Men in Black 3
Men in Black 3
PG-13 | 25 May 2012 (USA)
Men in Black 3 Trailers

Agents J and K are time. J has seen some inexplicable things in his 15 years with the Men in Black, but nothing, not even aliens, perplexes him as much as his wry, reticent partner. But when K's life and the fate of the planet are put at stake, Agent J will have to travel back in time to put things right. J discovers that there are secrets to the universe that K never told him - secrets that will reveal themselves as he teams up with the young Agent K to save his partner, the agency, and the future of humankind.

Lawbolisted Powerful
PodBill Just what I expected
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
TheLittleSongbird Love the first 'Men in Black', still find it an immensely entertaining film with lots of fun, thrills and excitement. Was far less taken with the second film, it was not that awful to me but it wasn't great. While not as great as the first film (a tall order), 'Men in Black 3' from personal opinion, and most others, improves quite a bit on the second film. Could it have been better? Yes it could, and it's far from perfect, nothing done truly terribly but there are elements that come up short. But considering as expectations were not exactly high watching the film, with the worry that despite the appetising cast, that it would be one of those sequel too far films, 'Men in Black 3' was better than expected.The script is hit and miss, there is some fun and witty humour but also elements that feel long-winded and stale. The time travel elements of the story sees some sloppy logic inconstancies, and while emotional the ending felt rushed to me. As talented an actress Emma Thompson is she is wasted here in a far too brief role that she doesn't look completely comfortable in. Alice Eve is pretty bland. However, 'Men in Black 3' is a good-looking, slickly photographed film with imaginative production design and make up and polished effects. The music is suitably adrenaline pumping and atmospheric while Barry Sonnenfeld directs in a way highly suggestive of him remembering what made the first film click so well. Generally 'Men in Black 3' is spirited in pace, while having a mix of funny, witty jokes and emotional heart and a story that, while thin structurally and not the most original, has well choreographed action (the time jump is spectacular), fun escapism and charming buddy film elements. Will Smith oozes cool charisma, while Tommy Lee Jones (despite being underused) is suitably curmudgeonly. Jemaine Clement is a menacing and enjoyable mix of the sinister and the camp, while Michael Stulbarg's Griffin is flesh crawling. Stealing the film is the revelation that is Josh Brolin.In summary, pretty good third instalment, not top form but hardly bottom of the barrel. 7/10 Bethany Cox
Chakor Men in Black 3 has to be one of my top 5 favorite films of all time, along with the first Men in Black and a few others. With the five year anniversary of Men in Black 3 coming up, I figured that this would be a good time to finally write my review for it.The basic plot of the film involves a villain from the past who comes back for revenge on Agent K. Boris the Animal, played by Jemaine Clement, escapes from Lunarmax prison and goes back in time to July 16, 1969 to kill Agent K. With the timeline altered, the Boglodites begin a full scale invasion of Earth, and Agent J has to go back in time to save his partner. As much as I love Jemaine Clement's portrayal of Boris, the best part of the film has to be Josh Brolin as the young Agent K. He's near spot-on identical to Tommy Lee Jones in terms of voice, impression, and appearance. When I first saw the film, I was highly convinced that a younger version of Tommy Lee Jones went forward in time under the name "Josh Brolin" specifically so that he could play this part in the film. Needless to say, the chemistry between Agent J and the young Agent K is pulled off very well.As the two agents follow clues, they run into Griffin the Archanan (played by Michael Stuhlbarg), an alien capable of seeing all possible timelines at once. Griffin ends up giving the two agents the ArcNet defense system, which is a shield capable of protecting the Earth from the Boglodite invasion. It turns out that the ArcNet needs to be attached to the Apollo 11 rocket, which is a part of the story that I found very creative. There is also a very emotional part at the ending that I won't spoil.While it has its fair share of plot holes (what time travel films don't?) and it's not the greatest film in the whole world, Men in Black 3 most definitely succeeds where Men in Black II failed, and it is a more than worthy sequel to the original. If you're a fan of the franchise and haven't seen the film yet, or if you're just into alien and time travel stories, you need to see Men in Black 3. You don't know what you're missing.
Jack Venturo Greetings Movie Lovers and Movie Makers! This month we will be discussing "Men in Black 3" of course you can't talk about a sequel without talking about the one that started it all. So let's travel back in time! (Fitting isn't it?) Back to a simpler era, Back in the day when things when things where less complicated, and our modems where loud and obnoxious… 1997! "Men in Black" was out in the theaters and we loved every minute of it! Why? Because it was new and fresh, it was sci-fi and comedy, it had gadgets and special effects that where not over the top, it had a bit of the new world (CGI) and a bit of the old world (Rick Baker) but of course you can't forget, the movie was pining together two of our favorite actors Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. We had fun watching it! Until we saw "Men in Black 2" (2002) well, things got a little weird, the love interest from the first movie was gone and a new love interest was introduced who at the end of the movie was… well, gone! And it left us with a weird feeling of abandonment, the two movies felt a bit unfinished. Of course we didn't feel this stronger than when we heard about "Men in Black 3" and then to hear all of the behind the scenes fiasco that where occurring with the production of the film, (They have no ending, its being rewritten by Will Smith, etc. etc.) Let's get to the point! Jack the "The Film Lover" says... "Men in Black 3" was FUN! It was a good ride! It had the best villain out of the three films and dare I say it? The best MIB so far. Even though you changed the recipe and replaced actors and took out some familiar ones. I loved it… But how? and why? Well to answer these questions here is… Jack "The Filmmaker"… when making a sequel you need to remember your audience. They are coming back to see the continuing story of your hero (In this case Heroes) you want to see what they are up to again, and see them get into and out of the same jams as they did before! and well maybe a couple of new ones. But remember like a great recipe for a good meal you need to change things up a bit for the next time your guests visit, maybe a new diner set or a new side dish or wine to go along with the main course. How about a new actor? Or a new era in time! And how do you do all of that successfully? "MIB 3" did it! Tommy Lee Jones was replaced with Josh Brolin for most of the film and even though this was a risky move, he pulled it off and it's actually not that noticeable. When dealing with Time Travel you need to remember the holly trilogy "Back to The Future" like an ex-girlfriend we hold everyone else up to her standard! And BTTF is no different. The basic principal to follow when making a time travel movie? KEEP IT SIMPLE! Set the rules and follow them, that's it, MIB 3 did it just right. Of course I'm not about to give you any spoilers that the trailer already revealed but let's talk about the premise, "Go back in time to save your friend". The film goes from saving the world like all the others before to a very personal matter, which adds to the edge of your seat excitement. And like a great "Part 3" it brings you back full circle to the first film at the end. Boris was a real threat with secrets of his own. His weapons where original and his threat was high! the movie on the whole has it all, action, adventure, fun, excitement, sci –fi and above all… heart! A movie without heart is just flash and boom and who cares about flash and boom unless you have a reason for it. Oh and Jack "The Parent" says take the kids but have a talk with them about what Special Effects are and that the weird aliens in the movie are not real, there are some things in it that could give a kid nightmares, so far my 4, 8 and 9 year old loved it! Till next time folks this is Jack, signing off!
Tweekums This, the final 'Men in Black' film, opens with a jail break; it involves no ordinary prisoner and no ordinary prison… Boris the Animal, a Boglodite, has been incarcerated in a Super-Max prison on the moon for forty years and he now wants his revenge on the man who put him there… Agent K. Once back on Earth he unsuccessfully attacks K. Agent J asks him about Boris but he doesn't want to talk about it and all the files are highly classified. He does eventually learn that K stopped Boris at Cape Canaveral and the day of the Apollo XI launch and saved the planet by deploying a device known as the 'ArcNet'.Boris hasn't given up his plan for revenge and travels back in time… the next day Agent J is the only person for remembers K. History has been changed; this time Boris killed K and ArcNet wasn't deployed. Now the Boglodites are about to destroy Earth. Agent Jay must travel back in time to save his former partner and help stop Boris. It won't be easy though; nobody in 1969 knows Agent J and the world then was rather different to that in 2012.This film is a solid conclusion to the Men in Black trilogy. It opens well with an exciting jailbreak; this introduces Boris well as it shows us how dangerous he is. The time travel plot is fun; I particularly liked how most of the aliens in 1969 looked like men in costumes rather than the CGI aliens of 2012… just like typical sci-fi of the time! There were plenty of good gags; perhaps the best being when they meet Andy Warhol… I was expecting the obvious gag about him really being an alien but this was brilliantly dodged by having him be an undercover Man in Black. The final confrontation between Agents J and K and the two Borises (the one from 2012 and the original 1969 one) was exciting and having it take place at the Apollo XI launch was rather fun. The ending was a bit twee but not enough to spoil the story… in fact I'm sure many viewers will really like it. Will Smith does a fine job as Agent J and Tommy Lee Jones is fun as the taciturn 2012 Agent K. Josh Brolin is a welcome addition as 1969 Agent K and Jemaine Clement makes a good bad guy as Boris. Sadly 'Frank the Pug' doesn't even get a mention in this film which is a pity as he was one of the funniest characters in the previous film. Overall this was a fun conclusion to the trilogy.