The Taking of Deborah Logan
The Taking of Deborah Logan
R | 21 October 2014 (USA)
The Taking of Deborah Logan Trailers

What starts as a poignant medical documentary about Deborah Logan's descent into Alzheimer's disease and her daughter's struggles as caregiver degenerates into a maddening portrayal of dementia at its most frightening, as hair-raising events begin to plague the family and crew and an unspeakable malevolence threatens to tear the very fabric of sanity from them all.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
andreakaralic-24952 Well, I didn't see the trailer for it but I liked the poster for this movie, that's why I watched. :D Although this movie seemed interesting because what happens to Deborah is a real deal(at first) because she seems to have Alzheimer's disease. And then crap happens. It turns out not to be Alzheimer's and she goes nuts. Everybody else goes nuts because movie is repetitive. Deborah goes out at night and just walks like a ghost. Nobody knows where's Deborah at. And everybody's yelling her name, and out of fear, each other's name. I started to laugh at one point and Deborah started to get on my nerves. LIKES: Anne Ramsay's acting. She seemed natural and easy-going. Real.The idea of Alzheimer's in horror movie.Jill Larson as an odd looking old lady who I imagined in real life having her cup of tea and being a cruel but sophisticated grandma.DISLIKES: repetitiveness: it's like you're going through deja vu whenever night much going on: at first Deborah's problem is Alzheimer's, then you think she might be possessed by a demon, then you find out that demon might not be a demon but a ghost but then again was that man she killed a ghost or is she just mad? did she really kill that man or was it that neighbor? wtf.
didimarcalinha The movie is a documentary , personally i didnt like , not scares . Bad story and scenes.
Michael Ledo The film starts out as a doctorate study of an Alzheimer's patient and seemed very realistic, Having not read anything about the film, I thought that was what I was going to see, until I caught the early clues of the paintings (before he showed me) and Deborah talking to herself. When the film changed into a hand-held horror film I still felt a little awkward watching a non-serious film on a serious subject...but I got over it.Yes the film was going along great and then it happened. the same thing that happens in all of these type of films which now passes for entertainment: Let's shoot in the dark/flashlight with a jerky camera and people shouting and screaming. Want to make it good? Pay the electric bill and mount the camera. I understand they invented this thing called a tripod.It is a good movie if you can handle the flashlight screaming and not being able to watch the film near the end. I can't.Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Nudity (Jill Larson aka Opal Cortlandt)
adonis98-743-186503 An elderly woman battling Alzheimer's disease agrees to let a film crew document her condition, but what they discover is something far more sinister going on. The Taking of Deborah Logan is a very creepy film that succeeds both as footage film but also as a thriller the film is produced by Bryan Singer the director of X-Men, X-Men 2: United, X-Men: Days Of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse he also directed Superman Returns. The only problem that i found with this film was mostly the footage and there's a lot of shaky cam just to let you know and it repeats stuff from previous films such as a death of a cop, the ending is what you expected it to be and there's a lot of things that remind you Paranormal Activity but much better directed it's by no means a perfect film but it does have some pretty good characters, acting and the story was interesting and by far the most creepy scene is where Deborah is trying to eat Kara like she's a goddamn snake. I was surprised and i had a lot of fun with this film 8/10.