Blue Velvet
Blue Velvet
R | 19 September 1986 (USA)
Blue Velvet Trailers

Clean-cut Jeffrey Beaumont realizes his hometown is not so normal when he discovers a human ear in a field, the investigation soon catapulting him toward a disturbed nightclub singer and a drug-addicted sadist.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
wijajo-72563 I liked some parts, but was really put off by some one dimensional characters (Frank's goons were comical, Frank was mad but completely unbelievable and Sandy was the vacuous and dreamy young girl). Dorothy was a complete mystery and yet her character was never explained. Jeffery seemed to have some character development in the car scene, but it was fleeting and then he reverted back to his old character. None of this was the cinematic genius I was hoping for. If you want a film that says that rural suburbia has a dark underbelly, try Hot Fuzz. It's not an intellectual film, yet explores that concept just as well as Blue Velvet.I wanted to like this film, but there's only so many stars I can give for an unexpected grass scene.
nowego This is a movie you have to watch more than once to really start to like it. My rating was initially much lower than the current 8/10 after my first viewing, once I had seen it a few more times I really started to appreciate it for the gem that it is.David Lynch is one seriously twisted genius, if anything this movie is pretty much a testament to this. While startling with it's disturbing portrait of a seemingly pristine suburbia gone bad, the story telling is actually pretty reeled in and less bizarre than some of his other films. Lynch is a master of symbolism and cleverly shows the viewer binary oppositions, underscoring how man has the capacity to be noble or diabolical.This movie made me a big fan of Laura Dern, she is absolutely mesmerizing in this movie and her low whisper like sentences make the viewer fall in love with her elegance. The music by Roy Orbison is also just brilliant, but I have always been a fan.The use of colors in the film are masterful, purple, pink, magenta, green, blue. It's like each scene is a painting. This is one of those movies that really makes you remember why you like movies in the first place. Highly recommended and one you just have to watch more than once to really appreciate.
TheBigSick First, the plot lacks credibility. Jeffrey's father gets a serious stroke and Jeffrey should be more concerned with his father. However, in the movie, Jeffrey acts like a SJW and a pervert. He messes up with a married woman Dorothy, and fights with the bad guys that torture Dorothy. Jeffrey almost ignores his father. Secondly, the storytelling is horrible. Telling a simple story in a complicated way, is the last thing a director should do. The narrative is just unfocused. What is the point of the sex scene between Dorothy and Jeffrey? Third, character development is a total failure. Who does Jeffrey love? Dorothy or Sandy? I'm afraid even himself does not have an answer. Why does Sandy give up on Mike? What is in her mind? The main antagonist, Frank, is just flat and one-dimensional, and nobody knows his motive. He is just a psychopath? Fourth, the music score is strange. It always appears at an improper time with no purpose.Finally, with nothing in stake, there is no thrill at all. It should not be called a thriller. Instead, we can categorize it as a non-thriller. All in all, the rating for this movie is 0/10.
dissident320 This movie had been on my to-watch list for probably 10 years. I have seen the majority of Lynch's movies but some of the older ones had eluded me for some reason. Really glad I finally watched it. Out of the gate: The remastered version looks fantastic. Vivid colours and doesn't look the least bit dated. Even the fashion is pretty understated for an 80s movie. Kyle MacLachlan plays kind of a moon-eyed young adult that gets in a little over his head. Laura Dern has such a wonderful understated performance as well. Which was that much more enjoyable knowing that she went on to do much more intense and at times crazy characters. Dennis Hopper is playing a villain type that he certainly revisit a few times in his career. But here he is full of menace rather than Super Mario Bros super-villain. He's sadistic, violent and frightening. While at the same time seeming to enjoy himself. Probably the only performance I wasn't that impressed was Isabella Rossellini's. She has her moments but her anguish at times felt a bit like soap- opera acting. The story overall moves along quite well and this is one of Lynch's more straight-forward movies. I was slightly disappointed that I wasn't surprised by anything that happened. The ending was quite conventional if you compare it to some of his later works. But it's still such a great story told in that 'Lynchian' way that I couldn't help but thoroughly enjoy it.