R | 21 October 2016 (USA)
31 Trailers

Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
krazealeingamer a lot of hate goes in to rob FN zombie movies those who don't like his movies are idiots and don't know true horror movies! this is about Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns. it has a lot of gore and comedy to it like his other movies top 10 of the list only watch if you like his other movies other wise go watch your superhero or crappy zombie movies true horror fans will like thisrob fckin zombie is the best at crazy movies and still a legend in music!
bethany_ford70 I loved this movie! The characters were regular people that anyone one of us would know, work with and be friends with. The 70's retro touches were great and exactly what I remembered the 70's looking like. Sheri Moon Zombie has really upped her acting game from when I first saw her in House of 1000 Corpses. She did a great job in Halloween, and was even better in The Lord's of Salem and now in this role really shows off her abilities. She makes the transition of her character from the opening to the end result natural and believable. I like that these friends and co-workers don't turn on each other as they do in so many other movies where people are put into these situations. They always turn on each other and it's every man for themselves. They worked together, they fought together. I love that Rob Zombie uses the same actors in his films. Seeing them play different parts is always really interesting. To be honest I loved the fact the women were kick butt in this film. They weren't super heroes, they were just regular women put in a terrible situation that rose to the occasion. The men weren't assholes or macho jerks. They looked out for the women where they could, because that's what good men do, but they weren't getting in the way of each other either. They played to their strengths. Tanks up front, light fighters coming up behind. It made sense. I think that's what really strikes me about this movie the most. I wasn't yelling at the screen because the characters were doing something stupid. Their actions made sense to me, were things I could see myself doing. (Not that I want to ever find myself in that situation.) Richard Brake's performance was amazing. I found him both interesting and terrifying at the same time. Really, all of the actors did an amazing job. There's not a single performance that I thought was sub-par. I recommend watching this movie, especially if you're a Rob Zombie fan, but even if you're not, it's a good movie and definitely worth taking the time for.
D Rahul Raj Jsd A movie I've been waiting and wanting for ages, written and directed by a brave master of horror and cinema, My Hero Mr. Rob Zombie. It's up there with my other favorite films of his which are, "House of 1000 Corpses", "The Devil's Rejects", "Halloween II", and "The Lords of Salem". An old school 70's solid grind-house horror with a simple plot, which is made in the style of the master himself, with its vibes from "House Of 1000 Corpses" and more of "The Devil's Rejects", combined in one extremely epic way. It takes place back in year 1976 and it's about a group of carnival workers who get kidnapped on Halloween night. They're thrown into an abandoned warehouse, and forced to play a game called 31, defending themselves against a bunch of psychotic killers dressed up as clowns for 12 hours, and their only chance for survival is to kill or get killed. It's an insanely intense bloody carnival ride of a feature that will leave you with nonstop shocking scenes of murder, mayhem, madness, vulgarity, lots of dark humor, and it's all very well executed in a completely hectic and energetic mode which is bold, brilliant, and just a whole lot of fun. The makeup effects are fantastic and the fight scenes are really brutal, along with just about everything in this film. It's all very realistic, and if you actually pay attention, it feels like you're in the movie yourself. You've got a league of massive icons, major veterans, and newcomers bringing these amazing characters to life. The awesome score has it's vibes from classic 70s and 80s horror scores, and as always, from a Rob Zombie film, the soundtrack is filled with super golden oldies.As a horror fan, I'm always rooting for the villains, but in this feature, the good characters are bad-asses, too, and it's really a tough choice for me to root for sides. Sheri Moon Zombie's performance as Charley is extremely impressive. At first her character is weak and girlish, but as she fights from one level to another for survival with her team of carnies, she gains more resiliency and transforms into more of a warrior. The Iconic Meg Foster as Venus is the toughest and wisest of them all; believe it or not, you'll get to see her wielding a chainsaw against a maniac, and she really looks great for her age, too. I really loved Roscoe, played by Jeff Daniel Phillips, who's more of a bad-ass in the entire team of carnies; he's a fighter and he never quits. EG Daily's character as Sexhead is the hottest + craziest killer clown you will ever see, with her sweet voice and her jaw dropping looks will definitely thrill the audience. I would definitely love to see a movie mainly about E.G.'s character. Another interesting character who's movie I would love to see is... the sickest and scariest character of them all, who starts off the movie with his mind-blowing speech and later on steals the entire show. This man may look like a clown, with his grease painted makeup; but trust me, folks, this chaotic individual ain't no clown, and he definitely ain't no Joker clowning around from the Batman Universe; he ain't playing around when it comes to his job. A new face of horror which is truly iconic is finally here and he is known as Doomhead, played by Richard Brake, who's performance is extremely phenomenal. I believe Richard badly needs an Oscar for his role as Doomhead, the greatest performance I've ever seen in a long time.I've been wondering why there are bad reviews for a movie like this. Well, I guess the audience nowadays are mostly into horror films in the mainstream world which are being too friendly with PG13 ratings and CGI effects or whatever. I, on the other hand, will never waste my time doing negative reviews, because I know everything isn't easy to do in life and not everyone on the planet has the same taste for everything. Some of the audience were expecting it to be more gory, but they forget that it's because of the MPAA, why we never really get to see the NC17 version of "31". I really hope the uncut version will be available on home video someday, though I'm still happy that at least we got to see this Rated R version of "31". I've been a fan of Rob Zombie's movies since I was a kid and this man has never disappointed me in any of his works and till this very day, he's always passionate for the horror genre. He's not doing it for the fame or making number 1 movies at the box office; he's actually doing it for his fans, and I'm proud to say that I'm one of them. When I saw "31" for the very first time, I was just blown away from start to finish as it was so good, I had to watch it over and over again. It's kinda strange, too, because whenever I watch it, I feel there's a lot of positive and inspirational messages I get from this movie, and there's a really powerful message at the ending which is pretty similar to "The Devil's Rejects" and it's one of the best endings I've ever seen in a long time.
evlmdman I don't know why this movie is getting such bad reviews. I may be alone here but Rob Zombie hasn't made a movie that I didn't love. Everything about this for me was magical, especially the open ending. The cast is great, the story is great, special effects... It's all great. I just think that I have an attachment to him as a director and enjoy what he is putting out.