Rise of the Footsoldier
Rise of the Footsoldier
R | 01 December 2008 (USA)
Rise of the Footsoldier Trailers

Rise of the Footsoldier follows the inexorable rise of Carlton Leach from one of the most feared generals of the football terraces to becoming a member of a notorious gang of criminals who rampaged their way through London and Essex in the late eighties and early nineties.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
adonis98-743-186503 The life of career criminal Carlton Leach. Rise of the Footsoldier is 98% Sex, Bad Language and Drugs alongside alot of people getting punched in the nose. The acting is horrible, the characters are terrible and i didn't feel anything regarding anyone and the film has this Ritchie vibe that it tries to achieve and it fails when on the same time it tries to become the Next 'Departed' or something along those lines and it fails hard on all levels that a good biography needs to have. (0/10)
peyo_georgiev Rise of the Footsoldier it's not only about football hooliganism, it is about your way of life with football violence inside you. But the most important message is that everything in your life depends of you, your way of life, your decisions, and maybe the border of your life - your friend environmental. Truly naturalistic movie, but with a lot of sense.
Leofwine_draca RISE OF THE FOOTSOLDIER is one of the better-known and more well-liked of the low budget British gangster films that have been doing the rounds in the last decade. I was pleasantly surprised by the film's incredible violence quota; this is a brutal film in which thuggishness is a way of life and beatings, torture, and violent death are just around the corner for every character.As a film it does suffer from the usual problems associated with this genre. The script is full of expletives but very little wit. The story is meandering in places, starting out with some tacked-on football hooligan stuff before getting better as it goes on, retelling the infamous 'Essay boy' murders of the 1990s. The main character (and actor) are quite dull, but the supporting cast are pretty entertaining, in particular Craig Fairbrass, whose larger-than-life turn is the best I've seen from him. RISE OF THE FOOTSOLDIER is no masterpiece, but the quality of other, similar fare makes this one stand out.
t_atzmueller Reading all those devastating reviews (or shall we say, predominently devastating) about this movie, I have to break a lance for „Rise of the Footsoldier". Sure, this movie isn't for everyone. For example, if films like "Fried Green Tomatoes" or "The Hours" are among your favourites and if you're more of a Wim Wenders- / Sergei Eistenstein-type, well, this might not exactly be your kind of film. Same goes if you're not into violence or cussing.However, there are other types: those who don't mind the violence- and cussing-bits. Quiet the opposite.True enough, the direction is no masterwork and the story often disjointed, always fearful of loosing a moment of violence and mayhem. But it's the characters, which make the film interesting: Ricci Harnett is a suitable, shark-like 'protagonist', one cannot help but admire the tenacity with which Terry Stone spews out obscenities and violence at an equal measure and, again, if you're not the type who enjoys Craig Fairbrass cutting up a pizza-boy with a pizza-cutter (cussing all the while), well, this movie wasn't made for you. Special mention should go to Frank Harper, who, despite only making a short appearance, is brilliant as ever and makes a spin-chilling murderous psychopath. Never was an actor more cut out to play hooligans, brutes and thugs.Did I mention that the movie is violent? Very, very violent. The violence in "Rise of the Footsoldier" keeps a fine balance between exaggerated-, comic-book gore and realistic brutality, heading to the level of 'exploitive', but, as said, the film never pretends to be a moral play or romantic comedy.Lingual-wise, the better part of the dialogue – the one that's not about committing crimes, taking drugs or beating up people – is reserved for two words. IMDb etiquette won't allow me to post the full context but that this review and add at least one "FAK" and one "KANT" to each sentence; you'll get the picture. I must also admit, although I'm not a native English-speaker, I generally have no troubles watching films in English – with a few exception; among those exceptions it "Rise of the Footsoldier", which forced me to turn on the subtitles. Wouldn't want to miss one of the verbal obscenities, would you?Definitely one of the better British gangster and hooligan films; I give it 7 FAKIN points out of 10 points, KANT.By the way, "Bounded by Blood", after "The Essex Boys" and "Rise of the Footsoldier", the third re-telling of the Rettendon Range Rover murders, should be thoroughly avoided by people who enjoyed this film, especially since it has been billed as "Footsoldier 2" in some countries. Despite a similar cast and storyline, that movie was a real zero-pointer.