Planet of Dinosaurs
Planet of Dinosaurs
| 18 November 1977 (USA)
Planet of Dinosaurs Trailers

A spaceship gets lost and is forced to make an emergency landing on an unknown planet. The planet looks much like Earth, only with no trace of civilization. Soon the crew discovers that there are bloodthirsty dinosaurs on the planet. The crew hopes to be found and rescued, but until then, they must fight to survive.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Wordiezett So much average
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Uriah43 When a spaceship from Earth develops severe mechanical problems the captain of the vessel, "Lee Norsythe" (Louie Lawless) has no choice but to crash land the emergency space pod onto a world that is inhabited by prehistoric dinosaurs. Five men and four women manage to survive. Unfortunately, none of them are quite prepared to cope with the dangers that await them. Now, while this plot sounds pretty good the problem with this particular film involves the acting—which was pretty bad. As a matter of fact, in some cases it seemed as if the actors were actually reading their lines from a cue card and didn't have the presence of mind to realize just how flat and monotone their voices were. I even had to check a time or two to see if perhaps this was a foreign film and whether their voices were being dubbed from another language into English. At least that way I would have felt justified in cutting this movie a bit of slack. But no such luck. Another issue with this movie was that it lacked passion. Yes, there were some cases of human emotion but not with any great feeling or depth. Again, it goes back to the acting. One good thing though is that the graphics weren't too bad and it helped the movie to a certain extent. Still, I don't consider this movie to be very good by any means and I have rated it accordingly.
ctomvelu1 I gave this sci-fi outing a 5 because of the incredible special effects. A stranded space crew must fend for itself on a primitive planet full of dinosaurs and the like. The dinosaurs are classic stop motion creatures, most probably by Jim Danforth, a student of Ray Harryhausen's and best known for his work on "The Outer Limits" and "Jack the Giant Killer." Danforth, if it was indeed he who worked on this film, obviously learned well from the master, not just the quality of the stop motion work but the blending of live and animated footage, employing a technique invented by Harryhausen called Dynamation or Super Dynamation. The human actors in this flick are pretty awful, and the plot is from nowheresville. But the dinosaurs make up for a good deal. I understand Harryhausen visited the set during production, so I'm not surprised by the excellence of the animated sequences..
retrorocketx By all rights the Planet of the Dinosaurs should be really, really, really bad. And yet, against all odds, it actually sort of works. What helps this movie are the stop motion dinosaurs. There is a wonderful variety of dinosaurs, and they all look great and do fun and interesting things (like fight each other and kill people). However, all other elements of the movie are very low budget and inferior. The music is, take your pick, oddly passable or horribly grating. The acting is amateurish, but passable. The costumes...ouch. Those are some unflattering jumpsuits.The other element that works is that there is a pretty decent story in here. About a dozen people manage to escape in a small life-ship from their exploding interstellar spaceship. Based on watching the crew in action through the rest of the movie, I have no doubt the cause of the explosion was some form of operator error. The survivors just so happen to be the captain, the most important officers and the owner and his secretary (so much for the captain going down with the ship). The survivors plunge toward the nearest planet and crash into a lake. How will a crew of space travelers survive in a prehistoric world? It's a good question, because this group is completely clueless. It used to be said that astronauts had to have the 'right stuff.' These folks don't have any stuff. When the captain asks for the ships position, the navigator has no idea. As the survivors swim to shore, the captain asks the radio operator to send the distress signal. She responds that she forgot the radio on the sinking life-ship. When the secretary panics and goes hysterical while crossing a stream, one of the officers gives her a ray gun. Good idea! Give the gun to the freaked out person who has never used a gun in her life! She promptly drops the gun in the water, ruining it forever (gee what pathetic weapons). After this bad start to a life of survival, things begin to settle down. Maybe they can make it after all? In between long shots of the crew struggling over rocky terrain with the oddly workable theme music playing, there are several interesting dinosaur actions, mostly involving a crew member getting picked off here or there. But hey, these guys are trying hard, and they sure are sincere! The main discussion is between the captain and the first mate regarding their survival strategy. The captain wants to keep moving, staying safe by not sitting in one place, and the mate wants to fight it out with the most dangerous of the predators, the T-rex. Sometimes the captain and the mate have a heated argument, but afterward they go off and discuss their feelings with one of the sympathetic women. (The movie was made in the late 1970s and men have feelings too!) Eventually, they make a stand and fight it out. And low and behold, they pull it together and win! As the movie ends they are settling down, confident and happy, in a cave man style life. I feel glad for the survivors. They have come a long way. And somehow, I can't help but like this movie.
unbrokenmetal "Planet of Dinosaurs" is a lovely little trash movie. Even if the stop animation looks 1955, it was made in 1978. The old-fashioned creatures have quite a variety in their looks and behavior, though, and certainly possess a naive charm. The screenplay isn't totally silly, since the astronauts who crash-landed on the planet have a decision to make: will they hide like barbarians in a cave, or will they maintain their dignity (almost a literal quote from the dialog here) and rebuild as much of a civilized world as possible? If the movie suffers from anything, it is not the FX or the dialog; it's rather the limited acting skills of most participants, and some poor action scenes, e.g. the first killing when a woman is caught in a lake, whereas the guy she followed swims twice across the same spot and nothing happens. Why doesn't the beast below try and catch him too? And let's not mention how clumsily the laser guns are handled - a bow and spear are more dangerous in the hands of these guys. A trash classic? Maybe not, but "bad" enough to watch it once or twice.