Open Grave
Open Grave
R | 02 January 2014 (USA)
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A man awakes-- without memory -- in a pit full of bodies and must figure out if the people who rescued him are the killers, or if he is the murderer.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Leofwine_draca OPEN GRAVE is a low budget US horror film, shot in Hungary with an international cast. Although it threatens to be of the usual psycho-in-the-woods variety, it actually turns out to be something a lot more interesting. It's a well-shot little escapade, a thriller in which most of the thrills are provided by the constant twists in the narrative designed to wrong-foot the viewer at every turn. It's only right at the end that you finally figure out what's going on and it all makes sense.The film starts off quite remarkably, with likable lead Sharlto Copley (DISTRICT 9) waking up in a pit full of dead bodies. He's soon rescued by a small group of people, but it quickly transpires that there's a psycho amid the group. This film goes down the whodunit route for a while before jumping into unforeseen territory which is all for the better. I enjoyed it as it kept me guessing throughout. Copley is very good, as always, and Thomas Kretschmann and Josie Ho give solid support.
bbriddell Seems like a movie written from the end to the beginning.No real character development. The mysterious element of the movie is used to cover up a lack of story/story development.Over contrived mess that eventually has you fast forwarding through to the ending to see if it was worth even 15 mins of your time. Nope.I approached this as a student film or the unpolished type of film. Unfortunately, no matter how much rope you give this movie; it still hangs itself.I watched because some of the reviews were not gre8, just OK and figured at least it would be worth a watch. Nope.My advice, pass on this one.
amesmonde A man wakes up in an open grave pit with no memory of who he is or how he got there. Later he encounters a group of people with the same amnesia affliction and they try to workout who is who to survive random attacks from the crazed infected in the area. Not to be confused with Open Graves (2013) the premise itself from writers Chris and Eddie Borey is pretty intriguing but it never flows to meet its full potential turning into a zombie horror cliché by the end. Spanish director Gonzalo López-Gallego offers lots of style and suspense, as John played excellent by Sharlto Copley and the other characters suffering from memory loss piece together what going on with virus infected people attacking at any given moment. There's a novel idea of the infected being repelled by the dead. It's forest, mansion, body pits, abandoned complex and camp give López-Gallego's plenty of atmosphere accompanied by an ominous score.Along with Copley, Thomas Kretschmann is notable as paranoid Lukas, sadly Max Wrottesley's interesting character Michael who is not as clever as the others gets killed off disappointingly too soon. Open Graves is wonderfully filmed with overhead shots, lighting storms, earthly wooden shacks, gritty cells and it has great sound design to match. There's also some nicely executed make up effects. Where as the likes of Eerie 13 flows on its low budget, Graves feels expensive but doesn't seem know what to do with the small stellar cast in the paranoia scenes which become repetitive. Borrowing from The Crazies, Night of the Living Dead and I am Legend's set ups to name a few with the impending trigger happy army, the infected attacking the house and experimental drugs, it falls short as anyone familiar with the genre is always one step ahead of the characters which becomes increasingly frustrating. Certainly worth watching for López-Gallego's grounded spin on the genre, nuances and Copley's fine performance but comes with the aforementioned advisory notes.
hprashantarora 6.3 out of 10 for this movie? Are you kidding me? I have seen my share of horror flicks and Open Grave is certainly ranks among the best, at least in my opinion. It's a slow burn and that perhaps could be the reason why it received such a low rating. Yes, it does not have the frenetic energy of World War Z or the glossy sheen rendered by CGI overload in The Cabin in the Woods or the gross out factor of Hostel. Open Grave stands on it's own by the virtue of it's ability to deliver a suspenseful story which starts as a murder mystery and then evolves into a completely different beast while at the same time pitting the stripped personality of central characters against their primal instincts- all set against a very bleak and rather increasingly strange background and no one has a clue as to what will happen next. The characters, just like the audience, make one gruesome discovery after the other, not just about their circumstances but about themselves as well since they are all amnesiac but one. Who is that one person and why is that one person so important? The suspense is edge of the seat and it leaves you guessing right up to the very last frame of the film. How many horror movies in your experience can claim that distinction? The story that Open Grave tells is certainly macabre or at least the treatment is, which I must say is handled rather very well.If you are not too nit-picky about revealing accents, as some reviewers are, and like a good story with some very good acting, writing, cinematography, and a slow and steady buildup with a decent payoff then this movie is for you. And, don't worry- there will never be a mind numbing sequel/prequel to this one; unlike Saw (one of my favorites) this one forces the audience to use their brains rather than pulling a fast one.