R | 11 July 2013 (USA)
Sharknado Trailers

A freak hurricane hits Los Angeles, causing man-eating sharks to be scooped up in tornadoes and flooding the city with shark-infested seawater. Surfer and bar-owner Fin sets out with his friends Baz and Nova to rescue his estranged wife April and teenage daughter Claudia.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
jacobjohntaylor1 Okay Jaws is better then this movie. But really this is not one of the worst movies ever. The Godfather part III is one of the worst movies ever. So is The Godfather part II. And The Godfather. Also The Silences of the lambs. But this a great movie. It has a great story line. It also great acting. It is very scary.
Mike Bozart This movie has a lot of things wrong with it: continuity errors, technical glitches, abandonment of the laws of physics, cringe-worthy brain-dead dialogue, and of course, bad acting - acting so inept that it makes your average middle-school-play thespians look like international award-winners.That said, if you just mindlessly - maybe indulge in something beforehand to take the critical lens off - go with this absurd abomination for the ridiculous joyride, many a chortle is to be had.
EBJ SHARKNADO - 2013Directed by Anthony C. FerranteStarring Ian Ziering, Cassie Scerbo and Jaason SimmonsPlot Overview: ​Everything is going perfectly well for the workers at a bar when suddenly a freak storm occurs carrying vicious, bloodthirsty sharks. Now our courageous heroes must traverse land, air and sea to overcome their fishy foes and engage in a battle that will determine the fate of mankind.I don't mean to be sarcastic in the plot overview(well I do but for the sake of credibility). It is just that this movie is, by far the worst movie I have ever laid my eyes on QUALITY wise. As a piece of ENTERTAINMENT, this is the Citizen Kane of entertainment. It is is so far into the depths of 'so bad its good' that is transcends the mini-genre. Nothing in this movie is ever remotely good if you think you're watching a FILM. If you can comprehend you're watching a MOVIE however, you will undoubtedly have a blast watching this with your friends and a LOT of alcohol.The premise for this movie is the dumbest premise in the entirety of film history. It is so bad but it is also so good at the same time. The plot surrounding this premise is truly awful but I'll be damned if it is not at least entertaining. The last thing you see in this film before the credits is simply the word 'Fin'. That is both the best and worst pun every made. Simultaneously, that signals the coming of the Anti-Christ and the Second Coming of Jewish Christ. I love it! The climax for this movie is pure cinematic genius.**If you're under the age of -12I won't even bother mentioning any actors' names in this movie because they are not worth it. I will say that, to sum up, each and everyone of them were awful in their performance, but should each be retroactively awarded Medals of Bravery for NOT committing suicide during filming.Now for the technical aspect of this movie. Oh boy, this'll be fun!The visual effects in this movie are SO bad, they make Jar Jar Binks look like the Cistine Chapel by comparison. ​The cinematographer in this movie must have been a monkey with an iPhone after doing more cocaine in one go than Robert Downey Jr did over the course of several years​. The editor for the movie must have been the cinematographer's distant Kazakhstan cousin with Movie-Maker and enough drugs to supply Snoop Dog for a decade. ​ Even the god damn music makes NO SENSE!​ This is possibly the worst movie I have ever seen but mark my words, I shall purchase the 4k 3D Copy of this movie and dedicate a shrine where my bed once was. I shall pray to it every night and if you take my advice which is to watch this movie, you will convert to Sharknadism as well. I'll rate this movie 1 'Fin' out of 10 for quality but a flawless 11/10 Fins for entertainment. Please. See this movie. Witness the coming of the Apocalypse!
Idiot-Deluxe ...and with Shark Week upon us once again what better a time to review: Sharknado! Opening fireworks aside I'm here to tell you the truth up front, which is, that this movie is very, very, bad, but at least it's fun to watch.Sharknado..... another insipid SYFY original movie which comes loaded with terrible acting, bad/goofy dialog, choppy editing and some of the most flagrantly fake looking computer-generated effects this side of Birdemic. If none of those details turns you off then here's another, in the lead-role as the movies "hero" stars a middle-aged Adam Ziering (aka The 4th Coolest Guy from Beverly Hills 90210), oh yeah, Tara Reid also comes along for the ride! Hooked yet? Sharknado stinks to high heaven and is truly one of the worst and most distasteful pieces of direct-to-video garbage you'll ever see. But again it's a real hoot and should have you breaking your rips with laughter and it tends to get funnier as it goes, culminating with one of the most ludicrous endings ever! Three years ago this movie was given the full-treatment by the guys from Rifftrax. They did a bang-up live show featuring Sharknado and not surprisingly it's hilarious, their constant sarcasm only intensifies the humor-factor of this absurdly stupid and completely over-the-top movie. Why it's just bonkers! Of course they couldn't help themselves (as this IS after all the era of the unnecessary sequel(s) and SYFY Inc. thought somehow the world "needed" THREE MORE SHARKNADO'S (with a fifth in the works). However, for this reviewer one was plenty enough, I haven't/won't be seeing the sequels. Just how much trash must loom on the cinematic horizon? Well with Sharknado and it's sequels the answer is obvious - there's never enough cinematic garbage to satisfy the masses.And for those who can't get enough of Sharknado, there's another proud SYFY franchise/abomination you absolutely must check out and that of course is: Lavalatula (starring Steve Goodenberg).There's one last thing (in the interest of maximum enjoyment) if you're new to Sharknado, make sure to watch the Rifftrax Live version, as it's easily the funniest and best version available.Fact: The third movie in this pathetic series is actually called "OH HELL NO!".