Hot Wax Zombies on Wheels
Hot Wax Zombies on Wheels
| 01 January 1999 (USA)
Hot Wax Zombies on Wheels Trailers

A sleepy fishing village is terrorized by a band of hairless zombies on motorcycles.

Executscan Expected more
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Sabah Hensley This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Kanexz My only requirement is production value. I'm just not down with 7th grade video projects for the camera club. That brings us to this. This is just friggen pathetic. FIN
myteenpopstar Granted this will not win any awards, but I found it funny, in a stupid kind of way. The director obviously didn't intend for the film to be a serious horror film, and it's in the very presentation of it being a serious film that makes it funny. To me, this is a grab-a-beer-sit-and-giggle movie. It's a little slow in the first 15 minutes, but then seems to pick up tempo. The soundtrack is great! I've been looking for the soundtrack to buy, but can;t seem to find it. For anyone interested in seeing this - there's very little skin, though it does have some topless scenes. It's a romp, if you're in a silly mood. Having been around independent productions, the screen quality of this film is tremendous.
TheVid Lots of amateurs behind and in front of the camera for this grade-z home movie, but not one of them is able to bring anything of value to this schlock. There's not a single joke that works. Oh well, the DVD makes an interesting drink coaster.
pumaye This movie is one of the worst I have seen in all of my life (and I've seen very bad movies): it's a total incorehent mess, a comedy of horror that isn't able to bring out a single laugh from you. Even the several nude scenes are ludicrous at best. A movie that need to be buried into hot wax for the rest of time