Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies
Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies
R | 29 May 2012 (USA)
Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies Trailers

As Abraham Lincoln labors over the Gettysburg address, the importance of which he is fully aware, he learns that a menace from his past has returned, threatening to tear the already fractured nation to pieces. He must journey behind enemy lines to face an foe far more fearsome than the Confederate army: the walking dead.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
megoobee As far as features released by The Asylum goes, this wasn't bad. Notice that I didn't say it was good, just that it wasn't bad. Surprisingly, while the cast was composed of mostly unknown actors, their performances were decent. Not great mind you but definitely watchable. Special effects is an area that usually lets The Asylum films down but this time it was OK.Regardless of acting quality and special effects, a film needs a good story to succeed and this is the area where Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies failed. The President of the United States leading a small group of men into a Confederate territory reported to be overrun by zombies? Who thought that one up? Once the team arrived at their destination, the story lost all cohesiveness. People did things here, people did things there. It was as if the director was throwing darts at notes on the wall for ideas. Story, story, story. You can't have a good movie without a good story and this feature severely lacked one.In summary, Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies has decent acting and zombie action. If you don't care about story, you may enjoy it.
George Taylor I'm sure this quickie piece of garbage was made to ride the tails of the barely enjoyable Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. The difference: This was made with a tenth of the budget and about a billionth of the talent. An absolutely horrible film, it might have been palpable if it was funny - which is isn't. Lame acting. Horrible special effects and one of the dumbest stories (its a stretch to call it this) ever put on film. I was surprised that this lame effort at making a tax break film wasn't done by that pantheon of horrible films, The Asylum. I can't warn the reader enough: AVOID THIS WORTHLESS PIECE OF CELLULOID! It may save you the brain cells I lost wasting my time with this.
sddavis63 Much to my surprise, I actually enjoyed Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. It was obviously silly, but had a decent atmosphere and did a credible job of blending historical events into a vampire story. So, although I knew the movies weren't related, I thought Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies might be worthwhile watching. I was so wrong!It's a dreadful movie. It features a passable performance from Bill Oberst, Jr. as Lincoln, but otherwise there's not much good to say about this. There's apparently been an outbreak of Confederate zombies after a battle, so Lincoln decides to personally lead a small force south to take them out. Lincoln has to do it, because he has experience dealing with zombies from his childhood. Now, what are you supposed to make of a movie that has Lincoln teamed up with - let's see - a mother-daughter team of prostitutes (the mother having been Lincoln's love interest long before), a very young Teddy Roosevelt, and Confederate General Stonewall Jackson? It's a serious question: what are you supposed to make of this?The zombies weren't awful. I thought they were actually more believable than the zombies in the big budget World War Z, but the plot and the dialogue was horrible. Granted, there was an attempt to fit Lincoln's assassination at the hands of John Wilkes Booth into this story-line, but the story-line itself was so ludicrous that the attempt couldn't be taken seriously.The only thing worse would be if someone decided to make a sequel by having an older Teddy Roosevelt charging up San Juan Hill doing battle with Spanish zombies. I just hope I don't give anyone an idea with that comment. (2/10)
rogerblake-281-718819 Henry Ford said that history is bunk and this film certainly lives up to this premise.In 60 years as a film fan I don't think I've ever seen such a load of old cobblers,on the other hand it was strangely entertaining,laugh out loud funny with a genuinely chilling climax. Here we have Abraham Lincoln seeing off zombies having already sorted out the vampires in a previous film.What's next,cursed Egyptian mummies,werewolves or even helping Dr Who to sort out the Daleks. Abraham Lincoln himself was fond of telling a tall story so I think he would have been quite amused at the idea. Not going to dwell on the so called plot too much but a film that depicts Lincoln,Stonewall Jackson,Pat Garrett,a young Teddy Roosevelt (bully for you son) Lincoln's ex girlfriend Mary Owens and A.N.Other (I'm not giving this one away) joining forces at Fort Pulaski to destroy zombies shows imagination at least. The ending is quite startling,the more discerning viewer might suss it out but it certainly caught me on the hop. How can one rate such a film,one for being such a load of old rubbish or ten for the sheer cheek and audacity and the laugh aloud moments.I think I will rate it somewhere in the middle and add an extra star for Bill Oberst Junior's convincing take on Lincoln.Was it just my imagination or did he sound very like Robert Duvall?What the heck give it another star for good old Stonewall Jackson's joke shop beard.