. The shooting in various places in New York City do give the movie a better looking backdrop. And there are some amusing moments, particularly with the many cameos by various celebrities. However, in some aspects the movie is worse. This is most evident with the special effects. I know you can't expect multi million dollar special effects, but for some reason the special effects here look worse than those in the first movie. Also, the characters are not written to be particularly interesting, which is probably why most of the cast give lazy performances. (Though Vivica A. Fox and Judd Hirsch do put some life in their roles.) In the end, this movie is pretty much at the level of the first movie. If you liked the first movie, you'll probably like this sequel. If you didn't like the first movie, you know what you're in for.
Adam Peters (14%) A cut and paste sequel that has the strong feeling of being told a slightly funny joke not once but twice. Some of the "characters" that didn't get their head bitten off in the first movie return in this, but quite honestly this could have had an entirely new cast and I wouldn't have noticed, or indeed cared. There's a few more famous faces this time round with Vivica A Fox proving exactly how greasy the pole of fame is as less than 20 years ago she appeared in one of the biggest films of the 1990's (Independence day) and now she's running away from badly rendered CGI sea creatures. Oddly co-star Judd Hirsch also shows up in a small role adding to the Independence day connection. All in all there's nothing here we didn't already see in the original, only here there's super annoying US style running TV news footage to sit through needlessly padding out what should by all accounts be a 60-70 minute long film. This is very mildly entertaining in a brain dead sort of way, but quite frankly the joke has worn thin and it's time to move on. Wait, there's a 3rd one coming out? Damn you crappy sci-fi channel!