Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
R | 28 August 1992 (USA)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me Trailers

In the questionable town of Deer Meadow, Washington, FBI Agent Desmond inexplicably disappears while hunting for the man who murdered a teen girl. The killer is never apprehended, and, after experiencing dark visions and supernatural encounters, Agent Dale Cooper chillingly predicts that the culprit will claim another life. Meanwhile, in the more cozy town of Twin Peaks, hedonistic beauty Laura Palmer hangs with lowlifes and seems destined for a grisly fate.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Sober-Friend This has been a favorite film for me to watch sine I first saw this in 1992. At first I was wondering where all my favorite characters from "Twin Peaks" were but after awhile I forgot all about that and enjoyed this film. This film doesn't really deal with the town of "Twin Peaks". This is the Laura Palmer Story. In this film we are a witness to her final 7 days of her life. This film may not be for everyone but it is a great film period. Now many people might be confused about the plot here. I highly recommend that you search the internet for the Q@ FAN EDIT. AS much I love the theatrical edition the Fan edit is much better. It runs 3 1/2 hours!
MartinHafer "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me" is a film made just after the TV series "Twin Peaks" and covers material leading up to the beginning of the first episode of the series. The show begins with a different FBI agent (Chris Isaac) investigating the death of Teresa Banks...a year before Laura Palmer was killed by the same perpetrator. This, and a brief appearance by Kyle McLaughlen, make up the beginning portion which lasts about 20 minutes. The rest consists of seeing Laura Palmer during the final week of her life.So why did I say in the summary that it was rather unnecessary? Well, this is because there weren't any surprises....after seeing the series you know who Bob is and because of this I didn't see a lot of reason for the film. Plus, although Lara Flynn Boyle refused to appear in the movie, she was a very important character and it's obvious that Moira Kelly is NOT Boyle. Finally, the film is much grittier than the series. You couldn't show the nudity and extreme violence of the film in the TV series....but, for me, I did NOT need to see Laura's breasts or all the blood. Sorry....just didn't get a lot out of this one...even though I did enjoy the series.
Smoreni Zmaj This stands as independent movie that can be watched even without any knowledge of TV show, but in that case you probably won't like it. It is meant for fans of series and it rounds it perfectly. Chronologically, movie is prequel to the show, but in my opinion, it is perfect final episode. It is significantly darker and heavier than series and it lacks that distinctive charm and atmosphere we got to love during original series, but it does not make it any less awesome. My only objection is new actress in Dona role, cause she's not anywhere close to looks, charm and energy Lara Flynn Boyle had. Beside that, I'm sorry that movie does not show bunch of characters from series that, I'm sure, we all wanted to see one last time. Many of them were included in shooting of this movie but their scenes were cut in final version. This is very good movie, but I would not recommend watching it without thorough knowledge of previous TV show.8/10
Lovekrafft Just finished watching this to refresh my memory in anticipation of the 2017 third season of the show. (note: fans of True Detective season 1 may find some parallels in this movie's subject matter).It is hard to pin this movie (and TV series) down because it is part mystery, horror and metaphysical analysis. What motivates people to do harm may be beyond our control, reaching deep into our subconscious to find the basic elements of man's ego. What we cover in layers of identity are only one tragedy away from revealing the underlying forces.The central mystery is in how Leland Palmer became Bob. Was Leland always sick and thus allowed a more powerful entity like Bob to enter and take his depravity to the level of murder? Or does it go way further back, perhaps suggesting Leland was himself one of Bob's victims. The focus of the show is on Laura's death, but figuring out the structure of the Black Lodge is something many wrestle with.I will close by saying Lynch's remarkable insight and ability shines in this movie.
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